To the County Auditor of the
County of Cuyahoga, Ohio:
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EducationPRAISE OUR SUNSHINESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 09:20.
COUNTING WORMSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 13:05.
Cindy Hale visited the Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center on September 13, 2007 to lead a small hands-on seminar on worm census techniques. Cindy hails from Duluth, Minnesota and is the author of Earthworms of the Great Lakes.
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CIVIC SPACE IS EQUITY BASEDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 11:33.
I have been attending and photographing events at each end of the NEO citizen spectrum. What I mean is that I have attended Cuyahoga County Commissioner's meetings - which I would propose is one of many events at the top of what I'll define as the "civic pyramid", and I’ve gone to classes with individual citizens at the Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center (the raccoon rabies bait story is centered around the Nature Center woods) -which I propose to define as one of many citizen events at the base, the foundation, of the "civic pyramid". Another example of an event at the top of the "civic pyramid" would be the Cuyahoga County Wind Energy Task Force meeting which was held at the Key Center September 13 and which I will post about shortly. And another example of an event at the foundation of the pyramid is instructor Donald Isom’s (on left in "Rehab is for Quiters" shirt) weekly Krump at the Heights Youth Club pictured above.
FALLOUT SHELTERS AND RACCOON RABIES BAITSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 09:46.
A few days ago I saw the fallout shelter sign above still hanging on the outside of an old brick apartment building on Lee near Euclid in Cleveland Heights. Fallout Shelters were a massive US goverment hoax - the signs and the buildings were just placebos for public nervousness.
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BOBBY SEALE - PEN MIGHTIER THAN SWORDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 20:55.
Heard Bobby tonight at 3C - heard him in the 60's too. We need leadership like his today in Cleveland. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Seale addressed a crowd of several hundred at Cuyahoga Community College Saturday evening. I remember well the Black Panther Party from the 1960’s. Mr. Seale remembers it well too. Mr. Seale's visit was sponsored by the Sara J. Harper Leadership Institute. Retired Hon. J. Harper was at the podium to introduce the evening’s program.
Just A Thought Or Two About Change...Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 19:50.
I read some good comments by Marc Lefkowitz over on GCBL regarding the movie "The 11th Hour". I recently saw the movie too, I was thinking that it was a good movie to inspire us to change our current over-consumption ways. This evening I ran into this article that got me thinking about change, and I thought that it had some interesting points.....----------------------------------Hope, Not Fear, Inspires Change
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The Cleveland Port Authority wore no clothes on Thursday. The King was completely naked – yet about half (including a rep of “first suburbs”) of the 19 adults who spoke to the 100 plus in attendance raved about the “BOLD PLAN”
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Cycling safety and Traffic LawsSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 14:04.
So what is the proper decision for police and prosecutors evaluating a collision between the operator of a bicycle and a motor vehicle? What, if any, is the criminal conduct? Well,of course, that depends on the circumstances of the accident, but if the cyclist is lawfully in the road, the answers could be many.
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Ubuntu 7.04 fully certified, pre-installed and supported on a range of Dell productsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/12/2007 - 21:36.
I was up at the Ubuntu website downloading the latest version to my ThinkPad (from a mirror site at OSUOSL, which I hopefully thought would be Ohio State University Open Source Lab, but was of course Oregon State) and I noticed a promo that "Ubuntu on Dell now available in the UK, Germany and France" with support from Canonical... one promo said this is available in the USA as well. This is a major development for Linux and for Ubuntu, and for open source development in the world. For the first time ever, I am a Dell fan... I'll be interested how pricing will differ between comparable Dell Ubuntu and Windows boxes... especially after you add Office (v.s. free OpenOffice)... more below and here.
Did Mayor Jackson Really Say That? If So, What Does He Mean?Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Fri, 08/10/2007 - 14:10.
When the Cleveland population dipped below 500,000, the population basis for many federal grant formula, the ability of the federal partner to help on our urban problems was constrained, as the City became one of only many cities across the country, rather than one of the larger, most impactful cities on its own. So strategies to increase the city population deserve special consideration, yes? Well, perhaps not.
Who Else Is Thinking PVC Free Is For Me?Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 20:04.
My Ideal Presidential CandidateSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 08:14.
Who's my candidate, the pollster asks? I will pledge to support what ever candidate does more to make the world hate America less. At the outset, I want to say how truly appalled I am at myself for having such an abysmal standard for evaluating candidates. How can I tolerate, much less espouse, such a bleak, cynical prism to separate the candidates? Yet, I am more troubled by America and an America political system that is content to operate in denial.
IF U REALLY WANT CON CENTER KENNEDY MART - PUTITONTHEBALLOT.COMSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 12:18.
