Why is it necessary?

Submitted by Boris Mann on Thu, 10/07/2004 - 23:56.

The fundamental task of the twenty-first century is to invent new forms of human cooperation and global interaction that allows us to deal with the most complex problems of our day.

Case Weatherhead School of Management organizational behavior professor David Cooperrider, developer of the appreciative inquiry management theory, thus sums up why REALNEO is necessary.

For better human cooperation, the most advanced economic development organizations and leaders in Northeast Ohio use some new forms of global interaction – REI’s Ed Morrison publishes a globally read blog – http://www.edpro.blogspot.com/ – and REI has a wiki, rooted at http://www.smartmeetingdesign.com/rei/ – and a group of area wind power industry proponents have a blog on that subject at http://makingchange.typepad.com/neowind/
– so there is clear evidence smart local economic development leaders
consider social networking necessary and are finding tools to help… the
examples above illustrate three different solution providers.

Northeast Ohio there are apparently 600+ economic development related
organizations – menaing 10,000s of direct stakeholders… in fact
100,000s. There are thus in very real ways 1,000s of social networks,
1,000s of business and project networks, 1,000s of related meetings,
seminars and lectures per year, most with virtualized management and
content, and none of them interact or leverage any synergies.

is necessary to organize all the related contacts, content,
communications and schedules in one interface. And it is valuable to
leverage economies of scale and synergies – develop one optimal site
for all, and let everyone benefit from that together.

is necessary to provide a unique approach to application development
and implementation for a very unique application – not a simple task.
But, the approach outlined here for REALNEO will succeed.

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