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blogsHeights a Holiday StoreSubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 14:54.
Shopping at Heights Arts Holiday Store supports local artists and the local economy, and provides unique gifts for your friends, relatives, or yourself. Paintings, prints, collage, photography, glass, ceramics, cards, scarves, jewelry, dolls, and more by:
Jon Abrahamson, Ambiente, Todd Anderson, Judith Angelo, Pamela Argentieri, Anna Arnold, Herbert Ascherman, Jr., Kris Barnes, Peter Billington, Dana Bjorklund, Cathie Bleck, David Brichford, Ann Caywood Brown, Craig Bungo, Gail Burdick, Catherine Butler, H.C. Cassill, Janet Century, Wendy Collin Sorin, Rene Culler, Bonnie Dolin, G.M. Donley, Kathryn Ellis, Gene Epstein, Betsy Fallon, Gretchen Gaede, Susan Gallagher, Joann Giordano, Zach Gorell, Marge Grevatt, John Gulyas and Maryann Posch, David Hagen, Joel Hauserman, Matthew Hollern, Margaret Kimura, Anne T. Kmieck, Ursula Korneitchouk, Tomasz Kowalczyk, Jean Kubota Cassill, Laura Kulber, Joanne Laessig, Andrea Leblond, Joan Lederer, Rick Lewin, Nancy Markham, Tobi Mattes, Susan McNamara, Shannon Morris, Robert Muller, Lynn O'Brien, Melissa O'Grady, Susan Prendergast, Debbie Apple Presser, Quandle Qadir, Robert Raack, Jeanne Regan, Jennifier Rohrer, Michael Romanik, Debra Rosen, Ann Rosmarin, Viktor Schreckengost, Patricia Schneider, Susan Skove, Steve Sorin, Susan Squires, Ellen Strong, Mark Sudduth, Anne Taylor, Jeremy Tugeau, Douglas Max Utter, Vivian Vail, Rafael Valdivieso, Roger Warner, Roy Woda, Theresa Yondo, Brent Kee Young, and Paula Zinsmeister.
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Crayon Carving ArtSubmitted by Phillip Williams on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 13:11.
![]() It amazes me that people can see in something so amazing. This artisit, Pete Goldlust, has taken the staple of many a childhood and turned it into something wonderous (at least to me anyhow).
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Nanotech products harm the environment!?!Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 14:21.
In a striking change of direction the USEPA has decided to regulate an ever growing part of consumer culture.... pesticides built into our products. As you may have noticed you can get just about anything these days in "antibacterial" form. Windex, socks, deodorant, zebart tidycar antibacterial car wash, hell even my keen sandals have "no odor footbeds" impregnated with what Ray Anderson CEO of Interface calls " Microbial Inhibitors". Dont be fooled fellow citizens for the fancy terms used in place of the regulatoraly defined word pesticide. That word, with all this organic food fan fair can cause negitive vibrations.... rightly so, maufacturers are shying away.
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A sustainable ThanksgivingSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 01:00.
The food we eat is one big area of each of our lives where we have opportunities to impact the “triple bottom line” of sustainability: supporting healthy people, a healthy planet, and healthy profit to the local economy.
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Bla Bla BlaSubmitted by Phillip Williams on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 17:53.
Bla Bla Bla
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7th International Art Fair Toronto: Art Toronto 2006Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Sun, 11/12/2006 - 02:23.
I had the great pleasure to attend the 7th Toronto International Art Fair: “Art Toronto 2006”. Over 80 galleries from all over the world selling 20th and 21st century art were represented at the four day event held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The majority of the galleries were from Canada, but there were also many from the United States and Germany and others from Spain, England, the Netherlands, Columbia and Argentina.
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Twinkle, twinkle, little star... Night Lights in TorontoSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/12/2006 - 00:28.
An organization in Toronto called New Mind Space hosts some very innovative public events I've been following online, and this week got to join in on - in this case, something called Night Lights. The point of the event was to bring lots of people together to increase awareness of light pollution... the light humans create that blocks the light the Creator creates. In NEO, you can look at the issue as the glare off Jacobs Field when they burn the lights even when there isn't a game, or the wasted electricity to do that (BTW, think of all the sick KWHs and coal/oil wasted and pollution created as you celebrate Christmas lights this season). - in every case... duh. I've never heard this subject raised in NEO at all, anywhere, but I've always been very disturbed to come into the city from the East and see the sky turn from black, with stars, to grey/blue/red with smoke and light pollution. Try it some time - drive from Chagrin Falls into downtown on a clear night and watch the sky turn to crap. Consider that, and then realize last week I was in one of the highrises downtown (where the Cleveland Foundation is housed, as a matter of fact) and in the elevator was a notice for tenants to "leave your lights on" that night because ESPN was in town covering the Cav's game and the city wants the world to think someone is home, downtown. So, in these times of a war in Iraq over fuel and high fuel costs and global warming some powers that be want everyone in downtown NEO to leave the lights on all night. How stupid are we? There are less stupid people in Toronto, and they do things like Night Lights, and twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder why environmentalism leaders in NEO don't think to do the same smart things...
