Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 15:55.
Here is a list of the members of ACCCE (American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity) ALCOA Allegheny Energy, Inc. Alliance Coal, LLC Alstom Power AMEREN Corporation American Electric Power Arch Coal, Inc. Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. Basin Electric Power Cooperative Berwind Natural Resources Corporation BHP Billiton BNSF Railway Buckeye Industrial Mining Co. Buckeye Power, Inc. Bucyrus International, Inc. Caterpillar Incorporated CONSOL Energy Inc. Consumers Energy CSX Corp. Drummond Company, Incorporated DTE Energy (Detroit Edison) Duke Energy Corporation E.ON U.S. Express Marine, Incorporated First Energy Corporation Foundation Coal Corp. Freightcar America, Inc. General Electric Capital Corporation Jennmar Corporation Joy Global Mining Luminant Midwest Generation Mirant Corporation Murray Energy Corporation Natural Resource Partners L.P. Norfolk Southern Co. OG&E Energy Corp. Oglethorpe Power Corporation Peabody Energy Corp. Progress Energy, Incorporated Seminole Electric Cooperative SEP Corporation (Sunflower Electric) Southern Company Tri-state Generation & Transmission Assn. Inc. Union Pacific Railroad Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Western Fuels Association