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Decisions by Dinosaurs - How Not to Elect in the 11th DistrictSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 09/08/2008 - 13:37.
How bad a shape are Cleveland and this area? As bad as it can get. Dinosaurs like Lou Stokes – for whom more buildings, roads and gutters are named than Tom Johnson – and Arnold Pinkney – who helped elect a mayor 40 years ago – are deciding who the next Congressman (woman) from the 11th district will be. Who gave them the right? Not me, not you. These guys have worn out their welcome as far as I’m concerned and I hope a lot of others agree. They intend, of course, to name the person they want for the post – Marcia Fudge. I have nothing against Fudge, the mayor of Warrensville Heights, except as THEIR candidate she becomes the candidate of people like Sam Miller, the Ratners and a whole host of other people who have been pulling strings around here too long. The time is short. But there must be a debate. There must be something more than a coronation by Lou Stokes, who took a job with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey when he left office and took a seat on the board of Forest City Enterprises. The same Forest City that sold land to the federal government for the newest federal court building named for Lou’s brother Mayor and Ambassador Carl Stokes. The news media have totally failed again. The time is short. But the urgency is great. The problem is that the news media keep going to these old goats and fail to inspire – or even give an opportunity – for new leadership to show itself in this town. The result? You damn sure know.
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interesting dialogues
This would be interesting in a public forum--how would we do the format? -- Like the one we did with Thomas Mulready in the library auditorium last year, for the sales tax increase/Medical Mart?
I think it should be podcast and also put on video, streaming if possible. The I-Open ladies are capable of that. The Meet.The.Bloggers setup is available as well.
I also want to do something along the same lines about the RTA situation. Mobility and funcitionality, along with time, comprise the new currency. If you're not as mobile as you could be, that might waste your time, and it's all a deterrent to accumulating wealth, or to the even and equitable distribution of assets.
The STJ conundrum
From an esteemed colleague and recovering attorney (my comments in parentheses):
There are two elections being held--The GENERAL Election to fill congressional seat next year (STJ was on the ballot this November.) Her spot on that ballot represents the democratic party-- so who replaces her is decided by the democratic party.
(So this is basically rigged--we have no say--is it determined by democratic precinct members traditionally strong-armed by the local party chair Dimora, but under the circumstances strong armed by Lou Stokes etc. or at least that is my understanding)
The other election is to determine who will fill the rest of the current term (ending in December) That is the SPECIAL Election. If more than one person in each party files to serve out that 6 week position then a primary will be held in October and the special election on Nov 14.
(At the cost of the State of Ohio! Democrats could save us millions by just coordinating their effort to insure that only one person files, say the person picked by the local democratic precinct members for the GENERAL election, but...NOO!! Made necessary in Ohio by ORC 3251.03 Filling vacancy in United States House of Representatives.
* See also House and Senate Vacancies: How Are They Filled?
Congressional Record Service:
CRS Report Number:
97-1009 GOV
The problem is that Tubbs-Jones died so close to the end of her term. There are no votes scheduled in the house after Sept 27, so who ever is elected to fulfill the end of her term actually won't be doing anything, but will be able to say they served in Congress.
*(Why the governor does not have the option to leave the seat vacant until the end of the term is beyond me...and why, if we bother to hold special election, that candidate doesn't become the candidate for the GENERAL election, is also beyond me. It all seems to be a fixed board game for players only.)