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Jim Alekson's blogPOLITICAL VOICE FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANASubmitted by Jim Alekson on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 12:16.
In the Real World, Medical Marijuana is a bona fide INDUSTRY. In the World of Politics, Medical Marijuana is looked upon as an ANNOYANCE that Politicians tolerate while condescendingly “patting-on-the-head” and relegating out of Mainstream American Society to the back room ( categories: )
TETRACAN Medical Marijuana PatchSubmitted by Jim Alekson on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 12:10.
Medical Marijuana Delivery Systems LLC and The Medicine Wheel Project LLC have come together to advance, develop and implement (a) the adoption, by Medical Marijuana States, of the controlled dosage TETRACAN United States Patented Medical Marijuana Patc ( categories: )
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