Fools rush in - if you are for a sales tax to build a con center and kennedy mart - you honestly believe that this will trickle down and improve the NEO economy - then you should READ the resolutions (sales tax, use tax) passed by Cuyahoga County Commissioners Hagan and Dimora. Look at the second line of either resolution. "money goes into general fund". There is no language in the resoluions that says that either the sales or use tax is for a con center and kennedy mart. This tax will go on for 20 years sucking in about a million a week. Where will Hagan and Dimora be in 2008 when their terms expire? Promises, Promises. Printed in the Plain Dealer. And Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones, who voted "against" the tax is in fact complicit. If he was really against the tax but for a con center (with support from hotel bed taxes as he said) Mr. Jones would have raised in the public hearings the fact that the resolutions were for money going into the general fund, not into a con center account. Omitting to exercise this ringing argument puts Mr. Jones in a catagory of strong doubt about being "against" the tax. So, if you REALLY want a concenter and kenmart you would do well to sign a referendum petition right away to help this spring. Then you can vote the present resolutions down, and insist that the Commissioners introduce and pass new resolutions which spell out specifically in the resolutions what the sales tax will be used for. But then again, maybe you were born yesterday.
KRUMP DANCING IS COOLSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 13:43.
I have been following a thread on BrewedFreshDaily concerning Michael Polensek’s radical letter – and whether recreation centers might make a difference to our kids Mr. Polensek’s ward has been promising to build a youth rec center for about 17 years but can’t seem to get it done.
To the County Auditor of the
COUNTY COMMISSIONER PETER LAWSON JONES ON TAX HIKESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 07/25/2007 - 16:42.
There is a good opinion piece by County Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones regarding the proposed county sales tax hike in today's PLAIN DEALER
SAVING THE BREUER - RIGHT VS MIGHTSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 12:22.
The IngenuityFest public outreach efforts of Sally Levine and David Ellison are intended to prevent Cuyahoga County from demolishing Cleveland’s Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower. Ms. Levine and Mr. Ellison present a “Right vs Might” poster boy case of passionate public citizens who are “right” going up against “City Hall” “might”. Except in this case it isn’t “City Hall”, but “County Hall”.
Inner Circle to Become Dress Circle as Excellence Roundtable Features Cleveland Orchestra Violist Eliesha NelsonSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 23:33.
06/15/2007 - 11:00 06/15/2007 - 15:00 Etc/GMT-4 With this June 15, 2007, Inner Circle Open House, it is safe to say the NEO Excellence Roundtables are back, as this week we will feature a very unique discussion and performance by Cleveland Orchestra violist Eliesha Nelson, who is in the middle of a sophisticated recording project at George Lucas' Skywalker Sound, in Marin, California. Eliesha will discuss with us how she decided to get into the "recording business" and how the community can help her project succeed - and the purpose of this roundtable is to help Eliesha's project succeed. Location
The Inner Circle Restaurant, at Hough Bakeries
1519 Lakeview Road Parking by the restaurant
East Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps 05.30.07 is Historic Day for Hough Bakeries Complex Header of the DaySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 15:31.
Core Components to Regional Transformation using FOSS for NEOSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 08:21.
Can't contain the excitement on this emerging evolution. Why not celebrate a bit as we finally gain real traction after years of socially-conscious and sometimes stigmatizing suffering we starving artist-technologists know well. I feel we are ready for a RealNEO Rennaissance!
Design Values 2: The New Face of Product Design Opening at FutureSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 00:58.
06/01/2007 - 18:00 06/01/2007 - 21:00 Etc/GMT-4 Ever wondered how a designer conceives a product? What the process involves? Top CIA graduates innovating products for corporations such as Chrysler, Hyundai, Hasbro and Kyocera will open the vault, displaying sketches, concept drawings, renderings and actual consumer products at the second-annual Design Values alumni exhibition at CIA’s FUTURE Center for Design and Technology Transfer, June 1—August 3, 2007. Location
Future Center at the Cleveland Institute of Art
11610 Euclid Avenue First floor of the Joseph McCullough Center
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps 07.05.27 Header of the Day: Edwin at the Inner CircleSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 01:53.
Located in the heart of the historic Hough Bakeries Complex is the Inner Circle, a weekend club and reception facility operated for the past 7 years by the Hot Sauce Williams family. Starting shortly, operation of the Inner Circle will expand to extended hours every day, featuring a cybercafe, meeting space, computer terminals, free wifi, independent film, the Linux Cafe, art, culture, and great food, coffee, and even wine tastings, via a broader partnership of friends. This pan is from the deck and patio area, and features Guyanese chef and reggae performer and DJ Edwin, who will help operate the Inner Circle, shown with Hot Sauce Williams founder LeMaud Williams, as well.
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07.05.23 Header of the Day: Worse than WiFi-lessSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 00:23.
I had the annoyance of going to Beechwod Place Mall today for a meeting. What an astounding celebration of sweatshop labor and wasted resources. This pan is the first floor corner by some silly place called Nordstom, where not only does the coffee shop not provide wifi but the barista doesn't know what wifi means.
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