
How Do I Make and Install a Rain Barrel?

Submitted by savcash on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 08:58.
04/19/2011 - 18:30
04/19/2011 - 20:00

------How Do I Make and Install a Rain Barrel?   
Click here for our handout on rain barrels which describes the system we use and how to build it/install it. 

The Unspeakable Subject?

Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 00:08.

The Fukushima Dailchi nuclear crisis in Japan has been re-rated to be a level 7 nuclear disaster*, the same level as the Chernobyl Ukraine nuclear disaster of 1986. While the dispersement of radiation from the nuclear power plants in Fukushima is said to be much less than Chernobyl, the Tokyo Electric Power Company and Japanese civil authorities have yet to “stabilize” their troubled reactors. The future level of radiation contamination in Japan and nearby nations is unknown at this time as is how long this crisis will continue.

We do not know of any coal-fired power plant in the world that has a sustainable, locally-sourced system to cofire with hemp

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/10/2011 - 04:32.

Potential Biomass Energy Distribution among Ohio Counties (in Billions Btu's)

I imagine the fuel purchasing administrator at Dayton Power and Light (DP&L) thought he was the target of a Tea Party April Fool's joke when he received an email first thing April 1, 2011, suggesting his Century-old, investor-owned, Ohio utility may lead an historic Constitution-oriented new American Revolution against taxation of his enterprise without honest scientific representation.

Smog-forming pollution from Ohio’s power plants puts children’s health and Ohio’s environment at risk

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/10/2011 - 02:38.

Ozone pollution on the Cleveland skyline

On Thursday, April 7th, 2011, on the Green rooftop of the Environmental Health Watch Building, Environment Ohio released a new report showing that smog-forming pollution from Ohio’s power plants puts children’s health and Ohio’s environment at risk - Environment Ohio - Clean Air Program Reports - Dirty Energy’s Assault on Our Health: Ozone Pollution - 2011-04-07.  From the press release for the news conference announcing this report:

Power plants create the ingredients for dangerous ozone pollution, commonly referred to as smog, and the report ranks which power plants emit the most smog-forming pollution in Ohio and nationwide, and highlights the latest findings about how smog impacts our health and environment.

The report comes as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is set to finalize a standard in July to help reduce smog pollution, which could save up to 12,000 lives per year. Yet Congress and industry lobbyists are working to keep EPA from doing its job by threatening to block rules that limit dangerous air pollution. Environment Ohio is urging Senator Sherrod Brown to stand up for Ohioans’ health and support the EPA.

Green Power Network RFP Update: for renewable energy generation, renewable energy certificates, and green power - April 7, 2011

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/10/2011 - 02:09.

This update contains solicitations for renewable energy generation, renewable energy certificates, and green power as a courtesy to our subscribers. Unless otherwise noted, these requests for proposals and solicitations are neither supported nor endorsed by the U.S. Department of Energy, Green Power Network.

Certain regions bear a greater responsibility for producing GHG emissions - The United States Midwest is one such region!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 14:47.

I had the good fortune to attend the first World's Fair held in Japan - Expo '70 (日本万国博覧会 Nihon bankoku hakuran-kai). The theme was "Progress and Harmony for Mankind" and one of the main principles of the master plan was that the wisdom of all the peoples of the world would come together in this place and stimulate ideas. The Expo featured demonstrations of early mobile phones, local area networking and maglev train technology. At age 9, I rode Bullet Trains 100 miles an hour and thought the world could be no more modern than "modern" Japan, of 1970. 

At the same time I was exposed to the modern power, wisdom and vision of all the world-peoples' progress and harmony at 日本万国博覧会, in Osaka... 福島第一原子力発電所 was being born, in Okuma, representing the ultimate in "power"-wisdom and vision of that nuclear age. The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant was connected to the grid around 40 years ago, in 1970, and the world hasn't really evolved our "power"-wisdom beyond that now-ancient "modern" time... as our 1970s "modern" energy technology and world are melting-down.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 9, 2011: Shower power! Taking a five-minute shower rather than a bath saves water.

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 12:30.

Shower power! A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water, but taking a five-minute shower saves water by using 10 to 25 gallons. Put a little timer or clock near your shower so you can see how fast you are. Save even more water, and money on your water bill, by installing a water-efficient showerhead, or ask your landlord to install one if you rent. More about using water wisely.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 8, 2011: check how much of your electricity comes from renewable “green” power sources

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 04/08/2011 - 16:16.

Earth Month Tip of the Day: It's electric.

Today's environmental tip: It's electric! You can check how much of your electricity comes from renewable “green” power sources, such as wind or solar. Green power produces less carbon emissions, reduces air pollution, and helps protect against future costs or scarcity of fossil fuels. If green power is a consumer option, check price differences from suppliers before you buy.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 7, 2011: Be sensible! Use less water to get the same job done just as well.

