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Urban Community Skool money laundering operationSubmitted by mabeldog on Fri, 12/13/2024 - 13:58.
Long LONG ago in the naive 1960's a couple of Ursuline nuns and a priest set up an alternative school at St Malchi parish, which in 1976 merged with St Wendelin where the school was located. It was not a traditional Catholic school but it had actual academic standards like all public schools USED TO HAVE in Cleveland back in the day. It operated under the parameters of a Catholic education but provided flexibility for students unable to conform to certain restrictive aspects of public school. In 2003 the Gallagher family, owners of a closed down factory at 49th and Lorain donated a parcel of land to build a new Urban Community School. In 2005 the new elementary school opened at 4809 Lorain. From the beginning until the present day the school provided an education for students in certain west side neighborhoods from Kindergarten through 8th grade. But it LONG AGO ceased to have any connection to the Catholic Church. Or any measurable academic standards. The Catholic Church OFFICIALLY cut them loose in 2019 when they opened an onsite Metro Health clinic in a building they own. Metro Health provides abortion "counseling" and up until Mike DeWine reluctantly signed a bill, having been overruled by the Ohio legislature banning transgender mutilation of children, gender transition "counseling". There was a LOT OF MONEY at stake for hospitals for child mutilation and not at all coincidentally Mike DeRino's major donors were "health" care organizations. But THAT is a topic for another time. Urban Community SKOOL very grandly boasts NOT a principal but a president. His name is Tom Gill and Urban Community SKOOL has gone from receiving the National Blue Ribbon schools award in 1988 to REFUSING to release the school grades of their elementary skool students LIKE EVERY OTHER PUBLIC SCHOOL IN OHIO DOES to the State of Ohio Department of Education. Hiding behind their "private school status" BUT AT THE SAME TIME DEMANDING PUBLIC SCHOOL VOUCHERS from the attendees. They have approximately 666 students depending on who is counting but dozens and dozens of support staff with mysterious titles like food coordination officer and family participation liaison and national presentation co-ordinator. Not to mention dozens of teachers and assistants. ONLY 45 students "graduated" from 8th grade and have allegedly gone on to 56 different high schools. Hmmmmmmmmm. And even though 85% of the students get vouchers WHICH THE SKOOL REQUIRES and ALSO must live in impoverished nayboorhoods on the west side of Cleveland, somehow a lucky few have moved on to potential greatness at Hathaway Brown and the Laurel School. The rest have been shoveled are into the danger zones at Lincoln West and Rhodes. The Skool operates under 2 separate entities according to their registrations with the Ohio Secretary of State. The Urban Community School Property Organization formed in 2003 the year they got the giant property donation from the Gallaghers and Urban Community School formed in 1968 dba as the PM foundation as of 12/9/2020. Their vast sprawling real estate empire stretching for dozens and dozens of city blocks between W 46 and W 52 and Lorain and the tracks is held by a variety of names sometimes not even mentioning either of those "non profits". From churches to 2 family houses to single family houses to hastily demoed properties in excellent condition. And to what end??
El Presidente Gill ALSO has a staff of bus drivers and maintenance workers who clandestinely double as "property acquisition officers" and are currently shaking down minority home owners on W 50 and W 52. They are being threatened that the city will condemn their houses if they don't sell to Urban Skool. Urban SKOOLS has zero intention of expanding classrooms space or opening a high school. And yet they own an EVER EXPANDING vast real estate empire valued at $82 million. They collect $700,000 in tuition BUT $9 MILLION IN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GRANTS. Probably most of it from the soon to be eliminated Department of Education. NON education facilities on the Skool campus include a squash court, a lacrosse field, a Refuge response and the most egregious of ALL the discriminatory brainwashing "non" profit Facing History and Hating Whites. What are the plans for all this new real estate.?? A 3 story BLM Ohio Headquarters? An Antifa Workshop CentRE? Asking for a friend.
