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Cleveland Foundation"I think Ohio can be the next Silicon Valley"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 07:20.
"I think Ohio can be the next Silicon Valley", said Cleveland Foundation President and "former head of North American research and development for Panasonic" Ronn Richard, for a November 2007 Cleveland Plain Dealer article titled "German solar company plans HQ in Cleveland". The PD then reported: "For months, the Cleveland Foundation has sent teams to Europe in an effort to sell Ohio to solar and wind turbine companies as the right place to manufacture." Today, less than two years later, the PD reports "IBC Solar to leave Cleveland for San Francisco." "The company has maintained its one-person U.S. headquarters here since February 2008." "Cleveland Foundation President Richard hadn't given up Thursday evening. He was to meet with Buntain today to talk about the company's decision -- and what it will take to keep a presence in Ohio."
"Of course the business community is behind it"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 04:41.
I was quite breathtaken when I scanned the list of contributors to Issue 6 - the NEOCON ploy to restructure Cuyahoga County - published today in the primary communications vehicle for NEOCON 6, the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Disgraced, bankrupt National City Bank contributed $30,000 for Issue 6 - in Federal Bail-out funds, must be. The article reports "The primary authors of Issue 6, County Prosecutor Bill Mason and Parma Heights Mayor Martin Zanotti, lent $5,000 each to the cause."
Plain Dealer Reader Rejection Of Issue 6 Politics Could Cost Plain Dealer Employees $ Millions In PaySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 10/18/2009 - 23:22.
The Cleveland Plain-Plan Dealer has shown remarkable bias in the coverage and promotion of Issue 6 - the NEOCON-created, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor/Off Shore Wind Economy Expert/political insider's-insider Bill Mason-sponsored plan to eliminate Cuyahoga County government, as we know it, and replace it with some lawyerese slight-of-mind proposal for new leadership of our region... aka NEOCON 6.
“It looks like Issue 3 is going down”, says informed Ohioans and Chairman of the Mahoning County Democratic PartySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 10/18/2009 - 00:35.
The Glass City Jungle blog in Toledo seems to be the only media outlet to have picked up on a TruthPAC poll with results showing, as Dave Betras, Chairman of the Mahoning County Democratic Party, says, “It looks like Issue 3 is going down.” Wonder if and when the Plain Plan Dealer will share this insight with its intentionally misinformed readers... hopefully, they read REALNEO as well...
Welcome Ephraim Abdullah, Candidate For East Cleveland City Council Ward 3 - Tell Us Your VisionSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 00:12.
I'm pleased to see a candidate for East Cleveland City Council has joined REALNEO... finally, someone to talk with about politics on the East Side. Welcome, Ephraim Abdullah, Candidate For East Cleveland City Council, Ward 3 - Tell Us Your Vision.
Rick Nagin: a resume of community accomplishmentsSubmitted by talbano on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 10:39.
Rick Nagin for Ward 14
Rick Nagin has years of experience working with people and getting things done.
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Song of the Day: "Anthrax", by Gang of FourSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 09:27.
An anthem for Real NEO today, from the day - vintage Gang of Four performing Anthrax in 1980 - my first year in college - one of the great bands and songs of then and all time. I think the love many of us may feel for this corrosive, punk town is like a case of Anthrax, and that's something I don't want to catch. Read the lyrics below from our context in NEO... concluding "I don't think we're saying there's anything wrong with love, we just don't think that what goes on between two people should be shrouded with mystery." That's REALNEO! Listen, read, and surprise yourself with great music. Gang of Four: Anthrax
Dear Mrs. Crawford, The People Of REALNEO Feel The Following About The Crawford Auto-Aviation MuseumSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/30/2009 - 09:37.
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Cleveland Plain Dealer Reports Either Hiram College or University of Cincinnati Sucks... What About NEO Universities?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/30/2009 - 06:55.
In an article in today's Cleveland Plan (Plain) Dealer titled "Issue 3 will hurt businesses near casinos, group of restaurants, bars says", it is written "The Ohio Licensed Beverage Association commissioned the study by four professors from Hiram College to blow holes in Issue 3, the constitutional amendment on the Nov.
I've Been Told By A Confidant Of East Cleveland Mayor Brewer To Watch Out For RetaliationSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 11:40.
At around 5 PM, on September 23, 2009, WKYC Channel 3 news reported "shocking and disturbing photos, allegedly of incumbent Mayor Eric Brewer, are being circulated in the community, The Investigator Tom Meyer has learned." Photographs that appear to be East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer in woman's clothes, some that are pornographic, have apparently been circulating in East Cleveland for over a year - reportedly many years - and been broadly published by the mainstream media since the 23rd. On the 24th, I was called by one of the mayor's confidants and told to watch out for retaliation. It seems that Mayor Brewer told the confidant he thinks I distributed the pictures of the mayor. I am not the only person being targeted by such paranoid delusions.
Cleveland + Foundation = CIA + Anthrax: Why Is Northeast Ohio's Economic Future Planned With Bush League Intelligence?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 08:12.
