
Please attend these public hearings and support the new zoning ordinance for community gardens

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 14:15.

Community gardens play an important role in our city and its neighborhoods.  They are a source of fresh produce for those who don't have the space at their own residence.  Gardening is a great form of exercise.  Being in contact with nature and the soil relieves stress.  A strong sense on community grows quickly in a shared gardening space.  Crime levels drop around community gardens. These are just a few of the reasons to support community gardening.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 12:08.

I have a theory that images influence our mood.  In particular, I believe that color and shape  in images impact our daily behavior.  Images certainly may even control more than our mood, but let’s start simply with mood.   There are images we turn our heads away from because we don’t want to view them, and there are images which we return again and again to view.  What does that tell you? 

The Rap on Culture

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 11:21.

It is good to see just released the latest research report from Policy Bridge, which explores: "How Anti-Education Messages in Media, at Home, & on the Street Hold Back African-American Youth". They contend "that institutional policy changes cannot succeed without addressing lifestyle factors that derail far too many black youth – boys in particular – from the surest path toward economic well-being: education." Policy Bridge is a think tank directed by Timothy Goler, who I got to know when he was acting economic development director in East Cleveland. This report is found at their website, here. It seems to do a good job of surfacing many issues and proposing solutions not now part of our dialog. There are other similar issues that make education more complex than it seems.

Earth's Favorite Car?

Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 08:06.

The Zenn Car


As a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of electric vehicles, we thrive on providing drivers with choices they can feel good about. Working with our internationally respected partners, we’re bringing the world’s finest zero-emission vehicles to you—setting a new standard for what electric vehicles can be. The culmination of this passion for quality, the ZENN™, the only luxury NEV (Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) on the market.

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Lilacs tell of global warming

Submitted by Serendipity on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 16:45.


The month of May is always the Month of Lilacs for me.  They have always been one of my favorite flowers because of their great aroma.  As a child, my bedroom window looked out at a hedge of lilacs.  Not only were there the common light purple lilacs, but there was also one bush of deep magenta.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 14:18.

"My Son K.I.A Iraq" is a traveling Activist.  I didn't hear the presentation in the nearby church, so I don't know if the "son" is personal, or a generalization.  The pick up truck ...with a flag drapped coffin, empty boots, ... and the trailer with crutches and crosses  - just the stuff Bush keeps under wraps... is an appropriate follow up to Mothers' Day 2007.

Join ClevelandBikes Bike to Work Rides, Including Wednesday LIVESTRONG Day for the Lance Armstrong Foundation

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 22:04.

Join the nonprofit organization ClevelandBikes on its annual “Bike to Work” rides, now bigger than ever! ClevelandBikes hosts commuting rides downtown, led by experienced ride leaders, every day during National Bike to Work Week, May 14-18, with rides continuing on the final Friday of every month, May through September. ClevelandBikes also supports a major health initiative, with a “Bike to Work”ride for the Lance Armstrong Foundation ( and “LIVESTRONG” day on Wednesday May 16. National “Bike to Work” Week is sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists (, which offers bicycle advocacy and support programs for more than 125 years. Here's the summer “Bike to Work” ride schedule:

NEO distance learning: a cyber-educational adventure

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 13:55.

These photos were shot flying above the town of Barrow Alaska by my friend Katrina as she reach the end of an extraordinary cyber-educational adventure. Over the last 11 days she literally went that extra mile to make distance learning for NEO grade school students exciting and meaningful.

Shrinking Cities Symposium and series increasing planning intellect of NEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 03:23.

Cleveland is globally important in a way that few cities may be: we are a huge, decaying industrial city. In the post-industrial age, what we now view as blight, like abandoned warehouses and factories, will make Cleveland an international attraction. Already, Cleveland is attracting the world's experts in planning of cities - especially "Shrinking Cities" - into town.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 05/12/2007 - 15:20.

Mothers’ Day in the USA began when Julia Ward Howe instigated a post-civil war movement for peace.  It wasn’t about thanking mothers for bearing and rearing children and keeping house.  Mothers’ day originated as a political movement with the very sane and rationale objective of  keeping every mother’s child – mainly sons - alive by keeping them from the battlefield .


Submitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 07:40.


