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blogsCareer Advice for Young PeopleSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Sun, 02/20/2005 - 11:44.
I wrote an email to a young person interested in a Business-IS career path. I wanted to make them aware of project management resources, since I believe that project management "best practices" are essenial knowledge for any business or technical leader. Rather than benefiting only this one young person, I thought I would publish my advice in a blog.
Ted's Advice to Young People
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The Entitlement of VotingSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Sat, 02/05/2005 - 23:06.
The “rightâ€? to vote, the subject of nonviolent protests, bloody confrontations and solemn pronouncements by Supreme Courts and Congress for centuries, is very much in doubt. Like a desert mirage, the image of an effective election, with widespread, universal voting looms before us, but always out of reach. In a practical manner, the right to vote is defined, not by the United States Constitution or the lives lost to ensure a vote, but by the amount of money legislators, Governors and other state officials are willing to spend to implement fair elections. The President and Congress should treat the right to vote as a full entitlement, guaranteed by the Constitution, and provide the money needed to ensure accurate elections.Â
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Child DevelopmentSubmitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Wed, 02/02/2005 - 11:32.
I attended the panel yesterday at the Natural History museum, and I commend Ed Morrison and Roberta Waxman-Lentz for recruiting such a wonderful variety of speakers. I was impressed with the work that has already been done in Northeast Ohio to begin connecting child development work and economic development work, though there is still much work to be done.
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Strong Environmental Policies Generate Economic LeadershipSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 02/02/2005 - 09:02.
This morning’s PD cited a Michigan research paper that concluded that economic cars, hybrids and the like, will generate a stronger economic return for European manufacturers, who have adapted to meet the more aggressive, European environmental standards and are now poised to reap the economic benefit of this growing market in the US. As a result, the study says, the US government should assist, despite the current $400+ billion budget deficit, in the retrofit/reengineering of the US plants to be able to compete. Of course, the industry could have also asked for assistance in meeting the environmental demands decades ago to seize the leadership mantel now held by European manufacturers, but for decades, US auto industry opposed stronger environmental standards, rather than adapt. Another significant, unmentioned lesson also warrants noting: Sound environmental policy, environmental leadership, can generate economic leadership in a very short time.
New Thjeme Module ProjectSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Tue, 02/01/2005 - 13:18.
All Theme Module development work will be documented in this book.
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Resources on Early Child Development and Economic DevelopmentSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Tue, 02/01/2005 - 12:09.
Here are some useful resources that build the connection between early child development and economic development.
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At 01/19/05 Community of Minds: Ed Morrison, Director, REISubmitted by Ed Morrison on Thu, 01/20/2005 - 16:17.
Thanks to everyone who attended the Community of Minds event this evening. I appreciate especially those of you who came up to me after my talk with words of thanks and encouragement. As requested by several of you, I've posted my presentation here on REALNEO (PDF file - 2.1 mgs) - regarding the session and presentation, please feel free to comment below, or add a page to this book with your comments (you must set up an account to post and comment).
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Forum: The Economics of Early Childhood DevelopmentSubmitted by RWaxman-Lenz on Thu, 01/20/2005 - 11:26.
A two-part forum on: The Economics of Early Childhood Development Awareness: Session; One February 1, 2005, 4:00-6:00PM, Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Wade Oval in University Circle Alignment and Action: Session Two, February 14, 9AM to 12PM, Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development in Shaker Heights
NOTES: 01.18.05: Connecting in to NEO's Sustainable Economy at E4S MeetingSubmitted by Adele DiMarco Kious on Thu, 01/20/2005 - 09:20.
Close to 200 people gathered Tuesday evening at the Great Lakes Brewing Company's Tasting Room for 2005's kick off meeting for Entrepreneurs for Sustainability. The organization's founder, Holly Harlan, set the stage by having local entrepreneurs, like Kathleen O'Neill Web of the Coit Road Farmer's Market and Jim White of CLEER TEC, perform a skit sharing how their work is contributing to the vision of a Sustainable Economy in Northeast Ohio.
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Caution signs on the convention super highwaySubmitted by Ed Morrison on Mon, 01/17/2005 - 19:37.
Scott Suttell, the managing editor of Crain’s Cleveland Business, throws up a caution sign to convention center proponents. He points to a USA Today article on a new Brookings report. The report deflates the argument that convention center investments make a lot of sense. The reason: a soft national market and an over-supply of space. The market is not down just a little. It has fallen 30% to 50%, according to the report.
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Urban Residential Land Redevelopment: Catalyst or Tag-along?Submitted by Ben Beckman on Sat, 01/15/2005 - 22:43.
Does residential real estate development play a significant role in economic development? In effect, my question is whether real estate development can serve as a catalyst for the transformation of citzens' economic condition or whether it is merely a lagging indicator of other successful economic development activity such as job creation. Can a builder/developer be a source of added economic vitality to the community, or must the community's value be raised by other means before his/her activities can be supported?
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Investing in university research: Utah's business community has got the right ideaSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Sat, 01/15/2005 - 11:44.
The Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce has the right idea. In a white paper that the chamber published this week, the business leadership calls for a major increase in research funding at the state's research universities.
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WORMS LOWER TAXESSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 01/08/2005 - 22:53.
who works at night excavating? quietly, year after year? Does it really amount to anything, or just early bird food...
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The Team SpiritSubmitted by Wayne Rothman on Sat, 01/08/2005 - 16:55.
It's too bad that Northeast Ohio hasn't recognized what Paul Silas has . . . that "team" effort wins games. Looking at our economic initiatives, Northeast Ohio seeks individual winners. Those seeking individual glory. Not the team's.
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ED Pro Ed Morrison's Economic Development predictions for 2005Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 01/03/2005 - 12:09.
From Ed Morrison's always insightful and expert ED Pro website are his predictions for 2005 - feel free to add yours as comments to this posting. Predictions for 2005 Predictions are always a tricky business, but they're fun to think about. Here's what I expect to see in economic development in the coming year.
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Martha Stewart's Christmas Message: Prison Reform Now = Workforce DevelopmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 12/28/2004 - 11:58.
An intellectual social reformer from Tribe shared the following posting that will have significant impact across America, because Martha Stewart is speaking out about legal process reform (from prison), and she knows the power of the Internet, uses it well, and is know and loved by untold millions, despite her legal problems. I post this message here because it surfaces issues we need to address to improve our regional economy - many of our unemployed are in fact unemployable for the reasons Martha highlights, and many of our more effective workforce development and reentry programs address this challenge - NEO must become world-class in addressing these issues, and use that distinctive competency to get ahead of the curve with social reform for this region, as America moves toward rebuilding our society as opposed to building prisons. Martha Stewart's Christmas Message: Prison Reform Now!
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Medina Judge Puts Court Hearings and great services on the WWWSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/27/2004 - 17:30.
This just came through the RSS feed from Channel 5 - and is covered more thoroughly on the Medina Gazette site - Medina Judge Kimbler is using the Internet in unique ways, in his courtroom - allowing attorneys and the public to sign up and "Join Judge Kimbler's Court and receive e-mail updates on jury trials, decisions,
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Drupal handbook uses Creative Commons licenseSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Sun, 12/26/2004 - 12:10.
The handbook for Drupal -- the content management system underlying RealNEO -- is available through a Creative Commons license/ Read more.
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Supporting immigrant entrepreneursSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 22:12.
Here's another idea for our region to consider: A pilot program to promote immigrant entrepreneurs. A recent article from Inc magazine outlines SmartStart in Maine. The initiative targets the development of micro-enterprises.
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Business plan competitionsSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 21:51.
I'm not sure whether this release got picked up by the local media. COSE is launching its annual business plan competition. Read more or visit the web site. Business plan competitions are a good way to stimulate entrepreneurial efforts in a region. Here's a good article from McKinsey on the strategy. Read more. Investing in business plan competitions would be a good strategy for the Fund for Our Economic Future. Here's how it could work. The Fund would challenge every college campus in Northeast Ohio to co-sponsor a business plan competition. The Fund would put up $50,000 in prize money for each campus electing to participate. That would require a commitment of about $1 million per year. Each year, we would likely generate twenty to thirty good business proposals across the region. Some of these ideas will be small and focused on local markets. Others will be bolder ideas targeting higher growth businesses. The competitions would deliver to the door step of other organizations -- JumpStart, GLIDE, COSE -- a promising set of business plans. In addition, the schools could commit to providing guidance and support to those who entered the competition but did not win. Results would be clearly measurable by additional start-up investment.
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The arts and civic behaviorSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 21:28.
Can artists improve civic behavior? Here's an interesting article from the Harvard University Gazette about the mayor of Bogota, Colombia. He's a former academic and has been using mimes to encourage people not to jaywalk or behave irresponsibly in public.
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Creativity, the arts and the InternetSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 21:18.
A recent report by the Pew The Pew Internet & American Life Project explores the attitude of artists to the Internet. The surprising finding: Artists and musicians are enthusiatic Internet users and they believe the Internet helps them make and sell their work.
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Invest in Children Initiative Awarded $1 Million by Gund FoundationSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 02:03.
The George Gund Foundation today annouced major grants including $5 million for the Cleveland Museum of Art's
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New Lab for Social Computing at RIT. Time for collaboration in NEO!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 01:42.
Many universities around the world are focusing on the study of social computing - from technology and application development to man-machine interface. REALNEO is already working with Purdue on a Drupal documentation project and we welcome additional research affiliations, and will explore teaming up with RIT. We are well affiliated with Case's Center for Regional Economic Issues and it seems time to get the IT side of the campus involved - any other Northeast Ohio universities interested to really understand this communications and human interaction revolution that is transforming politics, economics, knowledge management, industry and society? Post your suggestions here, after reading the thoughts of the social network lab director at the exceptional Rochester Institute of Technology...
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Drupal Overview Download Rev 1Submitted by Ted Takacs on Mon, 12/20/2004 - 23:26.
Download Rev.1 of Drupal Overview. The first blog entry did not implement file attachment correctly and, hence, this second try.
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