Since June, 2003, bio-defense industry world-leader Ronald B. (Ronn) Richard has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Cleveland Foundation, the nation's oldest community foundation. Since January, 2005, Richard has also served as a Director of Emergent BioSolutions Inc., a leading biopharmaceutical company whose marketed product is BioThrax(R) (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed), the only FDA-licensed vaccine available for pre-exposure protection against anthrax infection -
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REAL NEO Citizen Request For Global Investigation Into Pollution In Northeast OhioSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 14:00.
Short-Term Exposure To Fine Particle Air Pollution Can Drive Up High Blood Pressure, Raise Risk Of Heart AttackSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/17/2009 - 02:50.
It recently came to my attention that one of the most serious sources of pollution in Cuyahoga County is literally in my back yard. Less than two kilometers upwind from my home are the coal and natural gas fired external boilers at the power plant shown above, at University Hospitals, operated by Medical Center Company (MCCo), polluting the surrounding neighborhoods since the 1930s.
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The Cleveland Arts Prize CollaborativeSubmitted by abanco on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 13:02.
09/25/2009 - 18:00 09/25/2009 - 22:00 Etc/GMT-4 ®press release - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Location1433 East 33rd Street (one-way off Superior Ave.) Convivium33 Gallery
Cleveland 44114United States
See map: Google Maps
'Your livelihood and your future are meaningless'Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 08:18.
After reading the story in today's, "Owner of razed Cleveland warehouse still fighting city, Precision Environmental over lost vehicles", about a second Frank Giglio in Cleveland - this one on the East Side - named Michael Ayers, who had his property condemned, stolen and destroyed under the direction of the Cleveland Building and Housing Department...
What is your opinion about being under public and private video surveillance without your knowledge or right to accessSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 11:04.
WARD 14: Rocco Oliverio Scholarship Fund for Lincoln West H.S. StudentsSubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 02:06.
Dear REAL NEO, I had an idea to start a scholarship fund in Ward 14 for graduates of Lincoln West High School, honoring Rocco Olivero. I wrote up all the concepts from my experience to motivate and promote civic involvement and inspire community service from our local students.
Hello, this is a great site!Submitted by Jennifer Brunner on Sun, 07/12/2009 - 15:54.
This is a great site. Love to see people coming together innovatively and in a community setting like this. I'm running for the U.S. Senate. You can view my blog at I learned about this site on Twitter ( On FaceBook at Check out my state office's latest initiative, "Better Lives, Better Ohio" at
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Welcome to Real NEO; Open Source Capital of the Brightest Greenest State of EarthSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 13:00.
Over the past 20 years, I've spent most of my "professional" time as an entrepreneur, with world-class expertise conducting multi-dimensional, multi-client relational comparative data and best practice analyses of any aspects of the world's largest and best global enterprises, environments and systems, and developing and consulting on innovations and total quality improvement. This work has generated a wealth of knowledge on large general systems, with a unique expertise in information systems and telecommunications. REALNEO is a product of this highest level expertise, drawn from the best practices of the best organizations on Earth. What REALNEO has developed for Cuyahoga County - what has been generated out of the REALNEO-generated Real Cooperative - takes general systems innovation to a whole new level of making us the brightest greenest place on Earth. So, we really do have a purpose to Cuyahoga County owning the Breuer, and the vision is beautifully expressed in this great rendering above, to be REAL COOP citizen headquarters of the open source capital of this brightest greenest state of Earth.
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Yes, It's Time for Cleveland Bicycle Week!!! Join Us for Cleveland Bicycle Week, May 11-17Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 12:38.
Cleveland Bicycle Week is coming, May 11-17! Join us for Northeast Ohio's biggest gathering of diverse cycling interests and activities, with events all around town!
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Join Us For Meet and Greet Fundraiser to "Restore Cleveland Hope" (501C3 not for profit organization)Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Tue, 03/31/2009 - 16:02.
Please join us on a fundraiser to remind NE Ohio of a progressive past and help reinvigorate a promising future. Prior to the Civil War and emancipation, "Hope" was the code name for Cleveland for emancipating slaves seeking support in the final stop before Canada
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Show Me Your Compost Neo!Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Fri, 03/20/2009 - 00:33.
Environmental Campaign TrainingSubmitted by ohio citizen action on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 14:03.
03/28/2009 - 09:30 03/28/2009 - 16:30 Etc/GMT-4 Are you concerned that your children's health is affected by pollution? Location
Cleveland State University
Euclid Ave. and E. 22nd St. MC 438
Cleveland, OH 44115United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Cleveland Engineering Society Leadership Breakfast SeriesSubmitted by CleveEngSoc on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:51.
05/19/2009 - 07:00 05/19/2009 - 09:00 Etc/GMT-4 Topic: An Economic Forecast for Northeast Ohio Speaker: John Burke, President, Burke Rosen & Associates; Professor Emeritus of Economics, Cleveland State University; Adjunct Professor, John Carroll University Program Sponsorships and tables available. Earn 1 Continuing Professional Development hour. Location: Hilton Garden Inn Cleveland Downtown Location1100 Carnegie Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115United States
(216) 361-3100
See map: Google Maps Cleveland Engineering Society Climate Change Breakfast -- CANCELLEDSubmitted by CleveEngSoc on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:23.
04/29/2009 - 07:00 04/29/2009 - 09:00 Etc/GMT-4 This event has been cancelled. Information about future Climate Change Committee programs is available here: Location1100 Carnegie Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115United States
(216) 361-3100
See map: Google Maps |
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