
Collaborative Technologies

Submitted by robataka on Fri, 12/16/2005 - 10:37.

Checking out my Planet Case RSS feed, saw two posts by Brian Gray which struck me as interesting in juxtaposition. Well, actually three posts.

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Eye Doctor

Submitted by robataka on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 17:40.

Okay, I need to use my reading glasses more....

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Planet Case

Submitted by robataka on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 15:12.

I saw MShafarenko's (Welcome!!) forum post on Engaging Youth in NEO and noticed that he works at Case. Which reminded me to check my Planet Case rss feed.

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Submitted by robataka on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 13:01.

This is a test of a blog client called BloGTK. It is a blog client for linux, much like mac users use ectos.

Just testing to see if I can actuall post using it....

Now that I have seen it can work, I need to create a page on how to set up blog clients for Linux, Mac, and Windows(egad!) users. Of course, blog client software is completely optional. You can create blog via the web interface as normal. However, and regardless of the fact that I have been an active Internet user since 1992, I personally don't like web interfaces. I prefer to create my blog entries locally and save them locally to my pc prior to posting them to the blog.

Ideation to Innovation via Implementation : The formula for economic development

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 11:54.

I don't think there is a more valuable resource on our planet than great ideas - the creativity and brainpower that generates innovative ideas is the ultimate source for the creation of new value. Revolutionary new ideas become intellectual property that can be patented, licensed business processes and models, Most models I have seen work to generate new IP through research funding and then work to find the sources of funding for prototyping, development, and testing of the IP generated necessary to commercialize it. So ideation does not become innovation until this process goes full cycle. What I would like to see are systems that share IP generated at one source with thinkers and researchers at other sources who can offer improvements and insights that better the original before it becomes commercialized in its initial, more primitive form.

Launching a Series on Education: Article One

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 12/08/2005 - 11:06.

Several organizations in Northeast Ohio have wrangled with the concept of educational reform for decades, yet we have only seen incremental improvements over the years. More recently, change efforts have been ramped up, with survey and dialog based initiatives such as Voices and Choices and By the People currently in full swing. RealNEO has advocated educational reform since inception and has hosted City Club roundtable forums over the past year to address this very issue. All of these efforts have centered upon core challenges to address and these are as follows:

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Jean Luc Picard?!

Submitted by robataka on Thu, 12/08/2005 - 07:52.

Saw a link to a personality test over at Japundit, which matches you to a science fiction character. I normally don't do these things, but being a science fiction fan, I figured what the heck, let's give it a whirl.

hmmmm. here are my results.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

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Submitted by robataka on Thu, 12/08/2005 - 07:08.

My daughter is going with her grandmother to The Nutcracker on Saturday night at the Allen Theatre at Playhouse Square. For my daughter, moving to Cleveland will be a huge advantage over Okinawa (Prefecture Government, Tourist Bureau, Wikipedia ) in that she will have vastly more opportunity to see professional performances.

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Neo Holiday Shopper: The Cache Shop at Church of the Covenant

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 12/06/2005 - 22:47.


The Cache Shop is a thrift store in the basement of the Church of the Covenant on Euclid Avenue in University Circle. It is open Tuesdays and Thursdays and staffed by some very nice volunteers.They have special tables set up for the holidays with holiday decorations -- some vintage and all very cheap. 

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Man its cold

Submitted by robataka on Tue, 12/06/2005 - 10:27.

I took the rapid downtown today and walked from public square to the office. Man is it cold.

Over the last nine years I lived in Okinawa, Japan where the absolute coldest it got was 54 degrees. And I notice that Kadena Air Base it is currently 55 degress. In December that is amazingly cold for Okinawa. Normally it doesn't get that cold until January/February timeframe.

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Alternative Gifts or Internet Search engines' appeal to innovative shoppers

Submitted by peter holmes on Tue, 12/06/2005 - 09:40.

Gift giving can take many manifestations, tangible and intantible. The most valuable are sometimes less obvious.  Children, for example, revel in things in which they can participate and activity can assume many guises.  Advertising pushes products or activities but what about unpromoted activites?  The internet offers both small and large entrepreneurs a level playing field by enabling them equal access to consumers.  Thus the internet becomes the zone for entrepreneurs and participation.  Search engines connect everyone to everything, creating great opportunity.  Think how this changes the way children and their parents "shop."  Two things are true: It will never be the same but how and what we "shop" for is still being defined as an extension of the old ways.  Consider this, the early auto-mobiles' design were simply motor-powered carriages.  The same holds for innovation today:  the great spurt in innovation is yet to come, and its arrival will be hastened as more people participate on the internet.  Search engines enable people to leverage their intellectual property by lowering the barriers to consumers' access to products and services.

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Top Ten Reasons ODOT Must Reconsider the Southern Bridge Alignment Plan- NOW!

Submitted by Ed Hauser on Mon, 12/05/2005 - 16:26.



