Solar Conference in Cleveland
Submitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 19:09.

photo by U NO HU
Today Jeff Buster and I attended the free public day of the American Solar Energy Society Conference at the Cleveland Convention Center. It was a fascinating array of gadgets and applications of solar and wind, batteries, generators, inverters, batteries, reflectors and pumps -- even the County energy efficiency guy was there and a representative of the electrician's union who said Cleveland area electricians are keen on seeing incentives drive solar and wind installations in the region. The best news though was heard as we left at the end of the day; Green Energy Ohio's indefatigable Fletcher Miller (on right hand in photo above) was speaking with a (the big) guy from Palo Alto California who had asked why the conference was in Cleveland. Fletcher replied that it was the excitement on the ground and noted that Ohio has more members of ASES than any other state and that the on-the-ground excitement caused the choice of our fair city. It paid off. Fletcher said that the conference had already doubled the number of attendees over last year's conference in Denver--Denver 1,600/Cleveland 3,200. Fletcher also applauded John Funk's coverage in the PD such as Ohio needs an advanced energy policy, Forecast: sun, wind at downtown events and Energy answers in the wind, sun "These two trends, climate destabilization and oil depletion, are matters of science, not conjecture."Bradley Collins,the executive director of the American Solar Energy Society. So here's a shout out to Cleveland and Cuyahoga County and the rest of the state -- let's get busy and get wind and solar going -- the problem was pointed up by a lawyer from the London office of Squire Sanders who specializes in wind turbine installation -- the hold up in Ohio -- no Renewable Portfolio Standard.
What can we do? Call Governor Strickland and tell him that we know that Ohio can generate at least 10-20% from our own wind energy resources within the next decade. Tell him that you hope they will support a Renewable Energy Standard of at least 20% renewable energy by 2020. Here's the phone number -- 614.644.4357. Call weekdays before 5pm.
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Exclusive Coverage of Green Energy Ohio Annual Meeting at ASES
Excellent. I attended the conference as well and was fortunate enough to be granted exclusive access to the 7th GEO Annual Meeting. For an exclusive peek at privy information many had to pay dearly for, look no further than my next blog post, to be posted in refined form no later than the start of Friday morrow's morn.
Link us up Sudhir
Where's the blog spot? Man. Neither Mussel nor i can find it.... Good seeing you at the Inner Circle!
Susan - Agree with SR,
Susan - Agree with SR, great piece. I appreciate the shot of GEO's latest incarnation of their mobile demonstration unit. Looks like it has grown since I saw it last at the earthday party at zee zooO.
PS - I'll call the gov tomorrow! Word.
PSS - SR I cant find your blog post / exclusive peek at info you were privy to.. where dat?
zebra's stripes
I have missed your input on Realneo for a few months. Where the Heck U been?
Best, Jeff
welcome back zebra
I missed you too. I posted your name and linked up your post of the CSO video here on BFD.
muchos gratias for the bfd link up
I have been laying low for a variety of reasons...first and foremost my family has been in laser like focus becaue work has been fast and furious and I keep being sent all over creation to bail out polluto-crats. Getting in tight with the local yocals out my way and ratcheting up support for Great Lakes Bioneers Cleveland as well. Belive me when I say I have memory stick full of photos I want to upload... only one will, can, and MUST make it up. Mr. Buster will especially appreciate the irony... I love the friends of coal and other trade groups. We really do need both sides of the coin you know. Ying and Yang.
PS - I have been lurking in here dam near weekly. just no posting.
NR - when can we talk about soy based inks (and fsc cerfitied stocks) fit to print upon?
will bioneers have an ingenious artful table at Ingenuity?
Maybe we will see you at Ingenuity... or maybe we can take that trip to Portage County so long ago suggested. (Or roll in here for an early evening meet-up with others of like mind on Monday -- details in a private email). I imagine an artful wormy composting thing set to Pink Floyd. OK, I am feeling pessimistic about our fair town this morning and Waiting for the Worms is just too over the top, though sometimes in Corruptland it seems we might need an army of them to compost all the waste we have here. Anyway, I do hope to meet you face to face one day.
Zebra Zinger
Hey ZM good to see a detailed update - and yes, we will prolifically preview, promote and present aspects of the upcoming Bioneers conference at Ingenuity. I have secured Room 101 in Monte Ahuja Hall (Nance Business School at CSU) for showcasing a variety of exhibits and it would be great to have some of your vermicomposting and soy ink expertise included. Also, I'm showcasing a slew of sustainability related amateur art pieces on the walls in and around the exhibits, including my own photography and video clips - so there would be an opportunity for our whole REALNEO team to contribute as well. I sincerely hope this will be the case, as cogent collaboration is certainly my main modus operandi.
Please feel free to submit any amateur art pieces you'd like to present at Ingenuity via PDF if possible, directly to sudhir [at] ingenuitycleveland [dot] com.
Thanks and Peace!
Anolther thing that Fletcher told Susan and me was that this was the best day ever for GEO membership sign ups - 1000 new members!
Now if you check the GEO website, the minimum membership fee is $20 for students and $35 for run of the mill members. That means that GEO signed up about $25,000 in new members today. NORTHEASTOHIO is putting its money down for advanced energy. And hat's off to GEO for making it happen.
Did I get something wrong here? Were memberships on the cuff this afternoon? Fletcher is the perfect teacher/salesperson because his voice projects warmth, enthusiasm and confidence and democratizAtion - all at the same time. He's sincere.
Vermont builds first biogas systems in US
Chronogram published this article by Tracy Risch Photographs by Steve Lobel. Rural Electrification : Is Biogas an Answer to Clean Energy and Suburban Sprawl?
Time to read the works of John and Nancy Todd and Michael Hough, City Form and Natural process--time to start building sustainable communities.
NEO talks, Vermont walks
Thanks Laura. I'm waiting for the day I read someplace important that people from Ohio/NEO are among the leaders in America to explore a technology at some level, instead of "For five days in early June, a ten-person delegation from upstate New York and Vermont visited six farms in Austria, which is a European leader in renewable energy."
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