Site Survey for realNEO Brightest Greenest Valley 2
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/21/2010 - 17:31.

Site Survey for realNEO Brightest Greenest Valley Development Properties

Views of Mittal and surrounding property to be converted to brightest greenest economic development, transforming the Cuyahoga River Valley into an Eden.

images 7 and 8 -
(hot iron and hot steam) are they just dumping that shit onto the ground????
It cools there
It cools there - they scoop it up and haul it away
Disrupt IT
Great photos--how did you get this?
Last time Chris took photos in and around Mittal--we received a home visit by the FBI!
By now the FBI should know me
By now the FBI should know me well - by realNEO and for real.
I have a circuit I follow to take visibility shots of the flats and Cleveland, monitoring pollution there - sometimes the view is amazing - I have 1,000s of photos back around there - this is up behind the Sunoco refinery, which I find one of the most frightening sites in town.
The oddest thing is there are high voltage powerlines at head-level here dropping down into Mittal - I almost walked right into them - you can feel the megawatts flowing...
Note how different the visibility looks here... and here... on a very dirty day...
refineries -
for a long time there was a sicky sweet smell permeating Tremont and Duck Island.
This went on for years. It made me crazy nauseous, so even if it was hot and humid, I would shut my windows. It was usually early in the morning. I thought it was the blue silos down on Scranton by Wiley, but one day I decided to follow it.
There is a refinery/dispensary right next to Pat's in the Flats on West 3rd and Literary (yes where Mr. Chiplis was shot). They were the origins of this awful smell. They also spew 20 - 30 (?) foot flames into the air at night. Some sort of something they have at ground level, and the flames are hidden. You have to go back down the street (east) that runs next to Pat's (perpendicular to West 3rd).
truly nasty.
It could be BP polluting Tremont
If you dig a bit into pollution in real NEO you learn there are many coal burning industiral faciltiies around you and the region... look at this engineering site for lists of typical projects in Cleveland and the area... note terms like "low grade coal"... note the universities burning coal... note many polluting facilities owned and operated by BP:
Disrupt IT
And this may explain why our universities are PRO COAL
And this may explain why our universities are PRO COAL and ANTI-REALNEO - anti-Roulet
They all depend on burning coal to maintain the tuition paid by students... and to pay salaries to faculty, staff and administrators... especially those Presidents...
It is the students, faculty, staff and administrators' of Ohio universities' fault real NEO is polluted, and that is the well engineered truth
Disrupt IT
Bit off topic: Remember the Lord of the RIngs scene
Where you see how the evil wizard Sarauman has chopped down trees, dug into the earth, a defacement and desecration of Isengard, making his new breed of orcs to go to war against Rohan? The sixth photo in particular reminds me of that magnificent triology, which still speaks to us today.
Ever since my husband and I
Ever since my husband and I moved here we've always called The Steelyards 'Mordor.' When the big flame is running, especially when it's really dark outside, it looks just like the eye of Sauron.
Go here and you'll see what
Go here and you'll see what I mean:
Now THAT'S extensive documentation of fair use
I wondered if I could post my own screen clip from my DVD and just say something like that so it had attribution. It is SO close to your sixth photo, I'll have to email you a copy.
, thanks for the support!