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Ohioan Angela Keslar on "Project Runway" TonightSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 13:56.
07/12/2006 - 22:00 07/12/2006 - 23:00 Etc/GMT-4
Don't miss the premiere of the third season of "Project Runway" tonight at 10 pm on Bravo. For those of you who are already fans of the show, now there is more reason to watch than ever; NEO residents can root for fellow Ohioan Angela Keslar. Joanna Connors from the PD wrote about her today : "Ohioan on 'Runway' and Ready for Takeoff" (Arts & Life, Page E6). Angela Keslar sounds very interesting. She lives far from any fashion center of the world, in Amesville, Ohio near Athens. Her organic farm is entirely solar powered and off the grid. She is married, 33 years old and never attended fashion design school. It will be exciting to see if her unconventional resume translates into an advantage. I watched the second season of "Project Runway" and was hooked; the ego and attitude of the contestants was very entertaining, but it was the creativity of they aspiring desiners that really impressed me. The show is a good reminder that those things you see on the rack at Walmart and Target were inspired by some fashion designer's art. Learn more about Angela Keslar at her website here.
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Hot, cool, green, and creative... in Ohio!?!?!?
I am so glad you pointed this out, Evelyn. I think Project Runway is a cool show and now I will be a fan... Angela sounds so cool (green, spritual, creative, smart, hot) and her website is awesome, and she clearly promotes herself well - an understatement, being she is on Project Runway - we in NEO must get fully behind this candidate for the top young fashion designer in America, as that would be the best PR for Ohio in a long time - we'll be following her on Bravo, cheering her on realneo, and I'll guarantee Evelyn will be sporting Angela's garb in no time, as she always supports local designers... even if that requires extending our view of NEO to include Athens, Ohio (culturally, I totally dig that!).
angela keslar lives on a 225 acre farm in southeastern ohio, entirely off-the-grid. 100% of her production is powered by solar electricity and good organic food, which is grown in the valley right outside her front door. she inhabits the valley along with her husband and scores of other wildlife.
20 march 1973 11:33 a.m. angela comes out kicking and screaming "i should have been queen!" in the middle of a small hospital room in the even smaller johnstown, p.a.
20 march 1973 11:35 a.m. angela accepts the fact that she is not the queen or even a princess and quickly adjusts to her peasant lifestyle.
20 march 1973-1984 angela does her best to cope with life as a suppressed royal in rural p.a. with her mom, dad, and equally queeny brothers, joseph and chris.
autumn 1984 angela finds solace in creative self-expression and dons her first pair of jelly shoes w/ her first pair of winter white quilted petal pushers. also acquires a pair of turquoise overalls and mirror-image converse high-tops in shades of pink, lavender, and buttercup. the Fates say: "we see where this is going."
autumn 1985 falls in love for the first time with a gent 10 years her senior. harbinger of things to come.
autumn 1987 angela discovers the power of big hair and becomes class president, transforming the political climate of her junior high school by pairing the right shoes with the right eye shadow.
autumn 1988 mom moves family back to johnstown, p.a. angela as social butterfly morphs into angela as social caterpillar when she realizes the over-stated importance of social status.
summer 1991 buoyant with joy over her admission to carnegie mellon university
spring 1992 thoroughly disillusioned by urban living and applies to study in the french countryside at carnegie mellon centre de tours
autumn 1992-spring 1993 gold star for "gets along well with others" is taken away. but meets future best friend ivona huszcza and tromps throughout eastern and western europe with the unbridled glee of a virgin about to be tarnished. gets t-shirts made: "keep your damn gold star"
1993-1995transfers to penn state university where she falls in and out of love like it's a bed and discovers that sex and happiness are inversely proportional. gets t-shirts made that say: love and fear make nasty bedfellows.
spring 1997meets the prize for enduring such heartbreak: his name is mark. t-shirt says: more is never enough. on the back it says: leap and your wings will appear.
autumn 1999makes the big move to southeastern ohio to live on a farm and convince the neigbors of the necessary means and inherent value of style and fashion.
winter 2001 forms Creative Dream Circle with dear friends rob, ivona, and cara. jen joins later.
2001-presentmakes merry on a 220 acre organic farm in southeastern ohio, inhabiting a peaceful valley among vigorous flower and vegetable gardens and gardens of hidden majesty, her imagination. preserves garden magic every year by canning juices (red raspberry and blueberry), fruits and fruit butters (apple, pear, peach, strawberry, black raspberry), vegetables (from asparagus to zucchini), soups and pesto. enjoys exploring relationships between creativity and creation, otherness and oneness, magic and cynicism, experience and knowledge, analysis and imagination, independence and interdependence. still doesn’t understand the nature of non-duality but will die trying. would be thrilled to see the cultural climate shift to a paradigm of wealth based upon health and happiness, self-sufficiency, and generosity. juggles farm and fashion by gathering inspiration from her pastoral surroundings and international travels. also volunteers time at the belize agroforestry research center in southern belize, a rainforest conservation organization founded by her husband mark. (visit mark's website.)
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i dont have bravo!
if anyone has Bravo and can TIVO this show, i'd really like to see it. maybe someone can post the Angela Keslar segment to googleVideo or Youtube so others, cableless folks can watch??
Evelyn, Don't get me wrong, there's pleasure in bodies on runways. But this is TV, not just TV but pay for TV. I'm not crazy about TV. On top of that, there don't seem to be any men or other than female runway athletes. I have three daughters - they want to see men! (I think). And where is the link to the streaming video on the internet?
I'm proud this designer is from Ohio
I've bought a pair of shoes and some old shirts and shorts at a yard sale and thrift shops in the last five years. So I don't follow fashion - and the dump where we live has free sat. TV - probably hot wired, but whatever, otherwise I wouldn't have Bravo. So I don't care about any of this, but it is cool an Ohio women has taken her farm off the grid, and is growing organic produce, and is a self-made entrepreneur, creative, and she has stood up against 1,000+ other designers - and she did very well on the show tonight, being an artist. I say, more power to her. Name anyone here in NEO doing ANY of that... even one of those things! Just from her website and 15 minutes of fame I can see this chic is as real as it gets.
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It's all about the clothes
Life's not fair. More clothes are designed for women and some people have better TV than others. True, there are more females on the runways on TV and at fashion week in NYC. Maybe that would change if men bought more clothes, but many of the men I know are still wearing the same stuff they wore in college -- you too? Even me, the non-consumer that I am, I seem to have heaps of clothes to give to charity even few years. There are plenty of men in fashion design, though your daughters might be disappointed that most of them are gay. But, I can't think of a professional world where gay men can be so open about their sexual orientation and still be successful. I would hope that at some point "Project Runway" will be on some free channel, but since it is a competition and supposed to keep viewers in suspense, I understand if they don't give anything away just yet.