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East Cleveland Undivided about bridging the digital divideSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 06/16/2006 - 03:38.
(This article was written as a progress report for the East Cleveland newsletter to residents of the city, Greg Williams, son of Hot Sauce Williams Founder Lamond Williams, helping bring surplus computers into the new digital divide bridging center they are helping create at their property in East Cleveland - the awesome, historic former Hough Bakery Complex on Lakeview - where the ongoing REALNEO team is founding an open source incubator for entrepreneurs to help truly jump start the new economy in NEO... at the Star Incubator (the complex was the Star Bakery before it was the Hough Bakery). The City of East Cleveland is leading Northeast Ohio into the new economy by bridging the digital divide. This means the City of East Cleveland is upgrading our internal computer network and services, increasing city bandwidth to the Internet, enhancing our website services, making sure all of our residents who want and need personal computers may have them at home, providing training in some computer programs, and helping residents get access to the Internet at the lowest possible cost or for free. This all provides a "bridge" for residents to go across the "digital divide" to the "new economy". Welcome!
REAL NEO stars Joe Stanley (doing the heavy lifting), Greg Williams and Phil Lane, showing REAL NEO open source economic development in action, in East Cleveland. There is no other community in Northeast Ohio providing such a comprehensive digital divide bridging program for its residents, and it is all made possible through support from the Cleveland Foundation and other supportive organizations and volunteers, at no cost to the city and residents - we've actually received well over $100,000 in foundation supported information technology upgrades, and this will save the city over $10,000 in telecommunications costs in the next year alone, and increase city efficiency and revenues. REAL NEO star Phillip Williams is overseeing new technology deployment for In addition to making the City of East Cleveland more efficient and effective, this program, called East Cleveland Undivided, has already distributed over 70 free, reconditioned laptop and desktop computers to East Cleveland senior citizens and students at Shaw High School, and our volunteers are in the process of preparing 100s more computers for distribution to more residents this summer. By the end of 2006, the City is making certain every resident who wants a computer but cannot afford one will receive a computer and software for free. The free computer program works like this... Local volunteer technology consultants have arranged for large Northeast Ohio businesses and organizations to donate computers to the City of East Cleveland – computer donors have included Progressive Insurance, the Benish Friedlander law firm and Case University. Our volunteers reconfigure the computers with a free operating system called Ubuntu and other free software that is better than commercial software, and all free. The computers are then tested and matched with monitors, keyboards, and mice and given to residents who have shown interest to receive a computer, but are not able to afford purchasing new computers.
REAL NEO Superstars at the Helen S. Brown Senior Services Center teaching each other all they know about computing - intergenerational learing is especailly valuable for learning information technology... the young man is the expert in this room Through the generous support of the Williams family, of Hot Sauce Williams, space and connectivity is being provided for this program in the former Hough Bakery complex on Lakeview, in East Cleveland, where the Inner Circle Restaurant is located. The Williams are also working with the City of East Cleveland and our volunteers to establish a start-up business incubator, community computer training center, digital arts center and Cyber Cafe, bringing the new economy directly to East Cleveland in many new ways. On top of the East Cleveland Sewage and Water Building you'll notice a small square antenna - there is one on each major city building, and the interconnect to enable the high speed East Cleveland eGovernment network and high bandwidth connection with the Internet
The City of East Cleveland is also upgrading our eGovernment network. East Cleveland Chief Information Officer Abulimen Alli is leading the installation of high speed connections to the Internet for all major city facilities, including the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center and the Helen S. Brown Senior Services Center. The Helen S. Brown Center has also upgraded its community computing center, serving our senior citizens, with the help of the MacGregor Foundation. Additional community computing centers are planned in other convenient locations around the community. Of course, the spectacular newly renovated East Cleveland library provides the community with a state of the art computer center, as well. REAL NEO Superstar and City of East Cleveland CIO Abulimen Ali, configunring the network with a network engineer from IBM, which provides the final integration of all systems with the Internet.
