
Video of the Day: 801 - Live - "TNK - Tomorrow Never Knows"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/18/2010 - 05:58.

In honor of "Councilman Cimperman - WHY ARE YOU DOING NOTHING?????" with 801 reads as of today - "TNK - Tomorrow Never Knows" - from one of the greatest bands few people know - 801 - featuring Brian Eno, Phil Manzanara, and other Roxy Music greats, covering John Lennon's Tomorrow Never Knows - the video is filmed in Second Life, it appears... which is interesting in itself... never been there before

Art for TWDC: Woman Walks into Bar - Is Raped by Four Men on the Pool Table - While 20 Watch

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 07:57.

Like in Sue Coe's painting of this organized crime -
Woman Walks into Bar - Is Raped by Four Men on the Pool Table - While 20 Watch"
- Tremont bars are home to real organized criminals violent against Guy Templeton Black

Organized crime means people organizing together to commit crime - like leaders of development corporations, councilmen, the mayor, police and prosecutors, and business owners organizing to violate city laws, ordinances and human rights in Tremont. 

While the most obvious examples of organized crimes in Tremont have been intentional, collusive, proactive violations of restaurant building, parking, patio, occupancy, handicapped accessibility, waste management, property, health and safety laws and ordinances, recent incidents involving reported gunplay and documented violence by TWDC staff and their friends against Guy Templeton Black prove there is a violent organized crime syndicate in Tremont, willing, able, and happy to inflict physical harm upon the weak.

realNEO Cuyahoga Council Candidate Question #1: Explain The Cost To Society Of This Pollution Point Source

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/16/2010 - 22:06.

realNEO Cuyahoga Council Candidate Question #1: Explain The Cost To Society Of This Pollution Point Source.

Where is this major air pollution source located, what is the business responsible, what are the economics of the business and its pollution relative to the regional and state economies, what are the costs to society of the pollution caused, at all levels, and how well informed are citizens of all these facts, to protect them from significant physical harm?


Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 07/16/2010 - 11:30.

Today is July 16, 2010....

Citizens of Northeast Ohio have RIGHTS to be protected encompassing the Ohio Revised Code, Federal Laws, and Codified Ordinances of the City of Cleveland.

For all too long, the laws have been used to "HUSH" citizens who spoke up and againSt corruption...

For ages, Whisteblowers in Cleveland could expect a list of retaliatory practices that undermined their credibility....

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marc dorsey DRUG FELONE assaults guy templeton black activists at lincoln park in tremont july 15, 2010 = sammy catania-VIDEO

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 07/16/2010 - 04:48.

(UPDATE: DORSEY ARRESTED CONVICTED OF DRUG POSSESSION - POSSESSING CRIMINAL TOOLS - DORSEY WAS SENT TO PRISON AFTER VIOLATING COMMUNITY CONTROL - 11 MONTHS PLUS 3 YEARS PAROLE AFTER PRISON - see court record below) - VIDEO - marc dorsey assaults twice  guy templeton black activists at lincoln park, in tremont, cleveland, ohio on july 15, 2010 - evidently in response to sammy catania assaulting guy and threating yogi and guys video of same - marc do

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G Ticket- Option Ticketmaster – Why wait?

Submitted by MaxD on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 23:18.

Is G Ticket as an alternative to Ticketmaster just a rumor? G Ticket could possibly be born from fans who have grown tired of Ticketmaster's service fees. Adding to the general public dissatisfaction is the Ticketmaster monopoly--especially after a Ticketmaster merger with Live Nation, the nation's largest concert promoter was approved by the Department of Justice. The company's stranglehold on live entertainment is stronger than ever.

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The first rule of the Art Of Surviving Cleveland is PROTECT YOUR DNA!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 13:00.

Art of Surviving Cleveland

The first rule of the Art Of Surviving Cleveland is PROTECT YOUR DNA!

As reported on realNEO: "what we have learned after sampling and genetically profiling many gull families is that colonies close to integrated steel mills transmit DNA mutations to their offspring more frequently than those at rural sites. In addition, the closer the colony to steel mills, the higher the mutation rate".  Further, "Our genetic analyses of environmentally exposed mice revealed that offspring from the steel site inherited nearly double the frequency of DNA mutations compared to their rural counterparts. Clearly, air pollution near integrated steel mills can induce genetic damage. At this time we cannot identify the class of chemical pollutant responsible, but suggest that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, by-products of coal combustion, are a likely candidate."

In other words, and further: if you want to live a long, healthy, normal life and perhaps have offspring... DON'T live, work, eat, visit or play near a steel mill or any coal-burning facility... DON'T DO THIS:

Urban Land Conservancy

Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 04:32.

Coming soon...

We need to make sure that it is what it purports to be and not camouflage.

Cap and trade can't pass, so Sen. George Voinovich recommends developing affordable clean coal

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 23:08.

Here is the truth about CLEAN COAL... it is a corrupt, ignorant JOKE that will never benefit you - NEVER!

