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Ohio CityLead poisoning a good cause for those who recognize "those who destroy the Earth shall be destroyed by God!"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 20:29.
There were two important shows on WVIZ/PBS public television tonight. First, locally produced Ideas featured a segment on lead poisoning. Second, "Bill Moyers on America: Is God Green?" explored how "Millions of evangelical Christians in America have taken on care for the environment as a moral and Biblical obligation. They believe that as Christians it is their duty to take action against global warming, the loss of species and toxic chemicals in our air, food and water." So, we saw the greatest problem in our local society today... toxic contamination of at least 20% of people's land and lives in Cleveland... followed by the solution, being the 65% of Americans who believe in Christ coming together to battle such toxins. To care about any of these matters without caring about all is to live an incomplete and evil life as, apparently taken from the scriptures, "those who destroy the Earth shall be destroyed by God!" ( categories:
The public must defend East Cleveland, Toledo and Columbus against Sherwin Williams, Jones Day and Plain Dealer over lead poisonSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 08:50.
The Plain Dealer finally has their headline article in the battle to protect citizens against lead poisoning - Sherwin Williams is suing East Cleveland, Toledo and Columbus for them filing suit against Sherwin Williams over lead poisoning... this, rather than the impacts and history of lead poisoning, is what has made the headlines in the paper, featured on top of the business section (rather than the front page, where the news belongs). So, Sherwin Wlliams and their local attorneys Jones Day feel they can intimidate or perhaps bankrupt Ohio cities by attacking them over what has already been determined against Sherwin Wiliams and Jones Day in Rhode Island and is in court in 26 other states, all because Sherwin Wiliams and Jones Day believe Ohio and our courts are so in the pockets of this rich and powerful local company and law firm they will endorse Blackmail. ( categories:
Plain Dealer and are JUNK... MAILERSSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 13:33.
Since moving to Ohio City I've been disgusted by the amount of junk mail I get here, as a "postal cutomer"... especially since I realized it comes from the PLAIN DEALER and CLEVELAND.COM! This is truly one of the least eco-conscious organizations in Northeast Ohio, which goes a long way toward explaining why our community and region are such a toxic disaster. Not only do they waste huge amounts of paper printing junk inserts in their paper, but now they are sending out junk mail. I post this because this is Junk Mail Awareness Week, and knowing the PD is one of the worst offenders in the region it is safe to say they will not help citizens of NEO address this ecological crisis. So read the facts and follow the link below and go to the effort to declare your freedom from junk mail. The biggest economic development story in NEO this year: East Cleveland litigating over leadSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 17:00.
If you read REALNEO, you know the huge burden of lead poisoning on our region's children and adults, the community's quality of life, and our education system and economy, and you know that, since May, East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer has been planning to work with Motley Rice to bring litigation over lead poisoning to Ohio courts. Today, the Plain Dealer published word the litigation is finally here, as East Cleveland is expected to file suit in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court over the public nuisance lead causes in their community, as has been done in 27 other states to date. East Cleveland is the leader bringing such litigation to our state, and it appears other cities and the state of Ohio are preparing to follow suit. I take great pride that I helped advance this development, and I look forward to helping East Cleveland, NEO and all Ohioans win, as a result.
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Join Meet The Bloggers with Issue 18 campaign director Eric FingerhutSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 15:53.
10/13/2006 - 10:00 10/13/2006 - 11:00 Etc/GMT-4 On Friday, October 13, State Sen. Eric Fingerhut will Meet.The.Bloggers in Suite 105 of the Tower Press Building. Location
Tower Press Bldg - Suite 105
1900 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Why is Plain Dealer still ignoring impact of Lead Poisoning in education and economy?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 15:03.
