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County plan for Whiskey IslandSubmitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 21:38.
Summer 2007—The Cuyahoga County Planning Commission quietly launched a new section on its web site for Whiskey Island, signaling its readiness to move forward with plans to enhance the existing natural areas at the 23-acre eastern end known as Wendy Park. Connections from the city would also be improved with a proposed bike path along the road from
First up is a two-and-a-half acre prairie along the river’s edge of Wendy Park. The grassy hill overlooking the mouth of the
“Before the winter we’re going to plant native Ohio wildflowers, like Milkweed and Aster, to attract the Monarchs, and native grasses which don’t get too tall, like Little Bluestem,” said County Planning’s Jennifer Karaffa, standing on the site of the prairie in the picture above.
Shipping giant Cargill, which leases land on the Port-controlled western end of
Since the county took ownership of Whiskey Island in 2004, it has laid new gravel roads, cleared tons of debris washed up on the shore, turned a scrubby area with dumped debris into a viewing area behind the sand volleyball courts, added a path through the woods, and put a new layer of soil and grass on the hilly area of Wendy Park (which is the burial site of the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium)—spending $362,000 in the process. The county has $100,000 budgeted for capital improvements in 2007.
Just as important as the money is a steady hand at the helm. The county is working to sew up relationships with the city, the Port and others to make its first and only public park a gem along the lakefront. Some tensions still need to be navigated, including a proposal to relocate the Port’s operations on or just off shore from Whiskey Island, but when the county commissioners assured Whiskey Island activist Ed Hauser earlier this year that they’re going to keep the eastern half natural, it signaled a new era in the island (which is actually a peninsula)’s storied past.
Talk to Sunset Grille owner Tim Poole about the stories of yore, and he’ll laugh about
“We had a Haunted Cleveland tour here the other day,” says
Poole’s too busy hosting weddings, Cleveland Plays volleyball leagues, boaters from the marina hanging out at the picnic tables, 5,500 revelers at the annual summer environmental fete Burning River Fest and keeping an eye on his pooch Chase (who chases geese away from customers) to much notice.
The sleeping giant may have finally awoken
Heading west on the Shoreway the first sign of change is right there in green and white—the highway exit sign now reads Edgewater Park and—right below in ODOT reflective letters—“Whiskey Island.” The signs continue as we wind our way down the road past the sewage treatment plant. “Right there,”
New, yes, but fabricated from a sheet of nicely distressed, rusty steel and stainless letters by Wendy Moore’s sister. The sign will point the way down the narrow, two-lane asphalt road lined with a vine-covered fence to the park. Someday this, the only road in, will have a bike path paved the entire length, replacing the fence on the northern side, Thaler promises. It might take a few years, but the wheels are already in motion.
Earlier in the year, Cleveland councilman
When asked about speculation over the long-range plan to have the Cleveland MetroParks own
All the attention and investment in Wendy Park has raised the hopes of saving the U.S. Coast Guard Station, which is attached to
Burning River Festival organizers gave the proceeds of the 2006 event that was held in Wendy Park to the Wendy Park Foundation. The funds are earmarked for Coast Guard Station safety and cosmetic improvements that that you see today, says foundation head Christine Bucknell. These improvements now provide public access to the site during the park operation hours of sunrise to sunset.
Corna and Great Lakes Brewing co-owner, Pat Conway, and former
“We want to make the station a safe place,” says Thaler. “This is our only park. We’re trying to support the county’s sustainability initiative on the ground.”
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Hey, Ed, is there a court case pending on the Huletts?
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Thanks Ed for caring about our future.