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blogsArt: Trilogy, Anonymity, and Eclecticism, 100 pieces of African Art and African American ArtSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 01:31.
There are not many opportunities to see African art in Cleveland -- especially while the Cleveland Museum of Art is under renovation. Fortunately, there are some generous collectors with outstanding African collections in Cleveland. Art: Trilogy, Anonymity, and Eclecticism, 100 pieces of African Art and African American Art is an exhibition going on now through May 15th 2007 at the Cleveland Public Library, Main Library Building, 2nd Floor Exhibit Corridor, which taps into the collectors' and creators' spirits.
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Monet of the Day: The Church of Varengeville, Morning EffectSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 00:42.
The Church at Varengeville, Morning Effect is the most powerful work Monet created while on a painting campaign in Varengeville in 1882. The church of Saint-Valery is a Romanesque medieval church, built in the 12th-century, perched dramatically near the edge of a towering cliff. It has long been a mariners' church and many generations of local fisherman are buried in the cemetery.
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IS BLOGGING A WASTE OF TIME – OR GLOBALLY IMPACTFUL “SOCIAL COMPUTING”?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 19:16.
The “print screen”image above shows a clip of the tracking details for the “nuts and bolts” wind turbine post which was put up on Realneo several month’s ago. Notice the Google searches which came in from .cz, .no, and .ca
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Wana see my 45?Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 21:26.
At about 5:30 p.m. this evening I walked south bound on the Coventry Road sidewalk in front of City Buddha and two young teenage boys walked by me headed north. The shorter of the two stopped and pulled what looked like a pistol handle from his pocket and said, "wana see my 45?" The taller boy laughed.
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Expanding 3D growth theory: Perforated Pipe Theory (PPT)Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 22:37.
Some much anticipated R&R in beautiful Cincinnati has helped my culture, cultivate, and cognitively create a theoretical evolution. One of several growth mechanisms proposed as a key infrastructure component for Grow Coil Theory (GCT) is microperforation - penetrating piping with microsized miniature holes that allow high value growths 'root access'- this would apply beautifully as a stopgap or interim step in the channeling of human or animal waste to food streams (ethanol, compost, vermicompost). Imagine, for example, each length of pipe or even coiled spiral being approximated by formula CL = (2*Pi*radius*length) = acreage grown. IF the acreage grown refers to the inner surface area of any cylinder (or tube) - coiled or otherwise we could surmise that it would be slightly greater than equally possible to grow on the outer surface of any cylinder (or pipe), or coiled pipe for that matter. So we refer to the 'Chia Pet' variation as a growth infrastructure and in this case it would apply beautifully to grow green growths on the OUTER surface of any cylinder. In other words, we can grow on the inner surface of the cylinder and approximate THIS area as CL as well! My previously posted concept, to channel human feces (resolving the fecal matter) to foodstuff (ethanol, compost, etc) takes on a more interesting connotation to consider - we can grow green growths on the OUTER surface by penetrating pipes with perforations just large enough to allow plant 'root access' and in the process, keep a flowing food source for shrubbery and shrooms alike. again, this allows for oxygenation of sewage systems and helps us get to the ultimate goal of using sewage spaces more effectively and creating value in the process.
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dance video of the day Neil on a rollSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 13:41.
Neil Nisbet is masterful with this camera and getting the video up on the site for all to see. What a great service he does for dance company's in the UK and Europe! Thanks Neil! The latest installment is Verve. (not Verb)
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Be Leav'in Cleveland? Read today's "Journal" of record PDSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 07:33.
It has always bothered me to see full page ads in the Cleveland Plain Dealer for the traveling "Collectibles Buyers" who come into town for a few days to prey upon the most desperate citizens of our region, setting up shop in some seedy motel to buy jewelry, coins, watches, etc... the family treasures... from anyone they can scam. Recently, a local TV investigator did a segment on this sad practice, showing that the brokers offer their victims low values only the most pathetic fools would accept.
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The Future of Sustainable Organization and Development : Ring Cone Theory and Grow Coil Theory Unite!Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 17:49.
I thought I'd take this opportunity to tie together many of the theoretical pieces that I've developed and evolved over the years which just might comprise a holistic collection of synergistic sustainability submittals that comprise a body of work that could be considered contributive to the collective Whole. They all fit together in a seamless way, without wayward explanation needed. Ultimately these could be taken to begin to build a roadmap toward the ultimate vision - significant progress beyond the impending activation of the Genesis project, and the core change mechanisms and revenue driving efforts to drive it. To put it simply, I hope the world's change leaders take these and implement them as they see fit for their particular sphere of influence. If we take care to integrate structure, process and function meaningfully it should result in sustainable positive change. Recent dialogues with AI/change leaders from Nepal and Zambia bode well for implementation potential.