The Plain Dealer is taking a high road right now in dealing with politicians and the local economy - the same high road of Ronn Richard and the Cleveland Foundation, and most other community leaders in town... we need good education to have an effective economy. The PD quotes Cleveland Foundation President Ronn Richard as saying, at the City Club Friday, "Any plan to reinvigorate Northeast Ohio has to include reinventing, not just improving, public education... In fact, overhauling our educational system must become a national priority". In the Sunday, 09/10/06 Plain Dealer, the PD proudly proclaims: "Newspapers aim to set the agenda for election"... "Some of Ohio's largest newspapers are banding together to urge candidates in the governor's race to focus on three critical issues: kids, college and jobs." Yet neither Ronn Richard or the PD acknowledge the silent crisis of lead poisoning (and, BTW, mercury in our lakes, rivers and Perch-fries) that guarantees each year 10,000s of children in Ohio will not be able to be educated, or become effective members of the economy or society, and will instead be lifelong burdens. As the Washingtonian acknowledges (large PDF) in their more intelligent August 2006 coverage of social issues in Washington, DC, "In DC, hundreds of children are being damaged every year—and the results will be more school dropouts and more crime." For NEO and Ohio leaders to talk about improving education without attacking the lead and toxin crisis is either ignorant of deceitful. I tend to lean toward deceitful, as in the same PD that proposes to care about education, the business section features a puff-piece on the CEO of Ohio coatings manufacturer RPM, which is in the middle of major litigation over asbestos, and the PD uses this opportunity to position that litigation as fraudulent. The interview with RPM CEO Frank Sullivan features he joking about his relations with Sherwin Williams CEO Connor, who is fighting for his life to battle litigation all over America (except in Ohio) against his company over lead poisoning millions of Americans... to these people, harming millions of people is just good business, and the PD celebrates that.
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Growing up from tragedy: for 2005, plant 55 community gardens, and 10,000s of trees... more than that for 2006Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 23:04.
As I drove from the site of the murder of Detective Schroeder, on West 98th Street, I passed the park dedicated in the honor of the murder of John Jackson and Masumi Hayashi on West 65th, and it occurred to me that there must be a similar park dedicated to Detective Schroeder. This is a fitting way to memorialize the victims of murder, and all violent crime, in our city, as it replaces death with life, and sorrow with joy... it gives people young and old a place to move on in the most healthy possible ways. I do not believe the people of Cleveland want to brush away such tragedy, but rather they want to have a remembrance of those who we lose, and a bright spot to remember that... and they want their neighborhoods to grow stronger so there will be less tragedy there in the future.
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08.07.06 GCLAC Steering Committee reports progress and innovation addressing lead poisoning in NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 20:18.
In one respect Northeast Ohio is world-class: addressing the lead poisoning crisis rampant here and in all older communities of America. For this excellence in action, credit the St. Luke's Foundation and all affiliates of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council (GCLAC) and Concerned Citizens Organized Against Lead (CCOAL). GCLAC held our quarterly Steering Committee meeting on August 07, 2006, where University Hospital's Dr. Ash Sehgal, Director of the Center for Reducing Healthcare Disparities, presented his research findings on the implications of lowering the threshold level of blood lead poisoning considered a trigger for intervention from 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood to 5 micrograms per deciliter. The GCLAC Steering Committee strongly supports this action, which will make NEO the most progressive community in America and the first we know to take such bold and intelligent action, setting a safer standard for our citizens than that mandated by the Federal government. ( categories:
For those who don't care about kids... do you love pets, or yourself?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 21:05.
Claudia Arrau. Photograph courtesy Diane Smith. Unleaded Cats Ted Kreiter, Executive Editor of The Saturday Evening Post noticed something wrong with his award-winning American Silver Tabby. Catamus lost about half of his body weight over a period of "a month or two, at least." When Catamus would finish eating, he'd throw up. The last thing for which the veterinarian tested turned out to be the cause: lead poisoning. Welcome Momocho: bringing excellent, innovative modern.mex to historic Ohio CitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 02:10.
