My neighbor the ROBOT
Submitted by lmcshane on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 09:52.
One of my neighbors builds ROBOTS (I won't out you Michael).
 So, what does the future look like for me? Homeland Security just stopped by to check me out. I would rather have the REAL agent, who showed up for our interrogation and relocated here from LA with his family to live next to me (he chose Olmsted Falls).
But Michael, seriously, if you can recommend a good ROBOT, I will take it!
Hey 5Rings thanks for joining US. I just saw the advert for the Paprikash Smackdown in Parma. I wish I could be there tonight, but just had a run-in with a former (current?) Nazi frau at the pool. Naked. Scary. Long story... I've got to lay low for a while.
CP Cook-Off
We had 31 contestants, 270 guests, flowing wine and the best collections of paprikash in Cleveland under one roof. Watch for our next one in 2009!