Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 02/11/2010 - 14:16.
You may have missed, as I did, an important profile of Martin Zanotti one of the leaders in the Cuyahoga County reform saga. Damian Guevara of the Scene gave us a revealing picture of the guy who has taken a lead in the transition stage for the new county government.
It’s not a pretty picture he paints.
The Plain Dealer has been hammering away on the issue of transparency as revealed by the fact that there have been private meetings by those set up to facilitate the changeover. Presently, the County is governed by three County Commissioners. The new reform voted in last November has a County Executive and a legislative 11-member County Council.
Once again we have public business being conducted privately. The issue became front-page news after a WCPN-radio show talk revealed that transition meetings had been closed to the public and to reporters.
After bad publicity on the radio and in the Plain Dealer along with a threat by the ACLU of a suit, the transition folk backed off. It will now meet publicly.
Here the link to the Zanotti story. It should be required reading for those following the reform move:
The REAL Zanotti
AFTER 7 unsuccessful attempts to post this at SCENE I am back here to you Roldo.
Zanotti vowed not to run for county executive because he knows that the real powers lays behind the throne pulling the strings. If they succeed in changing the role of county government from human and social services to economic development heaven help us. You can see all around us the results of "economic" development by these little potentates. Cornerstone in Parma Heights, The South Euclid shopping strip fiasco, Euclid's high end housing with views of the lake, Lakewood's West -End Folly. We are in for some tough times here in Cuyahoga County keeping these wolves' at bay. Adding the snarling and biting GCP hounds and their supposed victory of "county reform" we are looking at even more taxes for less service. God help us every one!
county reform seems to be anything but.
however it would seem that restructuring the county "could" confound the federal investigation.
oops - dunno where dem files went, DOH that position has been eliminated . . . oh he's relocated we have no further information . . . . kinda sweet like that
haven't heard anything that persuades this will be good for regular residents.