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TURNABOUT IS NOT FAIR PLAY HERESubmitted by Roldo on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 16:48.
As I’m writing these days about the underhanded suppression of Cleveland’s electric system by the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., it appears that some of the same shameful acts are now pursued on the part of the city’s electric system against public reaction to the building of a coal powered facility. Bill Callahan in his blog, Callahan’s Cleveland Diary ( us about it. The issue also is detailed here also in the Ohio Citizen Action report ( It’s a case where powerful interests are trying to keep citizens muzzled in their protests. The protest in Meigs County centers on the construction of a $3 billion coal plant and contributing pollution. Cleveland has a position in its construction as a source of future power. The law firm, Chester, Wilson & Saxbe, wants to quite any protest by bringing one of those lawsuits that tells ordinary people they have no rights, or at least they can’t pay the price of having rights. Not surprising one of the leaders is Charles Saxbe of Chester, Wilson & Saxbe. Saxbe is the son of former Republican Sen. William Saxbe. Suppression of public distaste for being poisoned apparently runs in the DNA of high public officials.
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