Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 19:19.
Today, Gloria, Tim and Rudy really deserve credit for trying to make the obvious apparent to our collective political machine with the workshop they organized for NOACA's Liveable, Walkable Communities.
Here we in Brooklyn Centre live in the midst of everything and it hasn't sunk in. Well, maybe today the lightbulb finally went off in people's heads and we will get investment--REAL investment in Brooklyn Centre and Ward 15. Investment from families looking for quality of life. Investment from single twenty-somethings able to afford their first, and hopefully, only home in life. Investment from retirees who want a real community and the chance to give back to the kids who spill out from every home in the neighborhood.
It's a no-brainer. BTW, if you want to see US in all of our neighborly glory, we spill our guts this Saturday, June 7th, and Sunday, June 8th, at the annual Archwood Street Sale.
So, love us or leave us. We know "La Dolce Vita."
(Photo: Richardsons' Greenhouse--technically on the cusp of Ward 15 and Village of Brooklyn Heights. Brooklyn Heights once had the distinction of being a greenhouse capital. I only wish that it would retain this distinction. Brooklyn Centre also developed as a garden neighborhood, with early nurseries and farms settled along the creeks that fed the Cuyahoga River. If you want to understand our history--visit Riverside Cemetery for this year's garden tour on Sunday, June 22nd. Again, a Gloria, Tim, Rudy, Sharon, David and many more production. It's a neighbor thing.)
To the young Baldwin-Wallace interns stationed on Archwood Ave. this summer. Thanks to their young blood (and young backs!) and to Don at OBDC and to our trusty library vounteer, Ms. Scoggins, the Friends of Cleveland Public Library had a great return on the book sale today.
Special props to the Brooklyn Branch Library's neighbor, the Coral Group, for allowing us to use their shopping plaza parking and space to present our first-ever outdoor booksale. Thanks to Mike with Brooklyn Centre Civic Association for working out the logistics with the Coral Group. And thanks to Brad, Mike and the crew from CPL for setting up in the heat! I am sorry that I can only pay you in freeze-pops!
It was a hot and crazy day (surviving the first hour of hand-held scanner book vultures...what's the deal?!...Ebay?), but a GREAT day for my neighborhood.
Thanks, again!!!!
the critical distinction
and, we can park in the yard...
we have all the amenities of the other neighborhoods, like Ohio City and Tremont, plus a little more room, more garages, and a great alley system...we came into existence along with cars...just about like Cleveland Heights and Shaker Heights and Lakewood
double entry
double entry
And AT&T...
From our neighbor, Bill Callahan...and this is good?
Sidewalk RAGE
Preservation Nation asks....
when was the last time you heard about a case of sidewalk rage?