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The Co Presidents of Ward 4Submitted by mabeldog on Sun, 04/10/2022 - 20:07.
![]() Here they are! The gal pals running Ward 4. Mrs. and Mrs. Marion Gardner. Or is it Anita? Or maybe they're going by the CURRENT Clowncilman's name. It is SO HARD to keep track. Political correctness and all. What are their preferred pronouns anyway? That's what's really important. Debi Gray Gardner made so very many promises on the campaign trail, along with her totally imaginary and UNfact checked resume. Running the UAW, running the libarry system, running an online clothing enterprise. In reality Debi's last real job was a teller for Key Bank. In 2000. She spewed the usual vague bullshit about "being there" for Mt. Pleasant but now that she is ensconced on her VERY large seat at city hall, all she has to offer is pigs and chickens. Or is it goats? At Mrs. Gardner Gray's fake non profit the CCCCCC. Where many self-promoting promises are ALSO made about free food and clothes and utilities and rent and dentist appointments and trips to Cedar Point and sanitary wipes for the hookers who allegedly drift in and out of the handsome brick headquarters at 13512 Kinsman on a regular basis. That Mrs. Gardner Gray got FOR FREE from the Landbank. But how are the hookers supposed to know when the wipes come in when the last update on their FB page was in 2020. And they curiously have NO WEBSITE. Mrs. Gardner Gray with all her bloviating about being there for Mt. Pleasant and going to housing court every single day to stop evictions and other selfless acts of compassion, the non profit she runs has had its tax-exempt status revoked. For FAILING TO FILE AN IRS 990 which is mandatory. The CCCCCCC has NEVER filed one. If you dared to ask her about this she would accuse you of being a white supremicist. Her vast empire of donated empty lots will soon house all manner of lifestock a veritable farmland in the hood. BUT other LESS FAVORED vacant lots in Ward 4 are filling up with toxic waste and gangs roar up and down the streets of Mt. Pleasant every weekend firing randomly at homes. Mrs. Debi Gray Gardner who ran on accountability is not interested in any of THAT. Or returning phone calls either. She's in there now. Ain't nothing nobody can do. The much maligned Ken Johnson MAY have had his faults but he returned every single phone call from every consitutent. But times have changed in Ward 4 as it moves into an agrarian economy. Debi and her gal Anita are busy planning the back 40. Because BELIEVE ME neither of them will be doing any actual PLANTING.
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The Fall of Rome
Starts in Ward 4 under Debi Gray Gardner.
What IS it about the Ward 4 Clowncil persons?
So last night the Clowncilperson in Ward 4 had a community meeting. Many of the attendees questioned the choice of the Zelma George skating rink with loud rap music blasting over the bargain basement sound system, drowning out the speakers. Deliberately perhaps? Anyway there was an non update update about the Cleveland tax dollars funding the transition of Shaker Square from half empty ghetto plaza to an upscale property that can easily be sold to a local developer. One year in nothing visible has been done. Plumbing and electrical updates were spoken about and other vague unspecific improvements that will happen someday before the 5 year "loan" runs out. Meanwhile Bell Burton and Carr AND Terri Hamilton Brown will be sure to get THEIR massive cut now. And during the meeting the Clowncil person said she was giving money from her Clowncil CDBG stash to her life partner Marion just call me Anita Gardner's fake non compliant non profit that has never filed an IRS 990 and consequently LOST their IRS CHARITABLE EXEMPTION. Because one thing that would have to be listed on those IRS 990s is the proceeds from the 2 properties sold by Marion Gardner's fake charity that she got for FREE from the Land Bank. 3894 E 147 and 3846 E 147. Where exactly did that $42,000 GO? Isn't this the kind of activity that sent the PREVIOUS clowncilman to Federal Prison. Asking for a friend
The Cuyahoga County Land Bank transfers properties to a non-profit that doesn't file 990s....nothing suspicious here?! Anita Gardner runs CCCC and is Council Rep Debra Gray's close associate.
No Financial Data Available
Nonprofit Explorer has no Form 990 data for CONCERNED CITIZENS COMMUNITY COUNCIL and this organization may not appear in the Nonprofit Explorer search.
New York, Shaker Square but NOTHING for Mt. Pleasant
She is an incompetant liar with a fake resume and a criminal girlfriend. At the "Ward" meeting she claimed she can't do ANYTHING for Mt. Pleasant's myriad problems because they don't have a CDC. And YET the CCCC is getting cash from Bell Burton and Carr. Hopefully they will look into the non compliance because HUD funds are involved. What about the Casino Cash. She has gotten THAT for food cards. Handed out at 3 Mt. Pleasant locations including her girlfirend's (who is pulling ALL the strings) "charity". She also apparently stood at the precinct voting location at Murtiss Taylor during the last hour of voting and strong armed late voters into voting for her girlfriend for precinct captain.
Reminded that Anita Gardner held Council Seat
And basically handed it off to Debra Gray. Disgusting power play.
Former Cleveland Housing Judge Ron O’Leary administered the oaths. O’Leary said he often has worked with Gardner on housing issues and considers her a friend.
Councilman Blaine Griffin praised her community efforts, noting that to residents she was a familiar face known as “Momma ‘Nita.”
Switching the focus off her criminal non compliant fake charity she sent her girlfriend to NY. Did she go too?? And if anyone questions her she'll call them racist. She wanted to be councilMAN but only by saying oh no I'm not interested she got the temporary appointment grooming her girlfriend to take over. Neither of these gals have held paying jobs for years after Anita's 12 brain surgeries and Debi's last job was as a teller at Key Bank in 2000.