
Magic Realism

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 09/06/2009 - 23:13.

If nothing else, today proved to me the power of magic realism.  Nelson Cintron is a good man, a kind man and a man gifted with the power to transform.  He is not a perfect man, but like all of us, when he tries, he can perform magic. 

No Vacation Nation

Submitted by Eternity on Sat, 09/05/2009 - 15:51.

Where are the most charming places to visit in NEO?

Submitted by lmcshane on Fri, 09/04/2009 - 13:49.

In an effort to un-depress myself, I am trying to conjure in my mind the most charming places in NEO to go to when you want to watch people and feel hopeful about life.  Now, I know I can go to the middle of a forest somewhere and meditate, but I need to hear laughter and watch boats bobbing on the water. 

Why is it so hard to make it happen here in NEO?  Do you have a favorite place to share???  Please post your thoughts here.

Are you and we as citizens informed and encouraged to consume and waste as little electricity, gas and water as possible?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/04/2009 - 09:01.

In year one, is Obama already headed for lame-duck status?

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 21:05.

Small land mass required to provide all of Earth's energy needs

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 16:42.


Max Eternity - While it's not advisable that we create a clean energy "monoculture", research does show that with a small amount of land mass devoted to harvesting solar energy, all the energy needs of the entire planet can easily be met. 

Click here to see enlarged chart(s) and to read more.

CIA doctors face human experimentation claims

Submitted by Eternity on Wed, 09/02/2009 - 22:39.

Guardian UK - Doctors and psychologists the CIA employed to monitor its "enhanced interrogation" of terror suspects came close to, and may even have committed, unlawful human experimentation, a medical ethics watchdog has alleged.

Verizon Sponsoring Anti-Climate Rally Backed By Coal Giant

Submitted by Eternity on Wed, 09/02/2009 - 21:52.

Max Eternity - It has long been apparent to me that in so many instances one will find  the same crowd that endorsed the Bush pResidency, hangs with the same crowd that's against healthcare, is the same crowd that is pro-war, is the same crowd that denies global warming, is the same crowd that watches and believes everything they hear on FOX News. 

An Appeal from Organizing for America to Take Action on Healthcare Reform Locally : Your Thoughts, RealNEO?

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Tue, 09/01/2009 - 19:10.

With just days remaining before Congress returns to D.C. to tackle health insurance reform, we're organizing our biggest push yet to show local support for change -- our "Health Insurance Reform Now: Let's Get It Done!" events.

There are thousands of gatherings across the country, and the event this Thursday in Cleveland could be one of the best. I hope you can be there as we hear from local leaders and present the thousands of declarations of support for reform that we've been collecting in Ohio for months.

Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 17:02.

Bill Moyers @ Bill Maher

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 13:04.
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What Level of Government Corruption Experienced In Your Life Causes You The Most Individual Harm?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 09:43.

Katrina: How Bush turned a natural disaster into a for-profit massacre

Submitted by Eternity on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 14:02.

Max Eternity - While the Bush response to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is most often cited as "inept", such a description inevitably sanctions Bush as patently stupid, though nonetheless innocent. 

First chickens in East Cleveland in a while?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 01:49.

East Cleveland Chickens

In both areas of Cleveland's West Side where I've lived, I knew there were chickens and roosters nearby (some I saw, and some I heard), but I haven't come across any fowl life on the East Side of Cleveland, or in East Cleveland. I wonder if there are any other chickens in my part of town? There certainly were chckens on every property back when this was farmland, 100+ years ago.

Transformative Knowledge

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 08/26/2009 - 14:02.

I am very excited that Cleveland Public Library is participating in the National Endowment for the Humanities Picturing America program.  I have always felt more comfortable explaining concepts visually and, lo and behold, today--a wonderful man contacted me today with a visual explanation of Web 3.0.  Enjoy.  Transform.

Feeding Cleveland Deadline extended Sept 21

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 08/26/2009 - 03:42.
09/21/2009 - 04:00
09/21/2009 - 04:59

Enter your photographic vision--See Levin College Forum for details.

Obese People Have 'Severe Brain Degeneration'

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 08/25/2009 - 21:28.

Live Science - A new study finds obese people have 8 percent less brain tissue than normal-weight individuals. Their brains look 16 years older than the brains of lean individuals, researchers said today.

Swine Flu Swindle?

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 18:54.

Max Eternity - Remember Monkey Pox and Avian Bird Flu?  And what was the name of that flesh eating bacteria that was supposed to sweep the nation a few years back.  Oh yea I remember now--Ebola...remember that one?

It's all too bizarre.  And where do all these so-called diseases come from anyway?  But never mind that, because I've got an even better question to ask you. 

Air quality in Cleveland

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 08/23/2009 - 13:55.

The demolition of the historic Midland Terrace Rowhouses on Denison is probably occuring either today or tomorrow--See Denison Senior NRP housing posts here and here.

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With brain tumors on the rise, are cell phones to blame

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 11:42.

I own a cell phone, which was given to me 5 years

Question of the Day: What Percentage of the Bat Boys Were Lead Poisoned as Babies?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/19/2009 - 00:47.

As I sat on my front porch, around 10 PM this evening, a group of about a dozen teenage boys could be seen and heard approaching from Euclid, shouting "where you from" for all to hear. One of the little g's from across the street (who recently broke into another neighbors' house) was walking toward them, but turned and ran back to his porch... until he recognized them, and he joined them.

"Where you from?", they asked. "I'm from Wadena", they replied.

Dumbass America: If we like public libraries, why do we hate public health care?

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 11:47.

Max Eternity - It never ceases to amaze me at how Americans fail time and time again to connect the simplest dots.  How, something as simple as public healthcare can morph into a monstrosity of a conundrum.  This is something so simple a baby could figure it out.  So, case in point...very simply, ask yourself this?  What's the difference between public libraries and public health [care] insurance?  It's the exact same argument.  Hence, why our "socialist" President and the "liberal media" has not been able to articulte th