Submitted by Roldo on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 08:23.
Pee Dee Propaganda Machine The front page of the Pee Dee this a.m. represents Ms. Goldberg’s contribution to the journalism here: big, splashy headlines, much wasted space, but scarce information.
The Pee Dee is always on the bandwagon when it comes to “Progress.” However, never rely upon the newspaper for hard evidence beyond cheerleading.
Here’s what we have under the Huge Headline: “Medical Mart now a ‘when,’ not an ‘if’”- 4 and a half columns wide and 13 inches deep before a skimpy 4 inch story. Wish we had more about "how."
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 23:34.
With all the public noise she's been exposed to in NEO, and with all the Dirty Dealer's un-ethical public noise about what was private, to see her today with her smile was an affirmation.
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 16:01.

I attended the KennedyConCenter meeting this morning - held before the scheduled meeting of the Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners.
All the TV cameras and paper reporters were there. Big news was afoot!
Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 14:08.
We have a deal!
The public today was given, as one observer at the meeting says, an “information free” description of the deal between Cuyahoga County and Merchandise Mart Properties Inc. (MMPI).
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 00:35.
Each of the last two winters, Cleveland Plain Dealer writer Kevin O'Brien wrote that it sometimes snows in Cleveland so there is no global warming. His latest scientific position on this is posted on here (and included below). O'Brien is such a strange writer I cannot tell if he is kidding, but in the interest of good public information it seems important for all people to consider what O'Brien published in the Plain Dealer and discuss if it is intelligent, misleading, incorrect or perhaps true. Who has an informed position on global warming and what O'Brien writes below?
Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 03/12/2008 - 20:42.
Thought For Today....
Found in the current issue of Metropolis magazine...
"When oil becomes scarce, our cu
Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 03/12/2008 - 19:22.
Climate Watchers Place Own Big Bet On Alaska's Thaw March 7, 2008; Page B1
Every winter since 1917, people in Nenana, a village 55 miles southwest of Fairbanks, have wagered on the exact moment that the ice breaks up on the nearby Tanana River. For the 450 townsfolk, the annual Alaska ice lottery, called the Nenana Ice Classic, is a financial lifeline that offers some their year's only employment. Winners last year shared a jackpot of $303,272.
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 03/12/2008 - 11:05.
Typical for the Dirty Dealer, they make a joke out of accounting for the public’s money on the March 11, 2008 editorial page.
Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 21:41.
Tonight I saw the hot new mockumentary The Green Chain at the film fest. The best part is that we used our 'private screening' tickets from Pat and Dan Conway's gig tonight to get past the ticket taker then re-appropriated our access rights to see this mockumentary that got started around the same time slot. To wrong the right... I offer up a nice plug:
Submitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 20:11.
One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he asked about his bill and the barber replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop. When the barber goes to open his shop the next morning there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 19:14.
On April 3, 2007 there was a discussion about the proposal for a new Cuyahoga County Administration building here on Realneo. Around that time I had read a letter written by Tim Ferris which suggested that the present County Administration building was originally built to be expanded upward. Today I add the photo above to confirm that the building was intended to be continued upward – you can see the columns projecting right up through the roof on both the main Administration Building and the Annex building. I’ll bet if you removed the copper flashing from the top of the columns, there would be a plate with bolt holes already in it, ready to accept the steel columns for floors 5, 6, 7, etc.
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 14:13.
Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 03/10/2008 - 19:31.

This is the Gibson Inn in Apalachicola, Florida. My sister bought a house in Apalach several years ago on a dead end street called Apaco. It is off a short also deadend street called Shadow Lane. Shadow Lane is so named because all along it there are these 200 year old water oaks laden with Spanish Moss - it is one of those canopied roads you imagine from stories of the deep south. This is where I retreat. This is where I go to relax and breathe in the salt air, bathe in the salt water and slow down to a southern pace.
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Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 03/10/2008 - 18:46.
Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 03/10/2008 - 18:05.
Woe is me. The sad state of communication leads to a state of confusion in Northeast Ohio at every level. Street, block, neighborhood, county, state, ad infinitum... Will anyone ever figure out the new media? Please. Today, as Councilman Cummins knows...I fielded questions about snow bans, plowing, school closings, and sidewalks. Kids did not get picked up by school buses, because the streets were impassable.
What can we do about this Mayor Jackson? By now, most of us have Internet access and the rest certainly have a TV. Let's all talk. Please.
I will be emailing my own suggestions, but can we start with the ability for your office to post critical alerts on the City of Cleveland web site?
A great city is not merely a collection of buildings. It is a place of connections.* At its simplest, a connection can be a bike path that connects a neighborhood to the waterfront or a bus line that connects people to jobs. At its most fundamental, a connection can be a shared space - an urban plaza, a neighborhood park, a community institution or even a coffee shop - that connects people to one another in a way that creates a sense of "place" and a sense of belonging - that elusive but enduring thing that we call a "community."
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 03/10/2008 - 12:16.
The water main break on March 6, 2008 in Cleveland’ Public Square is going to wring a lot of money out of a lot of water rate payers and other taxpayers and businesses in the downtown area. I’ll bet the cost is over a million dollars by the time all the public and private impacts are assessed.
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Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 07:53.

Max Xavier Bayard Roulet Day 1
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 23:29.

March 08, 2008... the Blizzard of 2008! Nothing is more REALNEO... more Cleveland+... more believe in Cleveland than a blizzard. There's not a cop on the street, yet nobody gets robbed. People are pushing strangers around, but only to get their cars out of the snow. For REALNEO kids, it can't get cold and deep enough. REALNEO adults smile to remember being REALNEO kids. Blizzards set REALNEO apart.
Submitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 21:32.
Submitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 21:29.
Where is this photo taken in downtown Cleveland?

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 20:39.
While snow piles up outside in NEO, in Hawaii the anthurium are brilliant, waxy red. A friend just arrived Friday from Hawaii and hand carried these spectacular delicate stems. What a thoughtful present.
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 10:28.
Expose the corruption you see around you. Make it hard for the culprits to hide. Or, instead, just post a happy image to make us laugh, cry, be inspired. The new media allows us to have a say. Change the world. Don't be afraid. There is no time for fear.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 00:08.
In living and working around University Circle, it occurs to me how stupid it is that there are literally five or six police forces operating within overlapping turfs... Cleveland, University Circle, Case, University Hospitals, and the Clinic each have significant police forces. In addition, Cuyahoga County has patrols in the area... all intersecting within a mile of each other... and you are probably as likely to get shot within a mile of that intersection as anywhere in America.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 22:13.