
ClevelandBikes Letter to ODOT Regarding West Shoreway Proposal

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 19:28.

Below is nonprofit ClevelandBikes' letter to the Ohio Department of Transportation regarding the ODOT plans for the West Shoreway. Individuals wishing to add their views on the plan can visit the ODOT website ( or email project officers (craig [dot] hebebrand [at] dot [dot] state [dot] oh [dot] us, Lora [dot] Hummer [at] dot [dot] state [dot] oh [dot] us).  

Imagine this in University Circle... MoCA has, and NEO will soon see a fantastic reality

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 11:50.

Steven Litt shared very exciting news today in the Plain Dealer - the Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) has announced their choice of architect to design their relocated facility in University Circle, and the potential for something spectacular is astounding. The choice is Foreign Office Architects, of London, which Litt calls "one of the hottest young architecture firms in the world", and their portfolio shows some exciting designs from around the world (some examples posted above and below) - it seems the MoCA project will be their most important ever in the USA... they will be working with Cleveland's Westlake Reed Leskosky. Also mentioned in Litt's column, University Circle Incorporated seem to be making progress working with MRN, Ltd. (developers of E. 4th Street), and Zaremba, Inc., for remaining planning of the Triangle area, so a complete development picture for this important zone is coming into focus.

E-Mail from Barack Obama

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 22:12.

Last week, my lifelong Republican now Democratic parents told me there is a promising candidate for President in 2008. Barack Obama. They are entusiastic, and even gave me a Time Magazine about Barack. I hadn't had a chance to think too much about this until today, when I got an email from Barack encouraging my support for the Democratic ticket this year. So I went to his website, and saw something very positive about the man... "Since coming to Washington, Senator Obama has made the elimination of childhood lead poisoning one of his top priorities." Add to that, "Senator Obama has been a strong supporter of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration and is a cosponsor of the Great Lakes Environmental Restoration Act (S. 508)" "He is a cosponsor of the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act (S. 1151)"... etc.

Dia de los Muertos Photos

Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 14:42.

Here is the link to photos:

Josaphat Arts Hall 1422 East 33rd St. Cleveland 44114 216-881-0644 for more information

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Dia de los Muertos

Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 14:37.



Last year's event was absolutely magical.  I felt like I was visiting a Mexican village.  The parade of skeletons was phenomenal and great for kids!  Parade starts at 5 p.m. 

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Try the "Just One Thing" approach

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 14:32.

 “Even when it comes to a problem as big as global warming, doing Just One Thing can have an enormous, positive impact on our planet. For instance, replacing four light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs will keep a ton of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that causes global warming, out of the air. And if everyone in the U.S. unplugged their electronics, such as TVs, computers, DVD players, and stereos when they're not using them, we'd prevent 18 million tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere. Just One Thing is so easy--and so effective.”

Shaping Regina... Brett says that in our culture people tend to find fulfillment through material consumption

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 16:24.

In today's Plain Dealer, columnist Regina Brett posted an editorial acknowledging the decline of PD readership and asking readers to offer suggestions. " How should we change? What do we do to attract young people without alienating the faithful?" I can offer an easy answer: " “When we talk about moving toward sustainability, we need to talk about at least three things,” he says. “Changing the economic structure we’re all working in, changing the culture we live in, and changing our own individual consumption patterns.”

ClevelandBIkes To Host “Silent Ride” In Memory of Charles Barr of Orchestra- Community Event To Promote Cycling Safety

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 21:44.

Please join members of ClevelandBikes, friends and colleague with The Cleveland Orchestra on a silent ride in memory of Orchestra member Charles Barr, killed in a cycling accident on August 11th.  The ride is scheduled for Sunday October 22nd at 2:00 pm.

A silent ride is a low-speed group ride in memory of cyclists injured or killed while riding. The ride is intended to create opportunities for communities to spend their time and thoughts in a shared activity, winding through University Circle and past Severance Hall, the home of The Cleveland Orchestra. The ride (excluding the registration and safe riding instructions) will take approximately 30 minutes. Unfortunately, unaccompanied minors, or those under age thirteen, will not be able to participate in the ride. The ride proceeds regardless of weather.

Future is Startup Ink: The Subculture Entrepreneur

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 23:24.

