
The First Lady visits the Sesame Street garden

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 22:00.

Healthcare reform

Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 05:34.

The House passed an historic health care bill - how did your Representative vote? Find out and contact them here:

In an "attempt to murder" police taser teen's neck for 15 seconds

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 10:52.

Allison Kilkenney - Rolando Ruiz is the man featured in yet another taser video making the rounds on Youtube. Ruiz was in police custody after being arrested by a Minneapolis police officer for reportedly throwing a brick at an officer’s vehicle.

Ruiz, who is 18-years-old, is seen in the video with his hands on the car before the officer appears to hold the taser to the back of Ruiz’s neck for 15 seconds.

Election Day! Cleveland council race features unique candidate

Submitted by talbano on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 14:10.

By Teresa Albano

CLEVELAND - Volunteers are going house to house in this hard-hit city's West Side, getting out the vote for a candidate who they believe will "shake things up" and bring change to a neighborhood pockmarked with abandoned houses and torn up streets.
It is one of the most intriguing of several hot races around the country that will be decided on Tuesday.

All Infant Formula Contains Fluoride at Tooth Discoloring Levels

Submitted by nyscof on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 06:41.

– All infant formulas, whether ready-to-feed,
concentrated or organic, contain fluoride at levels which can discolor
developing teeth, reports the October 2009 Journal of the American
Dental Association (JADA) (1).

Government adviser fired for saying alcohol is more dangerous than drugs

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 11/02/2009 - 20:15.

Allison Kilkenney - The Guardian reports that Professor David Nutt, the British government’s chief drug adviser, has been fired after claiming that ecstasy and LSD are less dangerous than alcohol.

The more I really learn about the man behind Issue 3, Dan Gilbert, the more...

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 22:17.

unReal NEO Illegal Campaigning Signs Of The Day: Issue 6, in the Heights, and by RTA

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 20:06.

Driving from Cleveland up into the eastern Heights, today, I noticed how different the political signs are in the most affluent part of the Cuyahoga County, compared to in my lowly 'hood... and how illegal. While there are quite a few pro-Issue 6 signs on front lawns of fancy houses, in the lofty Heights, where the pro-Issue 6 signs are most prominent is on public property, from Cleveland Heights and Shaker Heights east.

CBS Reveals Swine Flu Cases Seriously Overestimated

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 12:16.
Max Eternity - First it was the independent media, which revealed the Swine Flu swindle, but now it seems the mainstream press is catching on too. Earlier this week the New York Times published a story about the exaggerated dangers of Swine Flu and now CBS has followed suit, revealing that Swine Flu cases are seriously overestimated.

Jon Rappaport provides a deconstruction of HIV myth...AIDS terror

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 10:43.

Max Eternity - John Rappaport of NoMoreFakeNews provides a simplistic analysis of the immune crushting, brain-drain involved in the psychological terror of HIV=AIDS hysteria. Where in the following video, Rappaport provides a straight forward approach to un-brainwashing oneself.

Get a safer phone and lower your exposure to harmful radiation

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 10/29/2009 - 19:28.

Max Eternity - As the scientific community continues to publish reports that indicate the very real possibility of a cell phone = brain cancer link, for those unable or unwilling to part with daily cell phone use, one should at least consider purchasing and using a cell phone that will emit low radiation.

The shocking truth about HIV and AIDS

Submitted by Phillip Williams on Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:56.

I was in reading my emails today and came accross a link to youtube.  This is pretty normal, but what was interesting about this link was that this youtube video is a trailer for House of Numbers, a film that puts the topic of HIV and AIDS in a very different light.


( categories: )

Swine Flu less dangerous than normal flu

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 10/27/2009 - 11:09.

NY Times - Now that President Obama has declared swine flu a national emergency and manufacturers are warning that vaccine production is running far behind schedule, is it time to panic? Almost certainly not. Swine flu is spreading rapidly, but the virus appears no more virulent than a seasonal flu virus. If current trends continue, it will kill or hospitalize fewer people than would be harmed in a normal flu season. 

Unsustainable Cleveland 2019 Poster Children Meet In Cleveland, Tomorrow: Welcome AMP!?!?*@^$*%(#&#

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 15:21.

With timing that could not be better for political candidates who actually care about the environment and real sustainability for NEO and the world... the greatest demonstration of the unsustainable harm of our current leadership of Mayor Jackson and all or most Cleveland City Council members (did any oppose), and of our other Powers That Be, will be showcased here, tomorrow, as the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports "AMP Inc. on Monday holds its annual membership meeting in Cleveland". AMP is planning a poorly conceived $3+ billion coal burning powerplant in Southern Ohio, at astounding ecological expense, that is largely the fault of Cleveland politicians committing to buy the unsustainable, dirty power to be generated there, for 50 years!

Did You Know Last Week Was National Lead Poisoning Prevention Awareness Week?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 14:00.

Question of the Day: Did You Know Last Week Was National Lead Poisoning Prevention Awareness Week?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 04:02.

I was reviewing emails from last week and read, from the EPA, "EPA Proposes Tightening Standards for Lead-Safe Renovation Practices and Lead Paint Dust to Protect Children", which reports "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is marking National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week by announcing several actions the agency proposes to take to prevent lead poisoning."

Do you remember hearing anything in Northeast Ohio about last week being National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week? 

"I think Ohio can be the next Silicon Valley"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 07:20.

"I think Ohio can be the next Silicon Valley", said Cleveland Foundation President and "former head of North American research and development for Panasonic" Ronn Richard, for a November 2007 Cleveland Plain Dealer article titled "German solar company plans HQ in Cleveland". The PD then reported: "For months, the Cleveland Foundation has sent teams to Europe in an effort to sell Ohio to solar and wind turbine companies as the right place to manufacture."

Today, less than two years later, the PD reports "IBC Solar to leave Cleveland for San Francisco." "The company has maintained its one-person U.S. headquarters here since February 2008." "Cleveland Foundation President Richard hadn't given up Thursday evening. He was to meet with Buntain today to talk about the company's decision -- and what it will take to keep a presence in Ohio."

"Of course the business community is behind it"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 04:41.

I was quite breathtaken when I scanned the list of contributors to Issue 6 - the NEOCON ploy to restructure Cuyahoga County - published today in the primary communications vehicle for NEOCON 6, the Cleveland Plain Dealer. 

Disgraced, bankrupt National City Bank contributed $30,000 for Issue 6 - in Federal Bail-out funds, must be.

The article reports "The primary authors of Issue 6, County Prosecutor Bill Mason and Parma Heights Mayor Martin Zanotti, lent $5,000 each to the cause."

"Cell Out" for the Congo

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 10:40.
Common Dreams - Acti

22-pound toddler denied healthcare for being underweight

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 19:23.

The Huffington Post - The parents of a two-year-old girl in Colorado are unable to obtain health insurance for their daughter because the insurer, United Healthcare Golden Rule, claims she is too small.

Obama's commendable change in federal drug enforcement policy

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 11:04.

Glenn Greenwald @ Salon - Criminalizing cancer and AIDS patients for using a substance that is (a) prescribed by their doctors and (b) legal under the laws of their state has always been abominable. The Obama administration deserves major credit not only for ceasing this practice, but for memorializing it formally in writing.

Follow Karen Long

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 10/18/2009 - 12:31.

Confessions of a bibliophile:  I read the Plain Dealer every Sunday for the book section and I am so grateful that the Plain Dealer understands the extreme regional importance of the BOOK.

Follow Karen Long here and please note that the PD has twitterized their site for the readers, so you will have to register to become a follower :)