Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/18/2006 - 15:46.

John Jackson, "Green Goddess", 2005: Graphite, charcoal, and paint on paper
Wonderful Northeast Ohio artist John Jackson was lost to the community on August 18, 2006, in a double murder that also took the life of great photographer Masumi Hayashi. John was a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art and was represented by Dead Horse Gallery, where I remember seeing John's work and meeting the artist. Last year, John was featured in the Cleveland Museum of Art NEO 2005 show with the work shown above and linked here. As Dead Horse Gallery is now closed and their site is off line, this is the only work of the artist I could find on-line - please fell free to post links to more of his work, which is fascinating.
As with the loss of Masumi, one cannot overstate the tragedy for the Northeast Ohio arts community from this loss. Rest in peace John Jackson... thank you for your lifetime contribution to the betterment of Northeast Ohio and the world of art... no more worthy gift may I imagine.
favorite color
what a loss indeed. i love this piece...
Years ago, while in high school at Chagrin Falls, I knew a John Jackson (around 1972-1974). I lived in the art room, cut as many classes as I could to stay there, and John was usually there too. He was a sculptor then and a painter, and he loved abstract art. I too was a budding artist who was accepted to CIA, but because of finances ended up in the USMC instead. My hopes of becoming a real artist faded quick and I didn't go on. I knew John would though, and if this is the same John I knew then, I'm devastated. I looked at Chagrin Falls graduation lists, but couldn't find John's name. I don't see how this could be a different one though, but maybe this is just a coincidence ... but even this artwork here reminds me so much of the John I knew ... back then, John was my artist hero ... he was very quiet and I really didn't know what was on his mind, but when he painted - I was always inspired ... I can be contacted at: bpeter [at] alltel [dot] net
Any information would be appreciated