Tonight, at Future!, director David Moss put together a fun and inspiring event/exposition of the work of NEO cool entrepreneurs: Derek Hess, of Strhess, 1300, his own world, SthressFest, etc., etc.; Factory 13 Experimental Skateboard Mfg., Ltd.; Cleveland’s Jakprints, Inc., which features designs by Institute alumni; GoMedia, a Cleveland-based design firm; Alternative Press, a monthly magazine published in Cleveland since 1985 covering “new music and youth culture"; and three tattoo designers, 252 Tattoo, and Voodoo Monkey Tattoo. Cool... yes. Inspiring... yes. Fun... yes. Quality... YES! Props to Moss, co-instigator Diann Mistelske of the CIA, and Future! With great presentation, sounds and company, this was another standout performance by CIA showcasing NEO arts and culture excellence at the global level. Complaint? Could have been 10X more entrepreneurs and work in 10X the space.

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Barcelona & Modernity exhibition at CMA is stunning!

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 22:40.
(some exhibits) (some exhibits) (some exhibits) (some exhibits)  

"Barcelona & Modernity: Picasso, Gaudi, Miro, Dali" -- one visitor called it the most ambitious show she has ever seen at The Cleveland Museum of Art. I think she is right!

Spending Thanksgiving in Canada with a Shaman... reflections on nuclear war

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 07:14.

Phillip Williams and I happened to be in Toronto on business during the Canadian Thanksgiving, this year, which was yesterday, October 9th. On the surface, it is much like the USA Thanksgiving holiday... lots of comfy people eat turkey and tofurky and trimmings, while TV news broadcasts happy homeless people eating something similar in soup kitchens. What made the experience interesting for us is we spent the past few days with First Nations people, who view our Thanksgiving celebration quite differently from we of European and other non-indigenous descent. "What would our people have to be thankful for about what you did to our land" is the reasonable viewpoint of our friends here, which we discussed over Vietnamese food in Chinatown, the night before, and fresh peaches and grapes from Ontario, Thanksgiving morning. That experience was to be thankful for, as North Korea makes the world wonder what else to be thankful for.

off grid mini home for urban infill

Submitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 21:21.

If you're in Toronto October 6-9 check out the mini home at the International Home and Garden Show. MiniHomage   Here’s the history:  This is an affordable way for young professionals to stick it to the city. Buy the cheap lot and live there with the elements and no utility bills. When you’ve had enough of the BS polotics, just roll, dude. They’re lovely in the pics. I can imagine a few of them sitting lightly along the bluffs looking so moderne.

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Black Friday came early this year

Submitted by el jefe on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 10:58.

I am Jack's total lack of enthusiasm. If rumors are true then this fall is supposed to be a big election. An election that signifies change. An election that tells the status quo that we're fed up with the lies and cover-ups. Fed up with scandals, bribery, and walking at whim over the Constitution. It's an election to be remembered if only the balance of power is somewhat restored and we come off the hard right axis and balance oh so precariously on the head of a culture of potential change. That's the way it's supposed to go anyways, that is before Black Friday came early...

Black Friday


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/02/2006 - 21:30.

business week annual career salaries

Why are we trying to attract jobs in the lowest paying career categories? What a shortsighted goal our "leadership" and business owners have set.

Toronto Nuit Blanche a great free, all night contemporary art thing

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 10/01/2006 - 16:43.

Talk about great timing. Evelyn, Claus and I arrived in Toronto around 7:30 PM Saturday, September 30, 2006, to a light, cool rain, and as I was driving down Queen Street to pick up some dinner at my favorite restaurant here - Albert's Real Jamaican Foods - I noticed an unusual scene surrounded me. There were video projectors beaming images on the Gladstone and Drake hotels, and others glowing from parking lots, galleries and car washes... and 1,000s of people swarming around... more than the usual active Saturday night... especially a drizzly one. While I was waiting for my take-out at Albert's, I picked up a Now magazine (their Scene/Free Times) and realized I was in the heart of Toronto's first Nuit Blanche - "White Night"... "a night without darkness; a night for new discoveries; a sleepless night"... "a free, all night contemporary art thing." Unbelievable... what a great thing!

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ferocious beauty: genome in green chicago museum

Submitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 09/30/2006 - 13:49.

Photo by Kevin Kennefick.

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NEO arts hit glocalization home run with Stanczak, Schutz and Opie openings last night

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/30/2006 - 06:23.

Two major art exhibits opened Friday night, September 29, showcasing the importance of glocalization of NEO art at its best. Barbara Stanczak is showing a large body of recent sculptures, photo manipulations and constructions at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens Gallery, and Painter Dana Schutz and photographer Catherine Opie are exhibiting large bodies of work at Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). Each artist has strong ties to NEO, yet are globally successful and influential in their own unique ways - rooting their accomplishments back to NEO is how glocalization of arts propels our economy to a higher level, as NEO leverages the  global significance of our arts industry.

The biggest economic development story in NEO this year: East Cleveland litigating over lead

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 17:00.

