New, Unseen Marilyn Monroe Photos Unveiled
Submitted by Phillip Williams on Sun, 12/10/2006 - 14:34.

"Five previously unseen candid photographs of Marilyn Monroe have now been released, with limited edition prints being distributed to select galleries throughout the United Kingdom.
The photographs are not posed, and capture the star in her most private moments- in bed, on a plane and in front of a mirror. Only 495 prints of each photo have been made, making them very exclusive.
The photos are were unveiledfor the first time today at a Marilyn-themed event at the Meller Gallery in Witney, Oxfordshire. They will be available only until Christmas."
Read the full article here:
lovely... how do you get these pics up?
I struggled, too with posting a photo like Zebra Mussel. Please add directions for posting images for others like me and Martha and Zebra Mussel. We need the directions for attachments, too, I guess.
Posting pics...
If the pic is already posted somewhere else that you think will stay up for a long time, then you can paste it right where you want it in an article with copy and paste or by using the little picture adding tool in the toolbar below the "body" posting box and pasting the URL into the add image screen.
If the pic is on your computer, you need to first use the "attachment" tool at the bottom of the posting screen to add the image to the online server - click on Browse and find the image on your computer and then click attach to upload it - it doesn't actually upload until you save, but you wll see the URL of the picture location on the server in the attachment tool list. Once you have done that, copy the entire URL (e.g. from the attachment tool list of attachments and chose in the body where you want the image - pick the aligment (e.g. center) and use the add image tool in the toolbar at the bottom of the comment window to open the image screen and paste the URL in there - then save and the image will be uploaded to the server and insterted into the text where you indicated with the add image tool. As a format request, first save your images on your computer to sizes no wider than 650 pixels.
Let me know if this is still confusing and I'll try to explain more thoroughly.
BTW - there is not an attachment tool for comments so if you want to add an image to a comment it needs to be attached somewhere else - like in a blog posting - and then the URL from that gets inserted into the body of the comment using the add image tool. Confused mow?!?!
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