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus has a green homeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 01:32.
I just caught Julia Louis-Dreyfus on the Kimmel Show and Jimmy mentioned to Julia that he heard she has a solar home, and she expanded to say it has solar power, heat and hot water, recycled fiber carpet, renewable wood, etc... also drives an electric car. Imagine if those in the media in NEO bothered to be socially conscious like this, and the media here promoted that. Imagine if the newscasters here bothered to live green. Louis-Dreyfus is politically active and otherwise socially conscious, yet seems very unassuming. Good for her - step up NEO media leaders... get green and then feel free to brag about it!
Picasso Portrait WithdrawnSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 17:14.
Only adding to the excitement surrounding the art auctions of the last few days, Portrait of Angel Fernandez de Soto, a blue period painting by Picasso from 1903 was withdraw from Wednesday's auction, its provenance clouded claims that it should be counted among the art looted by the Nazis. Andrew Lloyd Webber's charitable foundation is the current owner and consigner. The British composer bought the painting for the foundation in 1995. He had hoped the funds from the auction Wednesday would benefit the foundation. A Federal Judge in Manhattan, Jed Rakoff decided that the Federal court has no jurisdiction over the case and the auction could go on; however, the man who claims to be rightful owner, Julius Schoep, heir of a Jewish baker and art collector living in Berlin, plans to take his claims to the lower court. Andrew Lloyd Webber's foundation willingly withdrew the painting. Hopefully these claims, which sound spurious will not hurt the value of the work.
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Congratulations Viktor Schreckengost!Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 04:06.
I can't think of an artist more deserving of this award! Please read on ... President Bush Announces Viktor Schreckengost as 2006 Medal of Arts Recipient
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These are exciting days in the art market!Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 17:11.
![]() Wild style ... Picasso's portrait of Angel Fernandez de Soto and Pete Doherty. Photograph: Dave Hogan/Getty
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You gotta love Cleveland weatherSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 22:00.
Well, it is November 02... a glorious morning of Fall leaves, bicyclists, fleeces and sunshine. An afternoon of blustery wind from the north, and lake effect snow. Odds are we'll have more beautiful Fall days ahead, but Winter in Cleveland has arrived. I happened to hear Dick Gaddard's Fox 8 winter forecast tonight... in brief:
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Building a Drupal site for the arts, with organic groups and all the extras... work in progressSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 05:53.
I thought those who are part of REALNEO would be interested in the latest from the development team. Phillip Williams and I are thrilled to have built and to host a site for the Cleveland Club of Washington, D.C. (feel free to attend their open events) and huge props to Phillip for lots of great work in East Cleveland - especially building a web-based data management system to track their speed camera data and payment processing (I bet you didn't even know they have speeding cameras
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How often does someone offer to make a campaign contribution of your choice?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 14:10.
I just received the following from TrueMajority.Org and thought other realneo members would lke to add their choices: It's less than a week before the election, and the candidates TrueMajorityAction have supported are looking strong to Take Back Congress in a photo finish. We don't want to hold anything back, so we're emptying out our campaign cash to the closest races -- but we want you to tell us which ones to send it to.
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Where to go on a beautiful day in ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 04:54.
It was a beautiful Fall day today, so I wanted to take my little bugger out to enjoy nature... I reflected on where to go. I thought the Metroparks would be nice, or perhaps the park in the Flats with the sculpture by Gene Kangas, and then it occurred to me I live in one of the most interesting neighborhoods in America, Ohio City, and I can enjoy that without driving a mile. So off we toddled to see what was shaking in the 'hood, and wound up at the smaller of the two community gardens down the street.
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Social responsibilty, "sustainability", global warming and the transfat New York realitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 23:46.
Today on NPR's BBC news, there was a lead story about the latest findings about the cost of global warming to society ($7 trillion), and they had some sustainability wiseguy saying how we shouldn't worry so much - industry leaders like GE have recognized the crisis and are modeling their behavior and taking care of the problem - don't make a big deal about the fall of the global economy, as the corporate jets are aloft. Well, I'll point to a different story, on transfats, and dispute that claim.
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Stop whiningSubmitted by lmcshane on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 23:09.
Just want to go on the record for wishing Clevelanders would just start having an attitude. This is a great liveable city. Kudos to the Emerging Cleveland website, Jason Therrien/Thundertech and all the creative minds that just do it and get on with it.
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Invasion of REALNEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 23:01.
Someone set up an account at realneo and posted 10 items in some language I couldn't identify - something character based like Chinese - and I deleted the account before deleting the items, so now they show up as N/A. Sorry for the postings to nowhere below. We'll clean this up in the database later. Sorry for the imperfection. I know better for the future. Why do people do these things?
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