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 12:18.

Earth Month Tip of the Day: Be sensible.

Today's environmental tip: Be sensible! The Earth might seem like it has abundant water, but in fact only one percent of all water on the planet is available for humans. Buy fixtures and products that are water efficient - you can use less water to get the same job done just as well. When you go shopping, look for the WaterSense label to find water efficient products.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 6, 2011: Be extra aware of environmental conditions where older people live!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/06/2011 - 12:21.

Earth Month Tip of the Day: Environmental hazards and the elderly.

Today's environmental tip: Be extra aware of environmental conditions where older people live! As we age, our bodies become more sensitive to chemicals and environmental conditions. So you should carefully use products such as pesticides or cleaning solvents near areas where older adults live and sleep. Always follow the directions on the product package or label.

PREVENT Bird Window Collisions

Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 04/05/2011 - 20:09.


Sadly, today, a Downy Woodpecker collided with the sheet glass windows of a building in our neighborhood.  It's a sickening event to endure.  The thud and then the bird laying in pain on the grass.  It died from the massive trauma.  Migration is occurring now.  Please take time to reduce this problem by making your window surfaces less confusing to migrating and breeding birds.

( categories: )

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 5, 1011: Make it a full load! Run your dishwasher only when it's full.

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/05/2011 - 13:31.

Earth Month Tip of the Day: Make it a full load.

Today's environmental tip: Make it a full load! Run your dishwasher only when it's full. Don't pre-rinse dishes - tests show pre-rinsing doesn't improve dishwasher cleaning, and you'll save as much as 20 gallons of water per load. When you buy a new dishwasher, look for one that saves water. Water-efficient models use only about only about 4 gallons per wash.

EPA Compliance and Enforcement: Vice president, two managers of waste treatment facility sentenced for Clean Water Act felonies

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 18:04.

Compliance and Enforcement and Water News (Region 5): Vice president, two managers of waste treatment facility sentenced for Clean Water Act felonies


Vice president, two managers of waste treatment facility sentenced for Clean Water Act felonies

WASHINGTON - Three officials of Ecological Systems, Inc. (ESI),  an oil reclamation company that operated a centralized waste treatment facility in Indianapolis, IN, were sentenced  in U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana  for felony violations of the Clean Water Act. The prosecution stemmed from ESI's intentional discharges of untreated wastewater and stormwater from its facility directly into the Indianapolis sewer system.  

"The Clean Water Act is designed to protect our nation's water resources, and the defendants' repeated attempts to hide the plant's capacity to handle the wastes that ESI accepted  and excess rain water threatened those critical protections," said Randall Ashe, Special Agent in Charge of the EPA Criminal Investigation Division's Chicago Area Office.  "Today's sentences prove that those who willfully circumvent our nation's laws and put Indiana residents and nearby homeowners at risk will be caught and prosecuted."

Today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign - Barack Obama

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 14:08.

Norm --

Today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign.

We're doing this now because the politics we believe in does not start with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you -- with people organizing block-by-block, talking to neighbors, co-workers, and friends. And that kind of campaign takes time to build.

So even though I'm focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 4, 2011: Heading to the beach? Check out the beach water before you go!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 12:37.

Earth Month Tip of the Day: Check before you go.

Today's environmental tip: Heading to the beach? Check out the beach water before you go! We Americans take almost two billion trips to the beach every year, but people who swim at the beach sometimes get sick because the water is polluted. The good news is in the state where the beach is located, you can check with the state office to find out about the beach water - before you go.

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson on National Public Health Week - April 4-10, 2011

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 11:21.

EPA Celebrates National Public Health Week April 4-10, 2011

Posted on April 4th, 2011 - 10:30 AM

By  Administrator Lisa P. Jackson

When we talk about environmentalism, it typically brings to mind sweeping vistas and wide-open landscapes. Some people might think of saving the whales, protecting spotted owls or preserving old-growth forests. Those things are critically important – but they only tell part of the story. When the modern environmental movement got its start in the 1960s, it took hold in our nation’s cities and was led by people concerned about pollution in the air they were breathing, toxins in the water they were drinking and chemicals on the food they were eating.

The effort to safeguard our environment started – and continues to be – an effort to safeguard our health.

Congress's bill of 4 2009 bans incandescent light bulbs by 2014 and requires Americans to buy compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs.

Submitted by savcash on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 15:52.

