When United States leaders speak of developing our "homeland security" by drilling and stripmining our way to "energy independence", I must question their scientific integrity and intellectual competency.
It is well understood worldwide that our Federal government has made impossible the development of an industrial hemp economy in America, which offers citizens a greater degree of energy independence here, because past corporate tycoons were able to force corrupt and ignorant politicians to incorrectly associated "hemp" with "marijuana", and "marijuana" has incorrectly been branded as dangerous and addictive by many ignorant and corrupt American scientists, and the corporate tycoons who pay their salaries.
Long story short, because of the ignorant 1936 low-grade American exploitation film called "Reefer Madness", the tuly mad leadership of America has long outlawed developing industrial hemp resources, intellectual property, and technologies in America.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 04:15.
In 2007, the Congressional Research Service published a Report for Congress: Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity - Updated March 23, 2007 - which gives a good summary of the thinking and US Federal government analyses of industrial hemp over three years and a president ago, when Representative Ron Paul introduced the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in the 110th Congress ...
Time to enact the Industrial Hemp Farming Act! Time to prepare Ohio for that inevitability - "the state’s determination would be conclusive and binding."
Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity - Recent Legislative Activity
In February 2007, Representative Ron Paul introduced the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in the 110th Congress (first introduced in the 109th Congress in June 2005 as H.R. 3037). This is the first legislative proposal at the federal level intended to facilitate the possible commercial cultivation of industrial hemp in the United States. The bill would amend the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802(16)) to add language stating that the term “marijuana” does not include industrial hemp. The measure was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
If enacted, the bill would permit industrial hemp production based on state law, without preemption by the federal government under the Controlled Substances Act. The measure would grant exclusive authority to any state permitting industrial hemp production and processing to determine whether any such Cannabis sativa plants met the limit on THC concentration as set forth in the Controlled Substances Act. In any criminal or civil action or administrative proceeding, the state’s determination would be conclusive and binding.
Visionary opportunity to utilize our property across from Saint Cantius on Professor & College, for a beautiful year round greenspace. A monthly rotation of outdoor sculptors & integrated gardens, right in the heart of Tremont!
A collaborative effort of Cleveland artists, local garden clubs, businesses & community residents creating a sustainable, green & carbon neutral greenscape destination for all to benefit.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 13:54.
Why do I hate the leadership of OHIO?!?!?!
Why the hell was air quality in Cleveland and so Northeast Ohio, the region, the state and the world so "UNHEALTHY" last night, while we slept, and why is it so unhealthy RIGHT NOW - and HOW UNHEALTHY really, where, as indicated above?
Submitted by tremontsoul on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 09:56.
Both long stayed and new residents as well as businesses interest and support for creating a green scape proposed by me for the the property is very high. I feel that this is the most appropriate and positive solution that would benefit all equally without sacrificing additional parking spaces. Creating a huge tar surface with a sea of vehicles (even with some landscaping) right in the center of such a beautiful and historic district would be unconscionable.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 14:24.
Whether you care about childhood lead poisoning or not, I think you'll be interested by important insight on Lead, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Renal Function that everyone in the world should understand. Think of the cost of this on society - the suffering, reduced quality of life, and lost years for so many people, caused by lead harming kidney function. Here's the intro and abstract - you'll need to set up an account on WebMD to read the rest (apparently free - this is not an endorsement of WebMD... I am not a member... I will join to read the rest of this and let you know my thoughts)...
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 13:58.
While I have never considered Issue 1 - the Third Frontier - offered me direct opportunity, as an Information Technology entrepreneur I do recognize this relatively low-burden, low-exposure state funding offers great opportunities for many other important technology initiatives across Ohio. The results are well documented by the well organized supporters of Issue 1 - see their message posted below - and I certainly expect this will pass by a large majority (if not, I will be shocked). Assuming this passes, I'd like to see changes in the processes for how Third Frontier money is used in the future, as I believe all our processes in the state and region must become brighter and greener. But we can't try to accomplish that without this funding being available for the technology sector. I'll vote for Issue 1, and then become active making sure the money has as great an impact as possible - results so far provide a good foundation. I recommend you do the same... see the official story below:
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 10:38.
