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blogsEducation, Parenting, and Open Source Technology solutionsSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 12/29/2005 - 14:56.
Is it better to design systems of education that disregard parental involvement or is it better to design systems of education that better involve and integrate parents? I know one motivation to sugggest the former might be frustration with the degree to which many parents have failed in supporting the education of their children. Eliminating any expectations on the part of educational institutions regarding parenting might hold these institutions to a higher level of accountability for childhood development. Is this really the way?
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Clean, Renewable Energy is the Way to Sustainable Economic DevelopmentSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 12/29/2005 - 14:50.
Clean, Renewable Energy is the way, I couldn't agree more with Ed (Morrison) and his blog posting. I recently posted some information regarding Biofuels - You can find that and some of my relevant comments here. We have such a great position as a region and a state in several of these technologies- some surveys put us near the top in the nation for both Fuel Cell technology and Wind Power. The prospects of a wind farm out in the Lake have become much more realistic in recent times - that project would make a signature statement much like a new signature bridge would for our city and region. And as Ed so eloquently noted, moving to clean energy will translate bottom line to many new and interesting job possibilities and ultimately economic development.
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Renewable energy as a major opportunitySubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 22:06.
The news on renewables -- particularly biofuels -- is popping all around us. Here's a good article on renewable fuels in Minnesota. As one participant in the conference noted, "The future is going to be exciting. We're just starting to scratch the surface with renewables." Read more.
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Michigan's strategy for cultural economic developmentSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 16:28.
At the Dec. 8 "Art of Cool" conference in Lansing, MI, the Michgan Department of History, Arts and Libraries released a strategy for leveraging arts and culture to produce new tax revenue, provide good-paying jobs and create sustainable businesses.
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Sustainability and the Triple Bottom LineSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Tue, 12/27/2005 - 14:22.
Certain buzzwords in the Sustainability community are used widely but not clearly understood - I thought I'd address two of those here - sustainability and triple-bottom-line focus. Sustainability is most commonly defined as 'Meeting the Needs of the present generation in such a way as not to compromise future generation's abilities to meet their own needs' (Bruntland Definition). This speaks to methods which not only maintain quality of life but preferably improve it.
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The role of newspapers in building an innovation economySubmitted by Ed Morrison on Mon, 12/26/2005 - 11:46.
Over at Brewed Fresh Daily, George Nemeth asks an important question. Why is the PD's series on innovation only a week long? That prompted me to comment:
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Economic Development Predictions for 2006Submitted by Ed Morrison on Sat, 12/24/2005 - 09:57.
Here are some economic development preditions for 2006: The County will continue to develop its new strategy outlined by the Blue Ribbon Task Force. The Task Force will become CuyahogaNext Advisors. Look for new initiatives -- innovation zones -- around Baldwin Wallace and the Euclid Avenue Corridor. We will also see productive negotiations between the County and other entities such as JumpStart, BioEnterprise, and the newly renamed CAMP.
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Lessons from Philadelphia's creative economy strategySubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 21:04.
Philadelphia is promoting the creative economy as an economic development strategy. Read more.
Cleveland can follow the same strategy.
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Investing in early childhood educationSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 21:01.
The Cuyahoga County Commission has adopted an economic development strategy that calls for expanded investment in early childhood development as an economic development strategy.
In an
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Leveraging Nashville's health care clusterSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 20:58.
Nashville is taking steps to leverage its health care assets into another, related cluster of companies. What are the lessons for Cleveland? Do we have any organization that can step forward and look at the Nashville strategy?
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Models of regional collaboration in WisconsinSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 20:53.
Some of the most intereesting regional collaborations in the country are emerging in Wisconsin.
Civic leaders from eighteen Wisconsin counties are banding together to market the region as the "New North."
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Advanced manufacturing reports: The innovation imperativeSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 13:36.
In the last month, Wisconsin, Georgia and Iowa have released important reports on the future of manufacturing. The reports include a common theme: for manufacturing to advance, promoting innovation is critical.
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New report on young professionalsSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 08:59.
Cities are competing for young knowledge workers. CEOs for Cities, has issued a new report that explores the issue. It's another example of how economic development is shifting from a focus on recruiting companies to a focus on recruiting people.
