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blogsForest City invests in Illinois Technology Innovation CampusSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Thu, 04/07/2005 - 06:12.
Forest City Enterprises is the lead developer in the new Illinois Technology Innovation Campus announced by the governor this week. Forest City’s Boston-based University, Bioscience and Technology Group will manage the project.
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introducing Jen Mack's blog, "Extremely Profound Conclusions on Music and Management"Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Thu, 04/07/2005 - 00:12.
The third of my students this semester who has taken on a topically-focused blogging assignment is Jennifer Mack. She is a double major in music and management, and she still finds time to track down really interesting references to music in business contexts, and to the business of the music industry.
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REALBAYSubmitted by peter holmes on Sun, 04/03/2005 - 19:37.
The Nature - Nurture debate Harvard's Steven Pinker weighed in on as Case's first Distinguished Lecturer last month, has rich meaning for innovation and entrepreneurship: Comparisions between NEO and California's Bay Area are illustrative. Â
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A partnership for a manufacturing forumSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 04/01/2005 - 10:29.
Here's a sensible collaboration that provides an example for NEO. North East Texas Workforce Development Board is partnering with Northeast Texas Community College and local economic development councils to present a summit on manufacturing. Read more.
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Toledo provides an exampleSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 04/01/2005 - 10:27.
Toledo is considering a coke plant for economic development, and they have had difficulty figuring out which jurisdiction gets the tax revenues. Earlier this week, local political leaders reached an agreement.
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The role of libraries in NEO's economic developmentSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 04/01/2005 - 10:22.
Yesterday, I traveled to Orrrville, OH to meet with a group of librarians from Wayne County. The question we explored: What s the role of libraries in the future of Northeast Ohio's economy. During the industrial era, our economy generated enormous wealth. One of the legacy assets of this period is our extraordinary library system. (For example, Orville's library ranks sixth in the nation for a community its size.)
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Pennsylvania's lessons for Northeast OhioSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 04/01/2005 - 10:15.
A little over a year ago, the Brookings Institution produced a report on Pennsylvania. The basic findings focused on the competitive disabilities created by no-growth sprawl. Learn more about the Brookings report and download the report here.
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KeyCorp invests in AshtabulaSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 04/01/2005 - 10:12.
KeyCorp has made an important investment in the Civic Development Corporation of Ashtabula County. Learn more about what the Civic Development Corporation provides to our region by reading the relea
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Thank you Tom Brazaitis - you are missed - rest in peaceSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/31/2005 - 23:02.
Knowing Tom cared about his readers, I grew to care about his work and paper, and him, and I realized his columns were always right on. He taught me journalists are normal people, doing normal jobs. He taught me being a "socialist" is not a crime. He taught me to speak my mind and write my peace. He
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Town Hall (3/29/05) FeedbackSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 03/31/2005 - 10:32.
On 3/29 there was a town hall style meeting held in the Levin College at CSU. 3 or 4 TV stations covered the event. The topic was American Jobs; the sponsors of this open meeting of local and Ohio leaders and the public were the Council for Excellence in Government and Goldman Sachs along with GS’s Global Marketing Institute. Similar meetings are being held in other cities across the US. The panel included, Ohio’s lieutenant governor, John Ryan of the AFL-CIO, Stephanie Mc Henry, president of Shore Bank, A J Hyland, president of Hyland Software, Myron Robinson president of the Urban League, and Mayor Jane Campbell. The meeting space was full to overflowing (say 400) ; the moderator was lively and the audience kept the questions/comments coming.
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introducing Lori Vanelli's blog on "The Young of the Working World"Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Thu, 03/31/2005 - 06:20.
Last fall, Lori Vanelli was an enthusiastic early adopter of the livejournal assignment for MGMT 250. This spring for MGMT 251, she found coming up with a topical focus for her blog writing a bit of a challenge, and I'm pleased that her tone of slightly irreverent reflection on herself and others has been retained as she has come to focus on the young of the working world. Over the course of February and March she has written about twixters, boomerang kids, quarterlife crises, and how she and her peers perceive themselves and the challenges that face them. Lori's livejournal is a great introduction to the NEO blogging scene from the point of view of a 20something, and I'm sure she'll stick with it even after the semester ends.