Here is the truth about DIRTY COAL POLLUTING OHIO - we IMPORT IT - it hurts our economy to use it in EVERY WAY!

Here is the truth about BURNING COAL IN OHIO - it KILLS CITIZENS - because CORRUPT Ohio politicians SOLD OUT TO COAL

For example, Coal-Pimping Senator Poisonovich still to this day "recommends developing affordable clean coal" - read on from Voinovich's Plain Dealer...

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Water Craft

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 21:41.

Tonight, the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative held a book release party for the third installment of their design series. 

Ord. 829 LED lighting - comprehensive draft amendments prepared for discussion

Submitted by briancummins on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 17:59.

 The following is an excerpt from the  linked documents (see below) that were completed this morning and represent comprehensive alternative provisions and strategies for the LED Lighting Ordinance Cleveland City Council is deliberating on today.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 20:53.

citizen activist in the public space across the world why image jeff buster boston mass 2010

What is is in certain people's make-up  that when they get up in the morning they want to go out and try to change the WORLD?

Are they a little bit crazy? How can they think they will make a difference on a street corner in a big city? (image in downtown Boston, Massachusetts)


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Ed Hauser - Constantly Kicking Ass (in My Mind)

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 20:28.

ed hauser at Ingenuity Fest with whiskey island display image jeff buster about 2008

There are very few days which go by in Cleveland when I don't feel Ed is Kicking Ass.

Cleveland Port Authority has passed Mr. Wasserman down the line, E55 St Port move is history, Eaton isn't stealing the lakefront on the East side of the Cuyahoga, and the Coast Guard Station might actually be getting a roof!

So a number of  the directions Ed was striving towards are becoming closer....

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Submitted by jerleen1 on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 13:45.

Non-compliant restaurants in Tremont get behind Sammy Catania after his violent, threatening and verbal outburst against a Senior handicapped life long resident of Tremont. 

Are the puzzle pieces now fitting together?  Perhaps and, perhaps there is still a missing piece.  I don't believe that Councilman Cimperman has made any statement declaring his position to the Tremont community at large ?  How will this attack effect the elderly, handicapped, low-income and long-time minorities at the election poles?

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Burning River Festival 2010!!!

Submitted by BRF2010 on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 15:34.

Good Cheer. Good Cause. Good Beer
Every summer, people from all over the Great Lakes region raise a pint at the Burning River Fest to salute the “watershed moment” that raised a new level of eco-consciousness—the 1969 burning of the Cuyahoga River. This year’s party will feature live music, fresh food from local farms and eateries, educational environmental exhibits and a special appearance by Great Lakes Brewing Company’s Christmas Ale!  

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Cleveland's LED future - facts or fiction, competition or contract steering?

Submitted by briancummins on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 22:17.


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Legalize It and I Will Industrialize It: Industrial Hemp Is the Engine to Kickstart This Economy

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 20:06.

Legalize It and I Will Industrialize It: Industrial Hemp Is the Engine to Kickstart This Economy

Anna Brones - Managing Editor, New Media at Wend Magazine - Posted: October 20, 2009 05:20 PM - Huffington Post

Over 30 countries around the world grow industrial hemp, including big players like China and France. Multipurpose and versatile - hemp makes its way into everything from ice cream to paint to clothing - hemp could be called the wonder resource. In North America alone, the hemp industry accounts for over $360 million annually, and yet the U.S. has yet to make its way onto the list of agriculturally and economically savvy countries that are reaping the benefits of cultivating the crop.

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. Reacts to Dan Gilbert’s Open Letter

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 19:44.

Jesse Jackson

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. Reacts to Dan Gilbert’s Open Letter - from Rainbow PUSH Coalition - July 11, 2010

“Mr. Dan Gilbert's accusations, expressed in an open letter to LeBron James after his announcement that he will play next year’s NBA season for the Miami Heat, have legal and social implications for the league, its union and the character of LeBron James. By saying that he has gotten a free pass and that people have covered for him way too long, Gilbert suggests that LeBron has done something illegal or illicit.

He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship--between business partners--and LeBron honored his contract.

He must know the Curt Flood suit, which changed plantation rules and created free agency; and the Spencer Haywood suit that changed eligibility rules.

Nike does not want to be a witness to Tomatoes on James and the Swoosh

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 18:11.

Labron James Nike sign removed Cleveland Ohio image jeff buster 7.11.10

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I Believe Obama Should Appoint A Committee To Investigate Heat, Cavs And All NBA Antitrust Practices

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 14:45.

I am not a professional sports fan or expert in professional sports regulation but it is obvious the professional sports teams are all owned by a small number of astoundingly rich and powerful global cut-throats - in many or most cases monopolists in extremely socially repugnant fields like banking, ticketmaster, cable, loans, waste management, and cruising - and they each always get their way, one way or the other. They control a select set of GLOBAL monopoly franchise, licensing and ticketing system that restrict all free trade in their industry to the point of making both players and fans slaves to the owners collective, greedy, collusive antitrustful whims.