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"Mac" Clough DIRECTOR of early childhood education at UCSkool
Mac Clough formerly known as Abigail is the Director of EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION at the Skool and is "looking for a new toddler teacher." According to the job description "it is an incredible opportunity to impact the first 2000 days of a child's life, THE MOST CRITICAL TIME FOR BRAIN DEVELOPMENT." Isn't that a role that should exclusively belong to PARENTS. Not a day care transitioning into an elementary school with no measureable state certified performance standards. What about good old fashioned book learning? NOT BRAINWASHING aka grooming. Mac Clough is ALSO the founder and chief operating officer of CLEstrative a non profit that has not filed an IRS 990 a requirement of ALL non profits. CLEstorative is all about restorative "justice" and "provides training and consulting and education for adults in social services and educational fields. In the 2 years since it was founded there is no web page, and no apparent clients.
High Finance at Urban Community SKOOL
Christopher Lund lasted 2 years as the "Chief Financial Officer" and then hastily retired. He has been replaced by Dana Lutz who spent the last 5 1/2 years as the "head of research and development, personal lines" at Farmer's Insurance.......
The Great W 47th St property grab
El Presidente Tomaso Gill, using his on staff thugs known as Property Acquisition Officers, managed to get MOST of the property owners on W 47th St between Lorain and Turn to cave in to his threats. For example Deniz Eren had an expiring lead safe certificate at 2015 W 47th. BOOM. The house was CONDEMNED, sold to El Presidente and TORN DOWN. Assembling an impressive collection of parcels 00620094, 00620095, 00620096, 00620097, 00620100, 00620101, 00620102, 00620144, 00620145, 00620150 and strong arming the city into eliminating all those parcel numbers and using an all encompassing parcel number for all those lots. And the winner is 00620157. Now you MAY notice there are SOME gaps for example 00620098 00620099 and a LOT of parcels between 00620102 and 00620144. But hey it's all good who says a parcel number can't jump over properties. With the co-operation of the city of Cleveland inspector Mark C Mcginley who eagerly signs off on all the demolitions, properties with ZERO CODE VIOLATIONS are torn down en masses to "correct cond."thereby AVOIDING applications to the Planning Commission and then off to C & J Contracting 866 Addison (which is NOT an address on the fiscal office page) fast tracking the demolition of "condemned properties", which WERE in fact totally liveable and then submitting a bill to El Presidente as an example for $78,000 for the demolition of just 4 properties the path was set for a new building. AWESOME. 2015 W 47th is now proudly owned by UCS Property III LLC. A BIG BEAUTIFUL CONSTRUCTION SITE. And what ever could be going up there? A fabulous "athletic center" because that is what El Presidente does. Build racquet ball and athletic centers for the "kids". There actually Is a city owned athletic center with a huge park abutting it JUST DOWN THE STREET AT W 65th and LORAIN. What about releasing the GRADES of the students who all this grifting possible. And on the OTHER side of W 47 a collection of parcels from 00620109-00620114 is now called 00620154 WITH NO ADDRESS owned by PM FOUNDATION INC and a big new"office" building with central air conditioning sits its fat ass on the lot. It is ALREADY $16,138.24 BEHIND on property taxes and it was only built 2 years ago. What goes ON in that building. NOT EDUCATION. Not classrooms. Not teaching Grade 1 through 8.
With fistfuls of cash from OUR TAXES, El Presidente has just purchased on 11/26/2023 a large double house IN GREAT CONDITION at 2025 W. 52nd for $400,000. Mark McGinley is probably on speed dial to get that permit for demolition ready for action from C & J Contractors.
MEANWHILE over at the Skool, fake prayers are prayed to the great god of green energy. And climate justice. And DEI. And transgender rights. By 666 kids who are being used to cover the REAL agenda of El Presidente.
