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TechnologyMozillaMozilla Foundation is the non-profit organization that "owns" and develops theFirefox, Mozilla browsers, and the Thunderbird email client.
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Storm the Palace Video Clips bring forum topics aliveSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/19/2005 - 15:06.
Videographers Karen Kilroy and Jimmy Friend shot video of the Storm the Palace forum, November 1, 2005, and edited that down into short clips of great ideas surfaced during the world cafe portion of the event - visit the links below to see the action.
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Welcome to REALNEO, your virtual community for NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 12:10.
REALNEO.US has been up and running since October, 2004, and has 1,000s of postings, 100s of members, and gets 1,000s of hits a day from all around the world. To join the free REALNEO community, simply create an account - if you are already a member, log in. Some suggestions on how to participate... go to the events calendar to find something interesting to do around town, and add events you think others will enjoy ("create content", "event")... go to the Community Forums and comment on the topics, or add a topic for collaboration with others... post a thought to your blog ("create content", "my blog")... comment on the thoughts of others... invite your friends to join you, and make new friends. If you have questions or would like to do more for the community, like cover events, email info [at] realinks [dot] us.
StagingSubmitted by robataka on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 07:06.
We have setup a developing/staging site with the latest and greatest. As you have noticed over the last couple of weeks, we have changed some of the styling here at realneo, and we are planning more changes. We will be doing some testing prior to upgrading this site, but we have made some progress.
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Cleveland State’s College of Business hosts panel of experts on new frontiers in Internet marketing, Nov. 29Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/17/2005 - 13:32.
11/29/2005 - 10:30 Is your Location
Nance College of Business Administration, 1860 East 18th Street, room 118
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Speaking of which...Submitted by robataka on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 23:14.
In my last post, I mentioned that I want to add wiki functionality to this site. Another thing I think this site should have is trackback functionality. The issue with trackbacks, of course, is spam. I am going to turn trackbacks on and see how it goes. If we get too much spam to handle efficiently, I'll turn it back off.
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"We Media"Submitted by robataka on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 22:52.
I missed it, but apparently on the Lehrer-Mcneil Report, there was a section on increased individual participation in "journalism", or what they called "We Media". A large piece of the report was focused on wiki technology. Of course they mentioned Wikipedia. Apparently, wikipedia has over 2 billion hits per month. "Subscribers" to wikipedia outnumber the subscribers to the New York Times, Washington Post, the LA Times(and maybe one or two others) combined.
Can We Create An Effective Internet-Based System to Match Volunteers With Volunteer Needs?Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Fri, 11/11/2005 - 13:16.
Can we use the Internet to develop a matching system for potential volunteers and volunteer activities at area nonprofits? After three years of raising money for University Settlement, a nonprofit social service agency on the southeast side of Cleveland, I am amazed by the good will and desire to help among the public. But couldn't we develop a system to utilize and magnify that good will? The following are my thoughts (based on computers labs in Chicago and the website, but business volunteers unlimited uses aspects of this as well), but I'd certainly welcome yours.
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Community Broadband - wireless and wire/fiber - a grass roots approachSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/11/2005 - 13:07.
REALNEO just attracted our CIO Rob Hawkins (AKA Robataka) from Japan, where residents can get 100 M fiber connections to their homes for $40/month - that's more than 100X what we can get here... bottom line is our current "system" of a few telecom service providers is failing America and our community. Ameritech and the cable companies have no intention to improve things here any time soon, and this isn't OneCleveland's mission - we need new telecom provider strategies, thinking big, high-bandwidth, universal access, and forever. Who cares? ( categories: )
Joint Convention Center Meeting Open to the PublicSubmitted by robataka on Thu, 11/10/2005 - 22:33.
11/11/2005 - 08:00 I saw this over at Cleveland vs World blog, but it appears there will be an meeting open to the public to discuss the various venues for the convention center. You can see more details over at Cleveland City Planning Commission's website. Location
Cleveland Convention Center 500 Lakeside Avenue Room 212
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KDE vs GNOME?Submitted by robataka on Thu, 11/10/2005 - 18:06.
I saw today that Novell will be focusing on GNOME as there Desktop Envirionment for SUSE, etc. Being a KDE fan I was a little disappointed to see that. But in that same article, I saw a link to an item where the founder of Ubuntu, a Debian-based distribution almost soley focused on Gnome, in fact uses Kubuntu, a KDE focused version of Ubuntu. And that in fact that he wanted to see Kubuntu become more mainstream within the Ubuntu organization.
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VIDEO: proposal to provide empty/underutilized buildings in region for technology start-upsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/09/2005 - 15:43.
This "Storm the Palace" participant in a "technology" world cafe discusses his proposal to reuse abandoned, empty, underutilized properties for start-up technology businesses, putting the properties back into useful service, reducing blight, and at the same time providing much needed incubation space for start-ups. ( categories: )
Technology facilitating Safety in NEOSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 11:08.
Post thoughts and comments regarding technology facilitating Safety in NEO
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Research and Development technology centers in NEOSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 11:06.
Post thoughts and comments regarding Research and Development in NEO
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Voice over IP (VOIP) telephony for NEOSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 11:04.
Post thoughts and comments regarding Voice Over IP (VOIP) technology for NEO
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Biotech for NEOSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 11:02.
Post thoughts and comments regarding Biotechnology for NEO
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Fuel Cell Technology for Northeast OhioSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 11:01.
Post thoughts and comments regarding fuel cell technology for NEO
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Designing new transportation infrastructure for NEOSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:59.
Post thoughts and comments regarding change in transportation infrastructure for NEO
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Cleveland Linux User GroupThe Cleveland Linux User Group. The group meets once a month to talk about various linux and/or open source topics. There are also mailing lists to which you can subscribe.
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Chinese Halloween with IntelSubmitted by robataka on Sat, 11/05/2005 - 10:25.
Found an interesting article over at LXer (pronounced Elexer) which posts portions of what is supposedly an internal Intel document suggesting that they will anticipate to sell hundreds of millions of Linux computers in China. From the summary at the top of the article:
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Use technology to connect parents to schools to make child's progress transparentSubmitted by More Better on Fri, 11/04/2005 - 11:32.
Post comments regarding the use of technology to connect parents to schools and make student progress more transparent
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How to Bridge the Digital DivideSubmitted by More Better on Fri, 11/04/2005 - 11:29.
Post comments regarding how to best bridge the digital divide in NEO
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Technology ideas generated from brainstorming at the Palace - Nov. 1, 2005Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 18:40.
Over a period of roundtable "world cafe" discussions, participants at the Storm the Palace table wrote the following summary ideas on a flip chart or post-it to the idea wall - each idea is being posted to the "Community Forums: Technology" on REALNEO focused on this category... read on:
Increasing participation by people in Arts and Cultural ActivitiesSubmitted by More Better on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 15:35.
Please post comments and insights regarding ways to increase participation in Arts and Cultural events
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Storming the Palace for a sustainable NEO - November 01, 2005Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 12:33.
As dusk approached on a dreary, rainy Cleveland 1st of November, the skies suddenly cleared and around 80 diverse NEO Stakeholders gathered at the Palace Theater for a shared experience of insight from Mayor Campbell and Next Generation Consulting CEO Rebecca Ryan followed by "world cafe" collaboration. See the results linked below.
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