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introducing the Real Estate Management blog: Ryan ArliaSubmitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Tue, 03/29/2005 - 01:54.
Would you please take a look at Ryan Arlia's class project for MGMT 251? Ryan has chosen to focus on real estate management issues, and would like to get feedback on the posts he made in February and in March. His post about online marketing strategies is particularly interesting. Your comments on any of the posts would be most welcome... part of what Ryan needs to do for his project assignment is to so some experiments with how to build traffic to his blog, so if you have any suggestions for him, I'm sure he would appreciate hearing from you.
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Summit County's planning effortSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 03/23/2005 - 09:24.
The planning department in Summit County is guiding a planning process for the county. The Department of Community and Economic Development is asking questions, such as "How much farmland should Summit County have?" You can read more about the process here. This process touches on a deeper set of issues facing our region: No growth sprawl. Like Pennsylvania, Northeast Ohio has developed inefficient patterns of development. You can download the Brookings study from this page. You can also download a reportcompleted in 2000 on the costs of sprawl in Pennsylvania.
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what can Cleveland learn from Manchester?Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Mon, 03/21/2005 - 03:03.
It's about more than the nightlife... how can we encourage social entrepreneurs like Joe Akka to make Cleveland one of their hometowns? Joe has a lot in common with Jurgen Faust, I think, with an appreciation for design that is evident at his Panacea, and yet he's not an art school graduate (he's a 29-year-old MD who is running an independent restaurant company based in the UK).
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German Wind Turbine produces output of 1 million KWH in a monthSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 03/18/2005 - 11:26.
With financial help from the German government, the wind turbine manufacturer REPOWER designed, manufactured, installed, and commissioned this fall the largest capacity wind turbine ever. During the first month of operation the 5 megawatt turbine sent to the grid over 1 million kilowatt hours of electricity (average output of 1.3 mw/hr). Compare that to the production of the turbines in Bowling Green, Ohio where, in approximately 13 months, a 1.8 MW Vestas machine produced apx 1,300,000 kilowatt hours (avg. output of .137 mw/h) See details of the Repower machine at: and click on the 5MW website in the lower RH corner of the home webpage. The output differences between the two machines are primarily related to the larger size of the Repower machine and the difference in wind energy between the two locations – not differences in blade or generator technology.
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Come in from the ColdSubmitted by RWaxman-Lenz on Sat, 03/12/2005 - 10:45.
Mary Black: Songs for Ireland. She invites us in with the warmth of her voice and the liveliness of her song. How lucky we are to have the Cleveland Museum of Art include in their Festival of Performing Arts the talents of Mary Black, a singer from Dublin. As she comes on stage, she tells us as that she loves the snow we have here in Cleveland and that last night she took the opportunity to romp in this white world and throw some snowballs. Now she draws us into her world of melodies and Irish rhythms, playfully sharing her stories of Ireland and blending together Celtic and American folk music. She sings to us of the sadness of a couple parting as a soldier goes off to war; she weaves a melody around the joy of two lovers; she energizes the audience with the drum beats and riffs of her supporting drummer, guitarist, and keyboard player.
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Communities Grow out of ConversationsSubmitted by RWaxman-Lenz on Sat, 03/12/2005 - 08:52.
I attended an outstanding meeting of facilitators on Friday, led by Jack Ricciuto, founder and CEO of Smart Meeting Design. A group of 35 people met to discuss the value of facilitation and ways that it can be marketed and developed. During the discussion, we surveyed the collective years of facilitation represented in the group to find that it was just over 400 years. The discussion began with the idea that communities grow out of conversations. We start with words that build conversations that develop relationships. The question is often asked in northeast Ohio as to how to construct a regional plan, how to engage a community that values all this region has to offer. Certainly part of the answer must lie in the possibilities created by Jack's planting the seeds for a Northern Ohio Facilitator Community of Practice. Check out his website at:  Â
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The Bottom Line: Backup Child Care Strengthens BusinessesSubmitted by RWaxman-Lenz on Sun, 03/06/2005 - 22:54.
