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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast CommentPostedsort icon
ImageThere are over 97 VERY private hospitals in Cleveland...these are a few of them mabeldog43 hours 17 min ago12/23/2016 - 13:09
ImageDemos for developers (and friends of county officials) lmcshane183 hours 21 min ago02/18/2012 - 21:23
Blog entryFIRE GUS FRANGOS lmcshane96 days 23 hours ago01/11/2024 - 05:02
Blog entryWhere are they now??? Housing Crisis Crooks? lmcshane21 week 7 hours ago06/29/2017 - 08:40
EventTIP Public Comment SFY2026-2029 lmcshane21 week 5 days ago03/15/2025 - 08:08
Blog entryRIP Kevin Cronin lmcshane03 weeks 3 days ago03/06/2025 - 14:24
ImageCleveland Press article on Red Line Greenway from 1981 lmcshane33 weeks 5 days ago02/09/2025 - 09:40
ImageDefund NOACA lmcshane24 weeks 1 day ago08/21/2023 - 19:03
ImageTIP 2026 -2029 lmcshane04 weeks 1 day ago03/01/2025 - 09:18
ImageODOT Tremont bridge- Buhrer School lmcshane14 weeks 5 days ago02/25/2025 - 09:14
ImageLEAD Safe - You're BLOCKED! lmcshane25 weeks 4 days ago11/30/2023 - 10:34
ImageToole Design Mobility Plan for City of Cleveland lmcshane06 weeks 3 days ago02/13/2025 - 10:10
Blog entryLive and let die lmcshane66 weeks 3 days ago03/19/2020 - 17:36
Blog entry Attorney Richard G. Johnson's editorial 3.7.23 -Reposted on Firing of Airica Steed lmcshane97 weeks 1 day ago08/11/2024 - 09:07
ImageThe Abyss mabeldog97 weeks 2 days ago10/22/2021 - 11:47
Blog entryUrban Community Skool money laundering operation mabeldog87 weeks 4 days ago12/13/2024 - 13:58
Blog entryA Tale of TWO 15 minute cities mabeldog658 weeks 6 hours ago05/09/2023 - 16:37
ImageZack Reed - HITS Nail on the HEAD w/Detroit Shoreway lmcshane38 weeks 3 days ago05/29/2018 - 07:26
Blog entryThank you Scott Noll, Mark Puente, Brittany Hailer -Ronayne must resign lmcshane09 weeks 1 day ago01/25/2025 - 09:51
Blog entryIT'S MLK DAY -- 11 DEG. F AND DROPPING -- MEET ME AT THE BIRD FEEDER! Satinder P S Puri19 weeks 1 day ago01/20/2025 - 23:43
ImageNO CERT response or coordination -City of Cleveland website down lmcshane29 weeks 4 days ago08/12/2018 - 10:27
Blog entryTransparency Camp in Cleveland 2016 lmcshane510 weeks 4 hours ago10/15/2016 - 21:10
Blog entryRob Curry, Michael Cosgrove - and new charlatan in the making lmcshane610 weeks 1 day ago03/20/2022 - 10:55
ImageMichael J. Houser also got CCLB house lmcshane110 weeks 1 day ago11/07/2024 - 14:58
Blog entryReform Cuyahoga County Treasurer's Office and Cuyahoga County Land Bank lmcshane110 weeks 5 days ago10/19/2024 - 06:32