On November 17 an 18, I participated at the last three meetings regarding ODOT's “Recommended Preferred Alternatives” for the Cleveland Innerbelt Plan. My conclusion is that ODOT must hit the brakes and reconsider the Southern Bridge Alignment Plan (South Bridge) before it is too late... read the whole story at NEO Bridge today!


Neo Holiday Shopper: Check out my finds!

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 12/05/2005 - 11:53.

I'm not a fan of the Christmas Story leg lamp, but I thought these sexy little leg earrings were in good taste. I think it was the high quality of the craftsmanship or the beauty of the materials that appealed to me more than the subject, but I thought the concept was clever too. I bought these at the CIA Holiday Sale. I'm not sure who made them -- they did n't include their card with the box and they were not there at the sale. 

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The Gift of Unique Value

Submitted by peter holmes on Mon, 12/05/2005 - 08:42.

Gift giving is the most widespread manifestation of the holiday season. The eternal question: What to give Johnny or Jane?  Mass merchandisers work hard at creating push for their products.  Tie-ins between movies and products, co-branding sports figures and products are examples of the sometimes creative approaches used.  What's too frequently missing from the mix are artisans' works sold through channels that don't promote themselves like mass merchandisers do. 

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Neo Holiday Shopper: Not too late to buy art this weekend!

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Sun, 12/04/2005 - 00:22.

If you missed seeing Horst and all his gorgeous felt at The Gift Event at Kilgore Trout there is still the holiday sale at the Artcraft Building -- check the realneo events calendar for more details. The latice scarves he made exclusively for the event at Kilgore Trout were so cool!

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Neo Holiday Shopper: Snowed In? Not a Problem!

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Sun, 12/04/2005 - 00:03.

Change of plans Friday night. I decided to stay in with the snow piling up outside in excess of 10". I searched Ebay for works by my favorite Pop Art artist Claes Oldenberg and found  some interesting things. Many prints, posters and books were affordable. Buyer beware though, Ebay has gotten some bad press lately with that guy who cheated people, supposedly selling Ohio State tickets

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Neo Holiday Shopper: CIA Holiday Sale and Hodge Open Studio/Exhibition

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 10:44.

Yesterday was thrift store shopping, today will be all about art. Tonight I plan to go to the Cleveland Institute of Art Holiday Sale and the Hodge School Open Studio and Exhibition.

    Some of the artists at the Hodge School will have works for sale -- or maybe you could commission something for that special person on your list? One of my favorite locaI  artists Charmaine Spencer will have her basket weave sculptures for sale. The are so beautiful and very affordable!

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Japan Broadband Populations Surpassed 21 Million

Submitted by robataka on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 08:26.

I noticed this morning that MM Research Institute of Japan released the recent broadband statistics for Japan. More than 21 million people/organizations now subscribe to broadband access. The bulk of that is ADSL, but close to 4 million are subscribers to fiber-to-the-home. Interestingly enough, I was on the phone until 2AM the other day helping my sister-in-law(yes, she's in Japan) set up here FTTH 100Mbps connection.

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neo Holiday Shopper - The Side Door shop at St. Paul's Church

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 23:06.

Check out these pictures! The Side Door shop at St. Paul's Church (corner of Coventry and Fairmount) is the place for eclectic bargains. I could probably do all my holiday shopping there because there are so many interesting and practical things.

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NEO Shopper

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 13:09.

It's December 1st already! Only 24 days to find a special gift for everyone on my list -- and that includes some hard to please friends and relatives. Where do you shop in Cleveland if you hate Walmart and try to avoid the crowds and monotonous merchandise of the malls? There are plenty of galleries, boutiques, books stores, thrift stores and websites with unique gifts and shopping them can help support local artists, entreprenuers and charities.

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The Birthing of a Blog... Sudhir speaks out!

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Mon, 11/28/2005 - 16:22.

With great anticipation, I dive into the blogosphere with this initial entry.  My name is Sudhir Raghupathy and I am a recent graduate of the Weatherhead MBA program at Case, with specialties on Entrepreneurship and Organizational Behavior.

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Great Discussion on Entrepreneurs and VC at BFD

Submitted by robataka on Wed, 11/23/2005 - 09:10.

Over at BrewedFreshDaily there is a great discussion of Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital. Worth reading through the comments with the exception of one individual whom seems a tad bit warped..

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The Search for CEO for Cleveland Schools - Schools Host Community Meetings

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 11/21/2005 - 21:47.

The Cleveland Schools are hosting a series of meetings to generate input from the community on what they want for a CEO. For a school system not always anxious for public input, this is a great way to start a search process.

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Submitted by robataka on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 07:06.

We have setup a developing/staging site with the latest and greatest. As you have noticed over the last couple of weeks, we have changed some of the styling here at realneo, and we are planning more changes. We will be doing some testing prior to upgrading this site, but we have made some progress.

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Speaking of which...

Submitted by robataka on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 23:14.

In my last post, I mentioned that I want to add wiki functionality to this site. Another thing I think this site should have is trackback functionality. The issue with trackbacks, of course, is spam. I am going to turn trackbacks on and see how it goes. If we get too much spam to handle efficiently, I'll turn it back off.

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