How bad a shape are Cleveland and this area?
As bad as it can get.
Dinosaurs like Lou Stokes – for whom more buildings, roads and gutters are named than Tom Johnson – and Arnold Pinkney – who helped elect a mayor 40 years ago – are deciding who the next Congressman (woman) from the 11th district will be.
Who gave them the right? Not me, not you.
These guys have worn out their welcome as far as I’m concerned and I hope a lot of others agree.
They intend, of course, to name the person they want for the post – Marcia Fudge.
I have nothing against Fudge, the mayor of Warrensville Heights, except as THEIR candidate she becomes the candidate of people like Sam Miller, the Ratners and a whole host of other people who have been pulling strings around here too long.
The time is short. But there must be a debate. There must be something more than a coronation by Lou Stokes, who took a job with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey when he left office and took a seat on the board of Forest City Enterprises. The same Forest City that sold land to the federal government for the newest federal court building named for Lou’s brother Mayor and Ambassador Carl Stokes.
The news media have totally failed again. The time is short. But the urgency is great.
The problem is that the news media keep going to these old goats and fail to inspire – or even give an opportunity – for new leadership to show itself in this town.
The result? You damn sure know.