$15,000,000 “athletic center” for 10 year olds in the ‘hood
Much like the late El Presidentes in Cuba, no lavish expenditures of public money is spared by Cleveland's very own meglomanic El Presidente Tom Gill. He had a vision of a $$$$$tate of the art 15 million dollar athletic complex on occupied land abutting the Metro Health Center that by the way PAY$$$$RENT to Urban Community $kool and Money Laundering LLC. When his coterie of court jesters DARED to suggest that the 666 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS might be better served by the construction of a high school, they were immediately dismissed. Ain't no money in THAT, said Plus Size El Presidente primly.
He called in his personal Cleveland building inspector and just like that ALL the properties on W. 47th with ZERO CODE VIOLATIONS were INSTANTLY approved for demolition to be carried out by the legendary Demo King C & J Contractors. To "correct cond." The mysterious phrase on every demo permit allowing El Presidente to circumvent the Cleveland Planning Department process. On a single day in March 2024 C & J bulldozed 4 houses AND COMPLETED AN ASBESTOS SURVEY ALL THE SAME DAY. Three of the properties were "eliminated" on W 47 and for good measure the earth movers cruised around the corner WHILE CJ was in the neighborhood and they also knocked down 2042 W 50. Total bill $78,000. Kind of steep when you consider UCS only collects $700,000 in tuition. It's for the CHILDREN after all. But there is that $9 million from the soon to be eliminated Department of Education. Where is the rest of the money coming from for this athletic facility where there are not one but TWO FREE athletic facilities within a mile of the soon to be built. Michael Zone Recreation center AND NEAR WEST RECREATION CENTER. And who died and made El Presidente king.
Word salad mission statement
On Guidestar, where it is noted that the profile for Urban Community School needs more information. THIS word salad isn't enough information??? Let's sample the word salad bar. "...strives to break social and economic barriers to providing an individualized innovative and challenging eduaction" As my high school English teacher taught US DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS. Wait there's more. Non details. "Rooted in the Ursuline Sisters tradition of faith".....which by the way no longer applies sincde the Ursuline sisters left in 2019. The "religion" and "prayers" do not mention Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but rather "peace, justice, tolerance, inclusivity and reverance for the federal government, the WHO, the WEF and the United Nations. "UCS engages our faculty, families and COMMUNITY partners in the successful WHOLE CHILD development of students." PHEW. So that is A WHOLE OF NOTHING. What about GRADES, specific state of Ohio performance indicators. El Presidente is above all that. The Whole Child thing isn't about grades. Because if it WAS the skool would be in trouble.
And where in that mind numbing word salad does it say ANYTHING about property acquitsition and demolition.
$125,000 Tesla with handicapped tag
I noticed a $125,000 Tesla Cybertruck today parked in the numero uno handicapped spot right by the door of the Urban Skool and Money Laundering LLC. Is obesity the "handicap"? Could it belong to El Presidente Tomaso Gill? That's quite a car for a humble inner city school principal. I'm waiting until January 20 2025 to report this whole scandalous operation to DOGE.
Elect LaVerne Gore Jones as Mayor
Mr. Bibb here are some hard truths: we are one of the poorest cities in America.
Urban Skool and US AID and CATHOLIC "charities"
So going through Tomaso Gill, El Presidente's 2023 IRS 990 for Urban Community Skool, which is available for ANYONE to see on Guidestar, again I point out some very strange facts about the financial operation of the mega empire of "non" profits, real estate holdings through threats and coercion of the local residents surrounding it and money laundering 101. In 2023 the skool had 765 students who paid $623,606 in tuition. The salaries for the employees was $7,362,520 in 2022 and $8,457,014 in 2023 including El Presidente's $275,000 salary with benefits,enabling him to buy a Tesla Truck with handicapped plates for EZ parking. Luckily the gap between tuition and employee salaries was met by "government grants" totalling $9,955,281 in 2022 and $9,417,269 in 2023. And investment income $1,579,831 in 2022 and $779,423 in 2023. There was a slight drop off in grants and a much larger drop off in investment income between 2022 and 2023. HOW MUCH OF THAT GOVERNMENT FUNDING CAME FROM US AID AND CATHOLIC CHARITIES. AND the Department of Education. Go woke and NOW go broke. Asking for a friend of ELON'S