If you read REALNEO, you know the huge burden of lead poisoning on our region's children and adults, the community's quality of life, and our education system and economy, and you know that, since May, East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer has been planning to work with Motley Rice to bring litigation over lead poisoning to Ohio courts. Today, the Plain Dealer published word the litigation is finally here, as East Cleveland is expected to file suit in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court over the public nuisance lead causes in their community, as has been done in 27 other states to date. East Cleveland is the leader bringing such litigation to our state, and it appears other cities and the state of Ohio are preparing to follow suit. I take great pride that I helped advance this development, and I look forward to helping East Cleveland, NEO and all Ohioans win, as a result.

Cleveland Foundation supports CIA students with “Heterotopia: sites of culture represented, contested and inverted”

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 23:13.

In a unique and powerful arts development in town, the Cleveland Foundation has started an initiative to showcase artists studying at the Cleveland Insitute of Art in a series of exhibitions at the Foundation offices, at 1422 Euclid Ave., Suite 1300, starting with "Heterotopia", now showing - the public is welcome to view the exhibition at The Cleveland Foundation offices Monday through Friday during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Mike DeWine: A review of his 2006 Campain in brief.

Submitted by el jefe on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 16:16.

Seriously, it must be hard to run for office. Esp as a Republican in this election. You've had the keys to the kingdom and carte blanche to do whatever your will for many many many years. Now it looks like the there might be a tide coming in to wash your sand castle out to sea and as you realize you're powerless to stop this, you must do your best to build some kind of barricade. Something that will block your little piece of hard work from being erased. And that my friends, that's when the desperation sets in.

Enter [insert incumbant name here]. It's nothing new of course, like some Mendelian function on coke it get's ramped up to full force around this time year after year. As those that have try to protect themselves from those that want. It's been going on since long before I was born and will probably be going on for well after my carcass releases it's architectural grasp on life.

And just like people that are constantly trying way too hard to convince you and themselves that they are one thing and another all at the same time, it just smacks of being false. I can't help but feel that this feeling of the fraternal-like system of the keepers of our political cycle is the majority of the reason why people don't vote. But as for the people who like their masochism with a side of Freedom Fries.. well they have to pay attention at least for a few weeks out of the year. As a payoff, not only do they get radio show fodder for upcoming years, they get to witness, first-hand, where all the sitcom writers have wandered off to.

This topic could go as broad as you like but since we're here in the AK-rowdy it seems fit to focus on people that hit closer to home, like Mike DeWine.

Join ClevelandBikes for Bike to Work Friday, September 29th

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 08:22.

ClevelandBikes: Cleveland’s Bicycling Advocacy Organization Leads Its September Bike to Work Ride – Friday, September 29

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Coming soon to the CMA: Barcelona!

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 23:23.


Salvador Dali (Soft Construction with Boiled Beans   Premonition of Civil War), 1936, oil on canvas 100 x 99 cm

Artists, intellectuals and anarchy – sounds like just what Cleveland needs? It worked for Barcelona!


The Cleveland Museum of Art reopens October 15th with an absolutely incredible exhibition that is not to be missed: “Barcelona & Modernity: Picasso, Gaudi, Miro, Dali.” Any one of these artists would be a huge draw for a museum exhibition -- Cleveland is lucky enough to get an exhibition with all four. This exhibition, for the first time, puts these four great artists and their contemporaries into the context of the unique city of Barcelona and the region of Catalonia. The show includes hundreds of works (painting, sculpture, prints, textiles, decorative arts; furniture, ceramics, jewelry) never before seen together by masters you should be familiar with and their contemporaries -- they will amaze you as well.

Fascinating developments from Chávez speech at UN

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 12:05.

I'm sure everyone who follows news and current events knows about Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez' speech at the UN, declaring US President Bush the devil. In today's NY Times there is an insightful expansion on this story, as they report that during Chávez' speech he held up a copy of retired MIT Professor Noam Chomsky’s book “Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance,” a critique of American foreign policy, and urged his audience “very respectfully, to those who have not read this book, to read it.” The NY Times reports sales in America of the book have since spiked - I certainly now plan to read it. Hegemony is preponderant influence or authority over others. Chomsky writes: "One can discern two trajectories in current history: one aiming toward hegemony, acting rationally within a lunatic doctrinal framework as it threatens survival; the other dedicated to the belief that “another world is possible,” in the words that animate the World Social Forum, challenging the reigning ideological system and seeking to create constructive alternatives of thought, action and institutions. Which trajectory will dominate, no one can foretell." Another quote from the book, and the NY Times article are below...

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