Space available for all 30+ science and education courses offered at Stone Lab this summer.

Research Facilities (from:

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ALL ABOARD! REALNEO visits Moscow....

Submitted by Serendipity on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 18:48.

On April 27th amidst billowing clouds of smoke and steam the first luxurious, fully on-suite train, named the Golden Eagle was introduced to a large crowd of journalists, Russian citizens and foreign guests, including HRH Prince Michael of Kent (center lower left) and HRH Princess Michael of Kent.  It was a grand event and caused quite a commotion in Kasansky Station, which is located in Moscow , Russia .  The train is run by a company called GW Travel.  President and Founder of GW Travel, Mr.


Submitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 09:05.


US National Archives & Records Administration Facility, Waltham, MA. Photo courtesy of Sika Sarnafil Roofing Systems, Inc.

US National Archives & Records Administration Facility,
Waltham, MA. Photo courtesy of Sika Sarnafil Roofing Systems, Inc.

Join ClevelandBikes During "Bike to Work" Week May 14-18

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 18:54.


Ask and You Shall Receive: Blue Pike Farm, a great idea becomes reality

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 15:15.

How many times in the last 10 -15 years I have gotten off the highway at the East 72nd Street exit of the Shoreway and winced at how depressing this mostly post industrial, impoverished landscape looks.

asphalt gardening

Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 06:28.

Two sisters who recently returned from Portland, Oregon and Brooklyn, New York, have begun an asphalt garden in a lot on Stanard, one block south of St. Clair Avenue behind the Goodrich Gannet Center. Map Here’s their plan:


Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 05/06/2007 - 20:25.

Sometimes, you have to break the rules to see the vast green potential of our region.  Get on a bike and explore.  Can't say where I went, but there are so many great hidden picnic spots in northeast Ohio.  And today was unbelievable.

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Spring on Queen Street West, Toronto, CA

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 22:12.

Toronto in spring is a romantic place. I discovered this when I spent the afternoon of Sunday April 22 on Queen Street West. I know there are many interesting districts in Toronto, for museums, dining, theater, and shopping, but I had been to Queen Street West before and I already knew that if pressed for time this street had more than enough to offer in the way of dining, arts and culture, and shopping. This was the first time I had experienced spring in Toronto. The last time I was on Queen Street it was mid November and beginning to snow. The sky was grey, it was a damp cold depressing day and outside at least, it wasn't much better than being in Cleveland. Mid-April is a totally different story though; the day was warm and sunny, almost like summer. Thousands of people were out, biking, walking, walking their dogs and children, and patios were open for dining. I started out with several objectives – get some good coffee and chocolate, find some birthday gifts for friends (children and adults), and take in some world class art and fashion.

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Happier news

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 20:51.

Mourning warbler


To spare myself from the ever present, I find refuge in the vicarious adventures of other birders.  One of my favorites--Jen Brumfield.  Check out her art work.


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Man kills 2, turns gun on self

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 16:30.

And does anyone say, where is the spokesperson for the white community?  What a ridiculous thing to say, as if there is a spokesperson for the black community or the white community.  It is OUR community.  It is not an urban or suburban problem.  It is OUR problem.  We are all living with fear and anger.  How do we teach our children to react?  How do we define ourselves as adults

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A Newcomer Joins the Fold at Trinity - Celebrating a Sacred Centennial

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 15:27.

Just thought I'd share a bit of celebration, as I've certainly felt I've faced a somewhat

Crucifying gauntlet of verbal, physical, financial and emotional assails these past weeks...

But no worries, its all Good!

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 18:59.

Miles Avenue Cleveland drive in theater

When I was in High School I changed the marquee weekly at 3 of our local theaters.   The ladders I climbed and the gravity exposure I had 40 feet up over the public concrete sidewalk makes me wince now when I think about it.  But one of the job perks was that I got to see Tom Jones 14 times from the projection room. 


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New Front-End for RTA Route Scheduling!!

Submitted by johnmcgovern on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 15:26.

A Case student has created a new front-end for RTA's Scheduling interface.  I, for one, think it is a vast improvement over RTA's site.  While I am most impressed by this user-friendly application of technology, I am also intrigued by the Django technology used to create this web app.