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We all hear about Hopkins Airport being a billion dollars in debt - putting the citizens of Cleveland on the hook for repayment and the airport at a huge competitive disadvantage. How about the Brown's Stadium - which
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At the CPL - Art: Trilogy, Anonymity, and EclecticismSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 21:57.
Proud to see my parents support this exciting expression of the arts in NEO, hosted at the Main Branch of the Cleveland Public Library - thanks to Charles Burkett for pointing out this notice about the show on the CPL website. - it is worth checking out this exhibition, organized by the very cool Elmer Buford Art: Trilogy, Anonymity, and Eclecticism100 pieces of African Art and African American Art
GEHRY'S PETER B. LEWIS BUILDING - WIND TURBINE TOWER DESIGN?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 10:52.
When I spoke with Mr. Stuebi of the Cleveland Foundation a few months back, I learned that he and Tyrone White had recently attended this year's international Windfair wind energy trade fair in Hamburg, Germany. Three
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Just Who Is a Journalist?Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 17:39.
Ohio’s “concealed carry” gun law has raised interesting questions- who is a journalist?
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Organic Juice Sails Ahead ;-)Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 18:53.
A snippet from Palm Beach Post on organic juice sales. Though I consume it in tandem with organic milk, organic juice availability just has not kept pace. Looks like they finally are waking up in the Orange belt. Tropica (worlds largest juice guru) only got into the game this Feb. See how behind the ball the big boys can be. Looks like it wont be much longer now. I wonder what is next?
An Appeal to Mayor Bloomberg - Green the NYC Subway!Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 15:54.
Dear Mayor Bloomberg, I appeal to you as an infrequent yet dedicated visitor to the Big Apple and consumer of your public transit system - specifically the NYC underground. For far too long I've held my breath (and not in anticipation) down below in stuffy, stagnant, stifling, smelly subterranean scenarios. We need to breathe freely and millions of devoted city minions use this transit mechanism regularly, to the point of pride in car-free living. What kind of reward, we must ask, are we giving NYC natives and tourists alike? I propose a phased-in greening of the subway - whether including hanging gadens for a new transit Babylon or installing 'vertical landscape (3D) public art murals comprised of oxygenating multi-colored greenness. Fresh air for frustrated friends...
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Thanks to WCPN and BBC for Bringing World to Have Its Say with East ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 20:55.
Timing and participating in the World are everything. I was awed to be pulling out of the Hough Bakery complex parking lot in East Cleveland today, listening on WCPN to one of my favorite media sources on Earth - BBC's World Have Your Say - and hearing something like "broadcasting from the East Cleveland Public Library". U-TURN!!!
dance video of the day - Ultima VezSubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 08:12.
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Worm Proliferation Front - R2V Video CutsSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Sun, 03/18/2007 - 20:43.
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Film Production Tax IncentivesSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 23:27.
The list of states considering or adopting film production tax incentives continues to grow. More than 30 states now offer some form of tax or production incentives, with a few more states preparing to create or expand their incentive packages. I've previously pointed to Louisiana's success. Tax incentives have helped the state rise in the ranks and Louisiana is now third in the US for film production (behind only CA and NY). With the hard, diligent work of the Cleveland Film Commission, Ohio took a modest step forward last year, but can we take another step forward to provide stronger incentives to make films here? The state of Ohio is trailing, while other states continue to move forward.
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Happy St. Patrick's Day from REALNEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 15:17.
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PROSECUTOR MR. MASON - HOW WILL YOU SERVICE LAKE ERIE WIND TURBINES?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 16:40.
Here is another in the series of my posts which are critical of Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Mason’s Wind Energy “Task Force’s” decision to pursue – at tax payer’s expense and risk – “about 10 two megawatt wind turbines to be placed about 3 miles off of Cleveland.”
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MyMaveSubmitted by lmcshane on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 12:52.
We just got back from Pittsburgh from the beautiful Priory Hotel, visiting my sister and her frenetic family (two hyperactive boys 3 and 5 and her harried husband-hence the hotel stay). Local innkeeper Henry is coming here soon to stay at the Baricelli Inn and visit the Rock Hall. So, not all Pittsburghers have a hard time with us Clevelanders. Visited the Park House in Deutschetown and got raves from an Irish lass from Mayo, too, and also compliments on C-town from a telecommunications expert from Atlanta. Carnegie Mellon students have set up a free site to promote businesses development Check it out.
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Art of the Day: Customhouse, Turbineville, 2007Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 03/15/2007 - 22:34.
Art Courtesy of Jeff Buster
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Monet of the Day: "Customhouse, Varengeville" 1882 - the significance of placeSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 03/15/2007 - 12:41.
What is your visual and emotional impression of Cleveland and our Lake Erie shore?
CLEVELAND CLINIC ADDS 5,000 CARS - NOT TRANSIT ORIENTED DESIGNSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 22:10.
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Open? ForumSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:27.
What happened to the posting? Is the attendance full?
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