The new, wireless, high speed East Cleveland eGovernment Network is being installed right now - you'll now see small square wireless antennas on top of all our major city buildings. The network will allow East Cleveland to offer new information services to staff, citizens and residents. While upgrading its network, the city is upgrading servers and software that help us run our government efficiently, and providing new information services to businesses and residents via the city Internet website and portal, at, which uses a unique, free technology to allow residents to better connect with government. East Cleveland residents make excellent use of the East Cleveland
Looking forward, we are working to extend the internal network out into the community as a wireless "mesh" neighborhood network, offering better high speed connection to the Internet for residents and businesses in East Cleveland. This is one of the first such initiatives in the country, placing the City of East Cleveland and all residents at the forefront of the information revolution. Over the next six months, the City expects to have enough computers processed to distribute 1,000 more desktop and laptop computers to residents, for use at home, and we expect to have several new Internet access options available to residents. Mayor Brewer will keep residents informed of progress on this initiative through our Town Hall meetings, the city website at and via this newsletter. This program has been made possible through the East Cleveland 2010 collaboration between the City of East Cleveland, the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland State University, OneCleveland and computer consultants David Porter, Norm Roulet, Phillip Williams, Ed Hauser and Sudhir Ragupathy, under the leadership of Mayor Brewer and Chief Information Officer Abulimen Alli. For additional information on this comprehensive program, please contact East Cleveland Chief Information Officer Abulimen Alli, found on our website at, by email at abu [at] eastcleveland [dot] org and by calling city hall at 216-681-5020. At the Star Center, REAL NEO STARS Greg Williams, Phillip Williams, Ed Hauser, Lamond Williams and Joe Stanley rest before dozens of computers just brought from Max Hayes High School for reprocessing with Ubuntu and other open source software for distribution back to graduates of the Cleveland Municipal School District Continuing Education Department Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural computer training program - one of the great education programs in the region - this is all volunteer so if you will help get in touch... norm [at] realinks [dot] us
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Congratulations Guys!
It is so inspiring to see the great work you guys drove forward yesterday - and I am so sorry critical appointments yesterday precluded my participation - I can't wait to jump in and join all of you in this effort and the many others which will be upcoming in East Cleveland. You truly are RealNEO stars , making outcomes that really matter happen. As for the rest of the sustainability / community development cadre in the region - take note! We need to pull together a collaborative effort to holistically address those quality of life issues that will continue transform this great community and enhance the quality of life of all its residents. The Digital Divide and Lead Eradication efforts are two areas of high priority already taking shape in the form of transformation-based projects.
does my heart good...
It does my heart good to see this actually happening. So often, all that transpires is a lot of talking, projects are funded, directors are hired, salaries are paid, and then no action--or, worse yet, the public is sold out, the nonprofit and its employees become the most important entities in the equation, and the public interest gets betrayed.
I'm proud to know you guys. I am at your disposal. This looks like the real thing.
Norm Can Do More!
All right, all right...this is great progress, but for a hyper guy like Norm, it doesn't scratch the surface. More..MOre MOORE!
Jeff, you're not talking about that Dan T. III from up the hill, in 44106, are you?
Dan Moore's welcome at the Star
Although I think he has millions of square feet of his own entrepreneurial initiative around NEO, he can be a motivational advisor...
I take your challenge - open source mapping is coming
You're right, Jeff... I'm just getting started. We've been working on putting together a group of open source computing, mapping, GIS, planning, supercomputing and environmental experts to create the ultimate colaboration to start planning NEO well - one intended outcome is planning the independent green republic of East Cleveland - the primary outcome will be eradicating lead poisoning in NEO by 2010. joins Star Inc.
My name is Joseph Stanley, founder of I am very excited about this opportunity to make Star Inc. my home base. As an urban designer and space planner I look forward to working in East Cleveland with the community and civic leaders so that we can create a clear vision for the future of this city and implement it.
your office mates
So, Joe, will you or Norm or somebody be keeping us up to date on your office mates, or co-tenants, or fellow denizens, or whatever you will call all of you assembled over there where once Hough was king?
Join Star Complex community - be a superstar
Just a bunch of new economy superstars saving the planet and humanity. Currently, this is home to all my personal intellectual property and initiatives and good deeds and those of many associates.
Also getting situated here are already many initiatives created and/or driven by a dynamic family of entrepreneurs and our community, including
I know I'm leaving out lots of activities... what else... you see the type of new economy mix we're driving and finding drawn to the Star Complex... innovative leaders of the new economy in technology, art and rich media, planning, design, development, health... and the Star Complex can handle all of that, plus anything one's heart and mind could imagine that fits in a multi-acre, multi-100,000 sq. ft. complex... you get the idea. If you want to part of this family - get in touch with norm [at] realinks [dot] us or phillip [at] realinks [dot] us. Terms are collaborative and cost is low - we'll ask everyone to throw a few bucks a day into a shared account to pay utilities and a bit to the Williams for rent - really struggling entreprenereurs who can't afford to help pay expenses will be welcome and all community members will be expected to work together as a team in peace - you'll have access to space, bandwidth, technology, and a mind-numbing array of other assets, and the coolest group of people I've ever known - no other rules on how this will all work yet so get together with us now and help build your Super Star Complex - be a superstar!
Now Realneo is cooking!
I think the coolest part of all of this is the location. The Williams family members are some of Neo's most admirable entrepreneurs and their building has truly exciting potential for us. Since I found out that they are already outfitted with a professional kitchen, I have nt been able to stop thinking of ways to help them utilize its potential and improve the local cuisine. I know others have exciting ideas for the kitchen too.
Yes, at the Star Complex you can really get cooking