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Declining levels of education: The demographic waveSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 08:56.
A recent report by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education warns that if current trends continue, the proportion of workers with high school diplomas and college degrees will decrease and the personal income of Americans will decline over the next 15 years.
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You're a fool to design only for the un-mobile webSubmitted by robataka on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 16:53.
Great article. Having just come from Japan
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FOAF vs. XFNSubmitted by robataka on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 16:43.
Well, that title is a bit misleading perhaps. I have been looking at the foaf thingie in the edit form for a user's
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Some Thoughts on Indoor SmokingSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 15:58.
I have many thoughts on this topic, but let's start with the clear facts - secondhand smoke greatly increases the liklihood of a number of diseases not only for the smoker but all of those exposed to it. So we can clearly prevent loss of life and years of people's lives who don't smoke by not allowing smoking in venues shared by non-smokers. Having smoking and non-smoking sections cannot completely protect non-smokers- smoke diffuses across the border and still does harm. And people in a rush will take 'first available' and simiply deal with the smoke or hope nobody actually smokes. Though it may be an inconvenience to make smokers go outside, especially in cold weather - this can actually have positive benefits for the smoker. Not only will they likely smoke less, they will be more likely to connect with others as they congregate outside and finish their smokes. I've seen this personally in States like New York where it is enforced as well as local establishments like AJ Rocco's, which incidentally was the first bar to go smoke free in Cleveland.
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Guido Van Rossum Works at Google!?Submitted by robataka on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 12:32.
Saw over this over on Slashdot but apparently Guido Van Rossum, the benevolent dictator of Python is now
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BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEESubmitted by johnmcgovern on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 12:27.
the Cleveland Colectivo is a group of like-minded friends, neighbors, and colleagues who have joined together for the purpose of collective giving. Our mission is to strengthen our community through collective investments that identify and nurture innovative projects. We pool our funds and share our energy to invest it back into projects that we see as worthwhile and exciting in Cleveland. Each member contributes to The Colectivo quarterly and together we choose projects to support. Every month we gather to discuss ideas, learn about area initiatives and organizations, network with a growing circle of members, and continue building The Colectivo. We hope that if you have an idea to build a stronger community or want to invest in new ideas, that you will join us.
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IBM, Sherwin-Williams and LinuxSubmitted by robataka on Tue, 12/20/2005 - 10:32.
Sherwin-Williams, the NEO based paint company is also known throughtout the Open Source community as one of the first major companies in the U.S. to rollout Linux for their retail infrastructure. IBM has them listed on their site with one page description of what they have done. Needless to say, IBM was the system integrator and hardware supplier for the deployment of the system.
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お助けドットコムSubmitted by robataka on Tue, 12/20/2005 - 01:50.
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Dinner in Little ItalySubmitted by robataka on Tue, 12/20/2005 - 00:55.
Went out to dinner with my mom and George Mateyo, Chairman of Carnegie Capital Asset Management Company. George apparently handles my mom's financial affairs and had been kind enough to take a look at my resume and
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日本、オハイオの最大外国パトナーSubmitted by robataka on Sun, 12/18/2005 - 10:11.
今朝のPDのビジネスセクションに、日本や中国関連記事があった。その記事では、 日本はオハイオ州に投資している国として最大であることを知った。もちろん、その一つの理由は車や鉄の クォータや輸入税などを避けるためだった。車や鉄をアメリカで製造すると、Made in USAをいえるわけで、 日本バッシングの対策だった。
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Ohio Ballet Cancels ConcertsSubmitted by robataka on Sun, 12/18/2005 - 09:48.
Read in the Arts & Life section of the Plain Dealer that the Ohio Ballet is cancelling concerts, laying off its dancers and cutting its staff to a
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Yates & GatesSubmitted by robataka on Sat, 12/17/2005 - 16:05.
I was reading over at Groklaw, PJ's analysis of Microsoft's Alan Yates' comments at a meeting to discuss the State of Massachussetts decision to transition to plain text, pdf, and ODF(open document format) as standards for all State of Massachussetts documents.
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