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Whiskey IslandRest in Shame, Forever, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party ChairmanSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/16/2007 - 22:27.
I wanted to enjoy and capture a last glimpse of Fall 2007 so stopped by the second most important battleground in the history of the environmental movement in NEO, after Whiskey Island, being the Shaker Lakes Nature Center, above (see full size here). Were it not for 11 exceptional women from Shaker, including REALNEOan Martha Eakin's mother, a seriously crude, corrupt, foolish Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Chairman, former Cuyahoga County Engineer Albert Porter, would have driven freeways through this exact spot in the Shaker Lakes. The scenario is very much like we have in NEO today, with seriously crude, corrupt, foolish political bosses attempting to do seriously crude, corrupt, foolish things to our region, like demolishing the Breuer, over-bridging and retrenching I-90, and likely the "Opportunity Corridor", which is driving far more than 11 exceptional women to take on the latest generation of seriously crude, corrupt, foolish leaders... and, like the Shaker 11, we are winning.
County plan for Whiskey IslandSubmitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 21:38.
Summer 2007—The Cuyahoga County Planning Commission quietly launched a new section on its web site for Whiskey Island, signaling its readiness to move forward with plans to enhance the existing natural areas at the 23-acre eastern end known as Wendy Park. Connections from the city would also be improved with a proposed bike path along the road from
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Join The Inner Circle to Put It On The BallotSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 13:06.
07/27/2007 - 12:30 07/27/2007 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 It is official - "Cuyahoga County commissioners voted 2-1 today to raise the sales tax a quarter of a penny to help bring a Medical Mart to Cleveland." Perhaps you'd like time to think about this more, and the opportunity to vote with other citizens on how you are taxed. Other citizens feel the same and have formed a committee to "Put It On The Ballot"- a grass-roots campaign to collect enough signatures to force the 1/4% sales tax increase to be placed on a ballot. This Friday, July 27, there will be an Excellence Roundtable at The Inner Circle where some of the people involved with this campaign will join a discussion on this issue, from all directions. To learn more about the campaign, visit - you'll certainly read more about this initiative on this site and on REALNEO throughout the coming months. 7GEN (developer of REALNEO) is providing this Drupal site for this initiative, and I look forward to learning more about the campaign and all related issues. Location
The Inner Circle Restaurant, at Hough Bakeries
1519 Lakeview Road
East Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
WINDPOWER ON THE WATER - EDGEWATER INBOUNDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 18:38.
![]() This is a shot taken over the breakwater last Wednesday, July 11, 2007. I thought it would be fun to see it up against Norm's Realneo Header. I'm not sure where Norm's photo was taken - are there any of the same spinnakers in the two photos?
CLEVELAND - RUSH HOUR OUTBOUND OFF EDGEWATERSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 09:27.
Rush hours are abhorrent everywhere (forget inconvenience to us humans - the exhaust is killing the globe), from Boston's SouthEast"Expressway" to the Cleveland Inner Belt and "dead man's curve" (which ODOT will "fix" - right?) to the interstate 5 in LA But here is a view of a rush hour in Cleveland that is really exhilarating.
FUTURE VIEW FROM CLEVELAND'S DIKE 14 - WITH FOOT NOTESSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 16:09.
![]() Actually, this is a view from the Peace Bridge which crosses the Niagara River at Buffalo. The view is through my Greyhound window and shows the (8 – count the blades) Clipper turbines on the huge slag piles of the old Bethlehem Steel mill in Lackawanna. Look how high the slag is over the ice on Lake Erie. The turbine towers are over 300 feet tall, so the slag pile is at least 100 feet high - that's the way we used to do it - just dump our debris in the Great Lakes. Cleveland did that too - Burke Lakefront Airport is on the old City dump.
TOD update from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, GCRTASubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 17:02.
I received an informative email this afternoon from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, about some of their Transit Oriented Development initiatives and vision. It is very exciting to see this as an active subject for discussion and planning here. I am a strong supporter of Transit Oriented Development and consider it the core foundation on which we should rebuild the City of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs. Here is the vision from RTA: ( categories:
Whiskey Island, Lake Erie and in ways Cleveland and NEO at the most beautifulSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/16/2007 - 01:03.
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