I am a senior-level manager who has a meeting with a major client. One of my staff responsible for the meeting calls in sick. The truth is that her son’s caretaker is out sick. My employee’s child care support breaks down, so I will be left with a dissatisfied client. This scenario is more common than one would think. According to an article in the February issue of CFO magazine, a survey conducted by the National Conference of State Legislatures found that child care problems force 80 percent of employees to miss work. According to the Child Care Action Campaign, U.S. companies have losses of about $3 billion each year resulting from employee child care arrangements breaking down. “On average, working mothers lose eight-and-a-half days per year, and fathers lose five days annually. The result is lower productivity, stalled projects, and higher turnover.�
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A Utopian VisionSubmitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Wed, 03/02/2005 - 06:59.
Robert Paterson has shared a draft of a book chapter at his blog which offers a vision of how the generous spirit of the blogosphere might revolutionize our thinking about work and how it fits into our lives.
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check out Vision DowntownSubmitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Mon, 02/28/2005 - 06:05.
Check out this site: Vision Downtown -- it sounds like it is reporting on grassroots activism going on to redesign downtown Cleveland into a quality, connected place.
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Is AHL a good enough sub for NHL?Submitted by Amin Varghai on Sat, 02/26/2005 - 22:10.
Couple of days ago I went to a Cleveland Barons game in Gund Arena. I am not what you would call a die hard hockey fan, but I had a season pass to OSU hockey games when I was a student there. I was surprised to see attendance as low as it was at the Barons game. Considering the NHL has no games this season I would have guessed there would be more Canadians in the crowd. The arena being so empty gave us the chance after a few minutes into the first period to sit by the ice behind the goal. I know the farm team for the Sharks is not the best team in its division, but have we actually become a city obsessed with major league teams that minor leagues do not even count. When I mentioned the game to my friends, most of them asked me who the Barons were? It's amazing that we can go to a professional hockey game for the price of a movie, yet the citizens don't even know this team exists.
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Another potential collaborator on sustainability issuesSubmitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Sat, 02/26/2005 - 06:54.
Norm, you may want to get to know Hilary Bradbury, who runs the Weatherhead Institute for Sustainable Enterprise... she is a teleworker now based in LA, but s
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Libraries Contribute to Youth DevelopmentSubmitted by RWaxman-Lenz on Thu, 02/24/2005 - 21:44.
You might not think of a public library as the "in" place to be, but some teenagers do! The Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago reports on ideas being developed for new roles that public libraries can play in developing our youth. Here's what they say: "With growing numbers of teenagers visiting libraries to socialize, do homework, and use computers as well as the Internet, libraries have found themselves pressed to address the needs of this group. Although nearly a fourth of library patrons are teenagers, libraries traditionally have devoted less of their space, personnel, and financial resources to services for teens than to any other age group. An evaluation of the Public Libraries as Partners in Youth Development, a nine site demonstration project funded by the Wallace Foundation, suggests that communities should take a closer look at the role that public libraries can play in strengthening the skills of teenagers, building the capacity of libraries as institutions, and connecting libraries more closely to communities. The study suggests that library-based youth programs, especially in low- income communities, can teach teens specific job skills at the same time that they make libraries more visible assets in the community." Click to read New on the Shelf: Teens in the Library
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To develop the brainpower of the next generation...Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Thu, 02/24/2005 - 06:46.
If you are interested in developing the brainpower of our next generation of northeast Ohio residents and workers, please come read about the Northeast Ohio Breastfeeding Education and Advocacy Network!
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How the birthplace of aviation lost that competitive advantageSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/24/2005 - 03:06.
I happened to catch the NOVA program "A Daring Flight" onÂ
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