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Meet Sierra Club Organizer Mattie Reitman In East Cleveland To Plan For MCCO EPA Hearing and to "Move Beyond Coal"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 11:40.
07/23/2010 - 17:00 07/23/2010 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Dear citizens of Northeast Ohio who are concerned about health, prosperity and/or the environment.... There is a coal burning power plant operated by Medical Center Company (MCCO) in University Circle, and another has been planned by MCCO for construction in East Cleveland, and that is harmful to the environment, our economy, and the health and educational achievement and so success in life of all citizens in neighboring communities, like Cleveland, East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights, and regionally and worldwide. This Friday, 5-7 PM, you are encouraged to meet a representative of the Sierra Club to learn more about the pollution and harm caused by MCCO, and alternatives to burning coal in your neighborhood - the Sierra Club is supporting our community to "Move Beyond Coal" and in preparation for a Federal EPA hearing on the renewal of the permit for the MCCO plant to continue burning coal in your neighborhood - August 10, 2010, 4:30-6:45 PM at the MLK Branch of the Cleveland Public Library You are encouraged to attend that public meeting to speak out against needless pollution of your neighborhoods and families by MCCO, to "Move Beyond Coal". You are invited to join Sierra Club Campuses Beyond Coal field organizer Matthew/Mattie Reitman for an informal public awareness meet-up in East Cleveland, Friday, July 23, 2010, from 5-7 PM, to discuss all of this and help spread word in your community. The East Cleveland meet-up will begin and end at The Chateau, and feature some walking information sharing in the surrounding neighborhood, grass-roots style. The Chateau is an East Cleveland neighborhood club in one of the original Euclid Avenue Millionaires Row mansions, located in one of the great historic neighborhoods in the MCCO pollution fallout zone... all dating pre-1910. Take this great opportunity to become informed and active fighting pollution in Northeast Ohio while experiencing some unique and wonderful qualities and people here that, if you aren't a real EC local, you probably don't know. You are more than welcome in EC, wherever you call home! I took the Plain Dealer's John Petkovic to The Chateau for a drink on Karaoke night, when he was doing his bar guide... here is his review:
Read more about the hearing on realNEO at "EPA Hosting Public Hearing to Discuss Citizen Concerns Over MCCO University Circle Coal Powerplant Permit Renewal" Please contact me or Mattie Reitman with any questions - feel free to comment here on realNEO regarding this - and RSVP if you may attend (RSVP not necessary - drop by any time 5-7 and you'll see us around) - norm [at] realneo [dot] us... Matthew/Mattie Reitman Location
The Chateau
13124 Euclid Ave. Free parking on Euclid, sidestreets and in rear
East Cleveland, OH 44112United States
See map: Google Maps
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Will try and make this tomorrow 5-7
Will work my butt to get will take a few bus transfers etc.
You will dig the Chateau
And, it is on the Healthline... and the buses get to speed on Euclid now.
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