I've been asked what our traffic looks like over time, so I pulled a few quick charts of the number of visitors to realneo since we started using Google Analytics, and what they have visited, to measure performance of this site - and we've grown by pretty much all counts I've considered important by 30-100% since then - in some cases by 1,000s% - in less than a year-and-a-half.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:45.
04/21/2010 - 17:00
04/21/2010 - 21:00
Ever wonder what is growing at the Old Brunswick Florist building on Carnegie Avenue? Companies. Cool companies. Like seeds in miracle grow ---- fresh new companies are blossoming at the old flower shop --- under the watchful eye of Goldstein Caldwell
Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 02:19.
Would any Realneo members like to participate in a seed and plant swap? I would be happy to host. Please post your thoughts on possible dates and times. We could also include garden tools and other gardeing related items if people are interested.
Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 11:43.
03/07/2010 - 11:00
03/07/2010 - 16:00
The Cleveland Food Coop, Cleveland Food Not Bombs & Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice are sponsoring theses events in celebration of International Women's Day, events are free but seating is limited.
Sevi Bayraktar is from Istanbul, Turkey performing Gypsy and Flamenco dances.
Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 03/04/2010 - 16:27.
03/08/2010 - 00:00
03/08/2010 - 23:59
Have you heard of International Women's Day? I first learned about this holiday/event that celebrates the many achievements and contributions of women about three years ago. Please check out the website International Women's Day to learn about the history of International Women's Day and ways it is celebrated around the world. Next year will be the centenary of International Women's Day.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 15:45.
What are the results of the $billions in public money spent in Ohio on Economic Development, 3rd Frontier and "Film" in the past decade? Now is the time for an OUTSIDE audit, before our outbound leaders spend more of our money on the wrong things, while asking citizens for more money for the friends of current leadership to transfer to their new chosen-ones.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 21:12.
I'll be brief.
I co-founded realNEO in 2004 because Northeast Ohio needs realNEO - the world needs realNEO. It is entirely different from any other "social network" or content management system on Earth, building upon the ICEarth co-op conceptual framework.
I developed the ICEarth (Internet/Information Community Earth) conceptual framework in global collaboration, in the late 1990's, and founded ICEarth LLC, in 2002, to build the co-op data warehousing and serving platform for the ICEarth conceptual framework.
We have built specialised hardware for ICEarth, running specialised open source software, all developed to unique specifications. Initial testing of the hardware and software configurations exceeds expectations.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 07:37.
I've Identified Some Astounding Information Technology Talent in real NEO that has been harmed by our regional leadership, and I'm trying to find a nice way to deal with that. Each of these people have risen to positions of demonstrated excellence in their fields - have innovated our regional information technology landscape and had global impact - and each of them have been directly violated by leadership in our community - IT leadership and community development leadership. They have each done the right things - each taken the right steps - and each been blocked along the way. And each are "minority". How do I now give them the proper status they deserve in the community, where they have not been welcome or valued?
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/17/2010 - 01:35.
09/18/2010 - 01:00
I attended an excellent Software Freedom Day event in Toronto in 2006, which I introduced on REALNEO here, and covered on REALNEO here - I actually needed a copy of Ubuntu that day, so it came in very handy.
I'd like to see Northeast Ohio celebrate Software Freedom Day 2010 in a BIG WAY - Saturday, September 18 - and follow the model I saw in use in Toronto, which included active, friendly engagement on a busy street, with workshops and light training/Q&A offered inside a receptive place. Of course, the Linux Penguin was out-front to draw attention to the event... we definitely need a penguin.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/14/2010 - 07:11.
There is a very disturbing article in today's Cleveland Plain Dealer, written by their urban-planning-master-in-training at Cleveland State University, that is so full of conflicts-of-interests and halftruths it will take weeks to dismantle the mess.