
Plain Dealer brews up nostalgic, bitter reflections on Mr. Coffee, DiMaggio, & manufacturing in NEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/15/2004 - 02:13.

The 11/14/04 Cleveland Plain Dealer served up a fascinating contextualization of Northeast Ohio entrepreneurship, our innovation and manufacturing legacy, and its demise under America's Wal-Martized big-box consumer culture. Make note, Americans, Wal-Mart says it is all our fault that our manufacturing jobs have moved to China, as all we want is cheap stuff - "We are a seller of goods, not a producer of goods," (Wal Mart's) Wertz says. "Customers make the choice."

Ready or not, RFID is entering your life in 2005

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/15/2004 - 02:02.

You've probably heard of RFID - radio frequency identification - and perhaps you use the technology in a smart ID or toll pass card, but starting in 2005 RFID will begin appearing in every American's life as Walmart uses this for inventory and then storefloor supply chain management and, as the NYTimes reports today, labels on drug bottles featuring RFID antennas will be used to protect pharmacies and you against counterfeit drugs.

Economic benefits of breastfeeding: $ billions in reduced workplace, household and healthcare costs!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/14/2004 - 20:01.

REI Director Ed Morrison describes Economic Development as beginning with the unborn child, which recognizes important issues like reducing unplanned pregnancies, delivering world-class prenatal care, providing excellent early child-care and education, insuring great nutrician for children and protecting them from health hazards like lead exposure, and becoming outspoken to educate our community on the importance of breast-feeding, as mentioned today on Brewed Fresh Daily in a posting from Sandy Kristin Piderit, explained in detail on her LiveJournal blog - contact Sandy for more info

Do you want the world-wide-web to read your mail? Google does!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/14/2004 - 17:03.

Good Morning Silicon Valley makes an important observation about Google's new free email service, gmail - as per their terms of use, they are able to read/analyze and correlate all data in all message you open - basically, by using this service your life is an open book... giving Google, Inc. and whoever they choose to partner or cooperate with access to all your words and other content shared with whoever you communicate with.

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Dallas Mavericks owner does IT right - good model for NEO team owners

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/14/2004 - 15:11.

I just noticed a posting on Good Morning Silicon Valley about a blog written by Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. I was surprised the owner of a sports team would be into blogging - and his insight so valuable - so I checked out his blog. Turns out he was able to buy the Mavericks because he is a successful IT entrepreneur, and he is an expert in technology matters - so his insight is more valuable than I imagined.

MIT using spinach and photosynthesis to extract an electrical current

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/13/2004 - 10:44.

As NEO looks toward sustainable development, our scientific research and engineering community should become involved in Earth friendly technology development - an interesting example was just reported out of MIT, showing fuel cells in a green light.

If you care about the Future of NEO, consider helping with wind power

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/12/2004 - 03:34.

At the fascinating November 11 NEOSA/REI Future Forum, EcoCity Cleveland's David Beach discussed frightening challenges for our global ecology, and proposed the best place for anyone to start being a solution is at home - NEO. Let's make NEO energy sustainable, all agree. This week, Cleveland was also home to the Ohio Wind Conference and there 100+ global sustainability experts proposed NEO can develop a significant wind generation capacity, and become a center for wind power generation equipment manufacturing, expertise, and innovation. This is one well developed objective our millions of regional citizens should embrace - see notes posted from that important conference, which highlights valuable opportunities, and provides a foundation for actionable planning, all rooted at REALNEOWIND

F/OSS is the salvation of humanity... what does that mean?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/10/2004 - 23:22.

I participate in a Harvard Law School open knowledge sharing program called H2O, which this week posed an inspiring issue regarding the origins and impact world-wide of Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS), which is the foundation of REALNEO. If you're interested in this subject (if you're into IT you should be), then consider the topic posed, take a look at my viewpoint, and feel free to visit Harvard H2O to review other viewpoints and the discussion. If you like what you see there - feel free to sign-up and participate, for free.

REALNEO is covering and supporting the Ohio Wind Power conference

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 07:49.

REALNEO Wind is covering and supporting the Ohio Wind Power conference
by posting all available insight from
this important event - held November 9 & 10, 2004 in downtown
Cleveland. See comments post at the close of the event and develop thenafter - all linked together at a special "Community Of Interest Link" at the REALNEO Wind Power COIL

Building Creative Industries in NEO

Submitted by Ed Morrison on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 07:00.

Building a creative industry base in Northeast Ohio requires us to think in new ways. We're lucky, in that a number of other regions -- mostly in the U.K, Australia, and New Zealand -- have been moving in this direction.

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Congratulations to Ayalogic, with Jump Start

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 02:02.

Congratulations to Akron-based Ayalogic and Cleveland/NEO entrepreneurship catalysts Jump Start for good economic development news for NEO. We'll let Crain's Tech tell the story unfolding:

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NEO enterprise with SCALE excellence - Tracking trucks with TMW

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 01:55.

Crain's Cleveland reports growth and savvy development by a NEO logistics company, further distinguishing the region for SCALE (Supply Chain and Logistics Economy excellence. Read on...

SCALE - Supply Chain and Logistics Industry Call to Action

Submitted by Joe LaMantia on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 01:50.

REALNEO is developing Community of Interest Links (COILs) for Supply Chain And Logisitics (SCALE), to strengthen this already important sector of the NEO economy. A separate REALNEO site for this COIL will post this month - in the mean time, developments are posting in a REALNEO book linked here.