I was sad to learn that the Fulton Street Bar and Grill was closing this Spring, as that was an Ohio City institution and great place to stop for a drink or meal in one of my favorite neighborhoods.. within a few blocks offering great locally owned, high quality dining options, from landmarks Johnny Mangos, Hecks, Great Lakes, and Parker's to relative newcomer Le Oui Oui Cafe. But as a destination and neighborhood, Ohio City can benefit from as much great culinary density as possible, and the loss of the Fulton seemed tragic. But what's new in this oldest part of town is definitely NEO and Ohio City's gain, as the fantastic "modern.mex" joint Momocho (slang for small boy, named in love of the chef/owner's son) is unique to the region and will be a major draw that is already attracting crowds in on the buzz. Momocho also comes in through a very friendly transition - the owner bought the restaurant from the owners of the Fulton, and one Fulton owner John McDonnell is well managing Momocho for the new chef/owner Eric Williams, who is busy in the kitchen making the food... well, hot!
"90.3 at 9" show to focus on urban housing issues in ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/05/2006 - 22:04.
07/06/2006 - 09:00 07/06/2006 - 10:00 Etc/GMT-4 WCPN's "90.3 at 9" show tomorrow is going to focus on urban housing issues in Cleveland. They've invited several of the folks who are part of the City Club's series on Redeveloping Cleveland. (See our website, for information on the series.) Location
WCPN's "90.3 at 9"
Public Radio
Thanks for NEO's highest compliment: appreciation from Cool Cleveland x 2Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/05/2006 - 03:55.
I am really appreciative, this morning. After posting what was certainly the saddest news I can imagine, about the hardship my staff has suffered as a result of a lack of appreciation from my former business associate, Peter Holmes, I opened up this week's CoolCleveland and found that their crew had featured TWO postings from REALNEO. I am very touched and thankful to Thomas and his team for noticing REALNEO and taking an interest in the thoughts posted here - thank you. Please show appreciation back to CoolCleveland... if you are not a member, see what you've been missing... subscribe at CoolCleveland - all free - this is a real NEO must, and send feedback to CoolCleveland letters at the links below, and supporting the upcoming CoolCleveland/Tech/Ingenuity party at Fat Fish Blue, July 13, and the Ingenuity Festival, as described below... but first, here's the nice write-up about REALNEO from CoolCleveland today, July 5, 2006:
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Why are you an entrepreneur? Maybe its in your genesSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 11:40.
The following story with its links ran in CASE Daily (Case's online newpaper) today. Do feel like you have entrepreneurial genes? I think I do! Please post your thoughts ABC News (Reuters), June 5, 2006
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Dust control not effective in preventing children's exposure to residential lead hazardsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 12:00.
It is extremely important to control all dust in and around any home where there is a lead risk. Unfortunately, research shows that where there are lead risks dust control alone has little impact in reducing lead poisoning - the reduction in elevated blood lead levels is measurable and worthwhile but not sufficient to have an overall benefit to the child, or surface a solution for society. If Beethoven died of lead poisoning, then its good enough for youSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 08:11.
Lots of people know that lead poisoning played a role in the fall of the Roman Empire (lead pipes) but in December 2005 it was learned that Beethoven died of lead poisoning - probably from a combination of pipes, lead seals on wine and documents, crystal, ceramics and paints - they started outlawing lead in Europe at the end of the 19th Century... it took America nearly a century longer...
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GCLAC & Eradicating Lead Poisoning in Greater ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 01:54.
Greater Cleveland has a higher percentage of elevated blood level children than the national average, and many neighborhoods have significant lead poison problems. This book shares insight generated in the effort to eradicate lead poisoning in NEO, including initiative of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council... GCLAC.
Fundraiser to create the Digital Media Technology Industry at Massimo's da MilanoSubmitted by prelude2cinema on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 13:01.
