Yale University Identifies Six Distinct “Americas” When It Comes To The Issue Of Global Warming - Where Do You Live?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/13/2011 - 20:09.
“Dismissive” – who believe global warming is not happening and probably a hoax
27% (21 votes)
“Doubtful” – not sure whether global warming is happening - if it is, is natural and a distant threat
21% (16 votes)
“Disengaged” – do not know much about global warming or whether it is happening, and have not thought much about it
5% (4 votes)
“Cautious” – believe global warming is a problem, but not urgent, and are unsure whether it is human caused
10% (8 votes)
“Concerned” – believe global warming is a serious problem, support an active national response, but are less personally involved
10% (8 votes)
“Alarmed” – convinced that global warming is happening, caused by humans, and a serious and urgent threat
26% (20 votes)
Total votes: 77

Global Warming’s Six Americas 2010

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Global Warming’s Six Americas 2010


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