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NEO's own Parker Hannifin invests in electic scooter maker

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 01:10.

From Crain's Cleveland Business, a very cool story about a local industry leader taking the lead in alternative energy vehicles - an electric scooter, with many key components manufactured by NEO's Parker Hannifin.

If you visit their website and check out the product brochure you'll see this product is hot. May be a while before we see any in the streets of Cleveland... but perhaps we can convince Parker & Vectrix to make us one of the first communities for USA distribution (how about putting an assembly line here, as well?!?)... beginning in 1996... read on, in Crain's:

Open Source development means big business in NEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/08/2004 - 23:44.

Crain's Cleveland reported today that Open Source programmers are in high demand, which means NEO universities and businesses should train and certify our residents for this opportune sector of the IT industry. The benefits go beyond skilling our folks for the new economy, as this will insure businesses in the area are able to find the workers they need to locate and grow here.

Ethanol plant will go into production by the end of 2004 in Medina

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/08/2004 - 16:33.

Here's an interesting addition to NEO energy-related economic development, reported in Crain's Cleveland today - "Ethanol plant will go into production by the end of 2004 in Medina". Congratulations to Liquid Resources, CEO Tim Curtiss, and Sky Bank for making this happen here and now, where and when the need is so great! Be sure to read the comment posted below, featuring an eye-opening editorial from Tim.

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11/05/04 - 7-8 PM: Art, McDonaldization and the Globalization of Society

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/06/2004 - 07:02.

November 5, 2002 from 7 - 8 PM: Session 2 - Featured Speaker

As part of this exciting event, the CIA brought renowned writer and social theorist George Ritzer to speak about "Art,
McDonaldization and the Globalization of
Society". I had the pleasure to attend, and share the following observations about how his presentation fits our interest of nurturing regional economic development.

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Public housing with the nation's largest Green Modular Roof

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/05/2004 - 01:08.

I received a notification today of the Milwaukee public housing's new "green" facility, which includes the nation's largest Green Modular Roof - inspiring!

NEO has World-Class SCALE - and that is massive for NEO Economy

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2004 - 02:31.

SCALE is a little recognized world-class power-house "Cluster" of NEO's economy - it is our "Supply Chain And Logistics Economy" and it is globally respected, though nearly a secret in local circles.

Today, I attended a free demonstration by a leader of our SCALE - e-Ventus - showcasing their "sole-source" web-based supply chain management application MX Supplier - for more specifics, see event listing here and the e-Ventus website here - which is "custom built" for NEO's bread and butter economy... MANUFACTURING!

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NEO "may show" "Cleveland School" to beat Artsopolis (and Silicon Valley), for our creative class

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2004 - 02:06.

Let's beat Artsopolis (and Silicon Valley) and save NEO artists money. The following article plugs an arts portal in Silicon Valley that they claim is getting the attention of lots of other arts organizations around the country. I do use Artsopolis when in SF and the protal is good, but it is no better than we can do here - and we need this capability to promote one of our greatest regional assets... the arts!!!

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Interesting self publishing site and service from founder of Redhat

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2004 - 01:46.

I received an email today from area economic development leader Kevin Cronin that should be of interest of content creators interested to commercialize books, music and images. Nice service - don't know if it is cost competitive... and wonder, can't folks in publishing here compete with this, as self-publishing will continue to be a growing business (some folks will always want dead trees to read ;-)

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Which nation is the world's most tech savvy?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2004 - 00:14.

Good information posted in today's Good Morning Silicon Valley newsletter - the most interesting reference is: "Typically, we have seen that the civil liberties and education levels of a
nation strongly determine its level of technology adoption..." - let's make the nation of REALNEO as good as Denmark, with great IT, education, and civil liberites for all!

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Early-Stage Science and Technology Find Critical Financing From Non-Traditional Sources

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/03/2004 - 11:37.


To a large degree University of California in San Diego gets credit for
reinventing their regional economy, most visibly through their
"Connect" services. Below is an article from their latest
e-newsletter which highlights how much they do to connect early stage ventures
there with all levels of funding - from "food and rent" grants to
partnering with large pharmaceuticals. Important model and lessons to learn of
NEO to connect with the new economy!

P.S. to all of Cleveland's chronic complainers who like to whine and say...

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/03/2004 - 02:39.

In the words of Northeast Ohio Arts Educator of the Year Mary Beth Matthews:

As a little P.S. to all of Cleveland's chronic complainers who like to whine and say,

"Nothing ever gets done in this city"
"People have no vision here"
"Clevelanders don't know how to work together"
"It's all just a lot of talk"
"New ideas don't stand a chance."
"The Cleveland Schools suck."

At Max Hayes, we refused to get caught up in all of that negativity...We're makin' it happen...Ha!

Ha is right - it has just been announced Mary Beth and her students will install a major public arts project at the Soap Box Track, right down from her school,

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GE uses fun Flash collaborative tool for promotion - nice idea for REALNEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/02/2004 - 16:52.

I noticed an interesting ad on the NY Times website, from GE, saying "Put Your Imagination to Work - Invite your friends to Collaborate" so I clicked it and found they are providing a cool interactive Flash drawing application that allows one to several Internet visitors to collaborate on a "drawing" - you can change background, line and fill colors and shapes and create a sketch of an idea or concept, and save it and send it to friends.

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