05/04/2006 - 17:00 05/04/2006 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Prelude2Cinema second in a series of fundraisers to support the Studio Expansion and the creation of a New Industry in Northeast Ohio. This Dinner is at Massimo's da Milano and takes place May 4th from 5pm to 7pm. It features a free dinner and a cash bar. The cost is only $20.00. Celebrities are expected to attend. You must RSVP by alexmichaels [at] prelude2cinema [dot] com/fundthestudio"> [at] prelude2cinema [dot] com/fundthestudio Location
Massimo's da Milano
1400 West 25th Street
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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E4S Third Tuesday Network Event on Design & SustainabilitySubmitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Wed, 03/15/2006 - 09:33.
03/21/2006 - 17:30 03/21/2006 - 20:30 Etc/GMT-4 Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S) Design : Transform : Sustainability Presenting Sponsor - Great Lakes Brewing Company Location
Great Lakes Brewing Company Tasting Room, on Carroll Avenue
Cleveland, OH
United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories: )
Political Bribery is Not “Business As Usual”Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 23:20.
Ohio Congressman Bob Ney is certainly entitled to have the facts proved before he’s considered guilty, but it’s a disservice to voters to claim the charges against him are “just politics” or “the way things work in DC.” By asserting that these allegations are “the way things get done,” supporters drag politics and government lower and give disgusted voters more reasons to give up on government. To really understand the accusations and why the allegations are more than routine, readers need to understand the nature of the charges and the facts at hand.
Calling all Entrepreneurs! Join Us for Mixin' It Up With JumpStart!Submitted by lhummer on Wed, 02/09/2005 - 23:57.
02/10/2005 - 16:30 Come and meet serial and aspiring entrepreneurs, supporters of entrepreneurship, community leaders, business leaders, deal makers, and investors at Northeast Ohio's premier networking event at Pickwick & Frolic. Make new contacts and connections while enjoying an assortment of drinks and hors d'oeuvres.Individuals from JumpStart's new portfolio companies will also be present to share their stories and insights. Over 600 are expected. Space is Limited. Register Now! Location
Pickwick & Frolic Restaurant and Pub
Forum: The Economics of Early Childhood DevelopmentSubmitted by RWaxman-Lenz on Thu, 01/20/2005 - 11:26.
A two-part forum on: The Economics of Early Childhood Development Awareness: Session; One February 1, 2005, 4:00-6:00PM, Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Wade Oval in University Circle Alignment and Action: Session Two, February 14, 9AM to 12PM, Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development in Shaker Heights
NOTES: 01.18.05: Connecting in to NEO's Sustainable Economy at E4S MeetingSubmitted by Adele DiMarco Kious on Thu, 01/20/2005 - 09:20.
Close to 200 people gathered Tuesday evening at the Great Lakes Brewing Company's Tasting Room for 2005's kick off meeting for Entrepreneurs for Sustainability. The organization's founder, Holly Harlan, set the stage by having local entrepreneurs, like Kathleen O'Neill Web of the Coit Road Farmer's Market and Jim White of CLEER TEC, perform a skit sharing how their work is contributing to the vision of a Sustainable Economy in Northeast Ohio.
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HOTEL BRUCE & CLEVELAND PUBLIC ART OPEN HOUSESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 12/11/2004 - 22:02.
Martha and I headed out to the OC on Norm’s suggestion of “unique value� venues at 6:00 on Friday evening. It was cold and blustery outside of Cleveland Public Art’s storefront (right in the nexus of Dave’s Supermarket, the West Side Market, and the Brewery). ( categories: )
Friday in NEO - where's our unique value today?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 22:08.
Friday in NEO
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Shaker Heights knows looking backwards improves future economic developmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/29/2004 - 09:32.
One drive through Shaker Heights makes it clear this is an historically significant community. The Clevelend Plain Dealer recently reported Shaker leaders recognize their historic character as a valuable asset and they have taken steps to protect that, at the City Hall level. While much of the great historic architecture of Northeast Ohio has been detroyed over the years, regional community leaders should take action like has Shaker to preserve what remains - consider the great buildings in areas of Cleveland like Glenville, and in East Cleveland, and picture a future of historic buildings restored to their potential prime, rather than gone forever. Read on about the Shaker initiative, introduced and linked below.
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