Toxic "CFL" Bulbs from China That We're Forced to Buy Congress's Clean Energy Bill, H.R. 2454 of April 2009 bans incandescent light bulbs by 2014 and requires Americans to buy compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs.
The new bulbs contain poisonous mercury and pollute our landfills. It's all wrong.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 3, 2011: Don't idle! Remind your school system to turn off bus engines when parked.

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 15:34.

Earth Month Tip of the Day: Don't idle

Today's environmental tip: Don't idle! Remind your school system to turn off bus engines when buses are parked. Exhaust from idling school buses can pollute air in and around the bus, and can enter school buildings through air intakes, doors, and open windows. Constant idling also wastes fuel and money, and school bus engines really need only a few minutes to warm up.

EPA Earth Month Tip of the Day - April 2, 2011: Be the first to know... Protect yourself from sun overexposure!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 15:24.

Today's environmental tip: Protect yourself from sun overexposure! In summer, always apply sun block SPF 15 or more to protect your skin from solar UV radiation. Just five or more sunburns can really increase your risk of developing skin cancer. The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. so at the times, seek shade or wear protective clothing such as a long-sleeved shirt.

Ohio's Renewable Portfolio Standard vs. California's New SB X1-2 vs. America's New Clean Energy Standard

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 02:17.

March 29, 2011, the Union of Concerned Scientists reported: "In a bold move to bolster one of the few bright spots in California’s economy and set a precedent for strong renewable electricity standards nationwide, the California Legislature today approved a bill that would require utilities in the state to obtain at least 33 percent of their electricity from clean, renewable sources, such as the wind and sun, by 2020.  Promoted by the governor and legislative leaders in both houses as part of a green jobs stimulus package, the bill would create the most aggressive renewable energy requirement in the country and position California as a national leader in clean energy investments."

“This bill establishes California as the national leader in clean energy, improving the environment and stimulating the economy while protecting ratepayers from excessive costs,” Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto has said of Senate Bill ("SB") X1-2 he sponsored, which is expected to be signed into law by California Governor Brown.

Below is an overview of the Ohio Public Utilities Commission’s Renewable and Advanced Energy Portfolio Standard, which requires that by the year 2025 25 percent of the electricity sold by each utility or electric services company within Ohio must be generated from alternative energy sources, and Senate Bill ("SB") X1-2, which requires California's electric utilities to increase their renewable generation to 33% by 2020. Passage of that legislation is the culmination of years of effort to increase California's Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS") from its current 20%.

New Report Warns Against Investments in New or Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants - threat to public health and environment

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 01:25.

Pollution from Cleveland Thermal

Replacing Coal Plants with Cheaper, Cleaner, Less Risky Alternatives Would Save Lives and Curb Climate Change Emissions

WASHINGTON (March 9, 2011) – The cost of constructing or retrofitting coal-fired electric power plants and the rising cost of coal have made coal power an extremely risky long-term investment, according to a report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). The report, “A Risky Proposition: The Financial Hazards of New Investments in Coal Plants,” also identified a number of other factors that make investing in coal a gamble, including its continuing threat to public health and the environment. 

New Images Reveal Nuclear Fuel Rack Exposed to Air in Japan, BREAKING..FUKASHIMA UPDATE!!

Submitted by savcash on Fri, 04/01/2011 - 22:57.

Listening to MPR this morning. The spokeman being interview was saying everything OK. He didn't seem very concerned at all. We are living in a World of Deception. Us Dutch Sinsers are carefully taking in all sides. We will dig up the Truth. Liars beware!! It's April 1st, but we refuse to be fooled. Thanks Dutch for this video. Arnie is giving us the facts.

Only quick, aggressive attacks can stave off the doomsday scenario: the collapse of society as zombies overtake us all.

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 04/01/2011 - 21:44.

Living in Cleveland, fighting against excessive polluting by popular local industrial interests, I've found environmental and climate awareness here brain-dead... zombified... people walking in an unnatural smog, accepting unnatural death around them. So I appreciate a mathematical explanation of how an entire city of 500,000 may become dominated by environmental zombies - from today's Climate Progress, which references a study of the proliferation of zombies finding they will drive humanity to the collapse of civilization.... I believe this effectively explains Cleveland (and much of America) today:

The model showed two equilibria: the disease-free equilibrium (with no zombies) and the doomsday equilibrium (where everyone is a zombie). The application of a linear stability analysis showed that — in the absence of further interventions — the disease-free equilibrium was unstable and the doomsday equilibrium was stable. This finding was not promising.

Simulations based on a city of roughly 500,000 people demonstrated that an entire such city would be replaced by zombies [rapidly]. Were this mass replacement of a population to occur in a city such as Washington, DC, it may be unlikely anyone would notice.

There is a solution: "the most effective way to contain the rise of the undead is to attack hard and attack often":