
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 01/19/2008 - 09:46.

I was very surprised to see our neighbor and friend Kurt Weaver featured in the stodgy, old PD.  I was even more amazed to find out that Steven Litt followed up on the story to reveal Kurt's real thoughts about Cleveland architecture. 

Kurt C. Weaver, AIA
AKW, Inc.
2008 Valentine Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44109
Phone: (216) 749-6223
Fax: (216) 749-1863
Email: akwinc [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
akwinc [at] sbcglobal [dot] net" />

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Don't blink

You don't have to listen to the whole  Kenny Chesney song, but  just  check out the beginning of this video.  From PreservationNation:

Country music star Kenny Chesney features Farnsworth House, a National Trust Historic Site in Illinois, in his video, “Don’t Blink.” Although not identified, it represents the home of a family whose fast living jeopardizes the enjoyment of everyday life (the oft-repeated lyrics “One hundred years goes faster than you think” and “Life goes faster than you think” suggests a potential historic preservation message). Over the past four months, this music video has been viewed nearly one million times, giving tremendous (but anonymous) exposure to a National Trust Historic Site.

– Max van Balgooy