
"Kudos on providing a forum for hatred, racism and trolling. Hope you considered this project a "success""

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/27/2010 - 13:43.

"Kudos on providing a forum for hatred, racism and trolling. Hope you considered this project a "success"" - believelandd. I couldn't say it better myself... this comment by a Cleveland.com reader, posted on Cleveland.com today, condemning the departing "Chief Executive" of the smoke and mirrors PlainDealer/Newhouse's wretched little portal to spam. Hard to calculate anything that has harmed  development of the new economy in Cleveland so much in our history... and so The Chief Executive is being universally trashed in departure.

You've Got To Eat - You Should Eat Healthy - Support Local Food and Peace - Shop for Peace at Food Co-Op

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/27/2010 - 12:54.
05/11/2010 - 09:00
05/11/2010 - 20:00

On May 11th you may benefit three important peace organizations while being smart and local about your foods... simply by grocery shopping. The Food Coop will generously donate a portion of your total bill, on the second Tuesday of every month, to benefit Cleveland Peace Action, InterReligious Task Force on Central America (IRTF), and Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice


The Food Co-op
11702 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH
United States
Phone: (216) 791-3890

If You Love Mi Pueblo and Peace, Dine Out for Peace at Mi Pueblo (West Side location)

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/27/2010 - 12:46.
05/04/2010 - 17:00
05/04/2010 - 21:30

Come and start your Cinco de Mayo celebration one day early with great authentic Mexican cuisine and Dine Out for Peace! Dining Out for Peace continu


12207 Lorain
Cleveland, OH
United States

Dispatch from the Jennifer Brunner Courage Express

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 22:14.

Jennifer Brunner Courage Express

Dear Norm,

I've been traveling Ohio on our silver school bus that we bought on eBay and our supporters named "The Courage Express." What's it like? Well, it's a little bumpy, as school buses are, but it's one of the happiest times of this campaign.

Do Solar Panels Effect Birds And/or Other Animals?

Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 08:27.


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If You Are A "Politician" In Northeast Ohio Not Committed To Lead Poisoning Eradication, You Must Resign

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 05:00.

2008 Lead Poisonings of children in Cuyahoga County, Ohio - do not move here

2008 Lead Poisonings of children in Cuyahoga County, Ohio - do not move here

The Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council has released data on children in the neighborhoods of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs who were tested and documented as lead poisoned in Cuyahoga County in 2008 - about 3,200 of our Cleveland children were KNOWN to be lost to lead poisoning - about 4,000 children poisoned in Cuyahoga County overall. As only a small percentage of our children are actually tested for lead poisoning, the numbers of children in the County lost to lead poisoning is much higher... 1,000s of victims higher.

Cleveland's worst known mass-murderer, Anthony Sowell, is only known to have killed 11 people.... yet that has captured 1000s of inches of pointless newsprint... hours of pointless news coverage... to help nobody.

Jane's Walk Ohio City

Submitted by renato on Sun, 04/25/2010 - 18:35.
05/01/2010 - 13:00
05/01/2010 - 14:30

Come celebrate the life and ideas of Jane Jacobs.  You are invited to Jane's Walk in Ohio City.  Meet some community members interested in celebrating the liveability of our unique neighborhood.  Join us in appreciating historic landmarks .  Contribute your ideas about how to make Ohio City's streets more pedestrian, transit and bike friendly.

We will be walking around the neighborhood and talking about what we see. 

Saturday May 1, 2010.  1 PM. Starting at Market Square Park on W. 25th and Lorain.


Market Square Park
NW corner of Lorain and West 25th
Cleveland, OH
United States

VOTE for Jennifer BRUNNER

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 04/25/2010 - 11:24.

A photo montage of images taken en route to recently meet with Jennifer Brunner. 
The woman who will help us save NEO :)

40 people who are redefining "green"

Submitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 04/24/2010 - 22:13.

One Giant Leap for Greenkind

40 people who are redefining green 

Four decades after the first Earth Day, the circle of people working toward a cleaner, greener world has expanded way beyond treehugging hippies, red-paint-throwing protesters, posturing politicos, and card-carrying members of enviro groups. To mark this milestone, we've found 40 unexpected people who are altering the green landscape.

Question of the Day: Who pays for the unCoolCleveland Dynasty And Why?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/24/2010 - 13:57.

I just stumbled through the stark, ghost-town of Ed-and-Hunter-Morrison-self-promoting formerly George-Nemeth-self-promoting Brewed Fresh Daily land, and over to the neon lights of the glitzy apparently paid product placement based unCoolCleveland dynasty, now featuring original low budget video programming called NEOtropolis... after I finished puking, a lot, I wondered who pays for this unCoolCleveland Dynasty and why? Who really believes such propaganda may be real? Or cool? Or helpful for our economy?

Who really cares whether Sweeney took a bribe or not, considering the state of HIS CITY?!?!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/24/2010 - 09:17.

Interesting to see a man who has been responsible for lead poisoning 1,000s of children - 100,000s throughout his "political career" - now "DEFEND" himself about anything, yet here our Cleveland City Council PRESIDENT proclaims "I am not a crook". SO TYPICAL of our incompetent, irresponsible "leaders" to our deathcamp here.

EPA Announces Start of National Lead-Safe Renovation Program to Protect Children and Pregnant Women

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 20:41.

Home Depot attempts to delay EPA rules protecting children and pregnant women from lead poisoning?!?!

Home Depot uses Ohio U.S. Senator George Victor Voinovich in a failed attempt
to delay EPA rules protecting children and pregnant women from lead poisoning?!?!

Despite the foolish, incompetent, worst efforts of our disgraceful Republican U.S. Senator from Ohio, Genocidal-George Voinovich, who attempted to derail life-protecting lead poisoning prevention measures for America's children and pregnant women - supposedly as a favor to Home Depot, which we should all now boycott for life - I'm pleased to announce:

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that renovations and repairs of pre-1978 housing must now be conducted using safe practices to protect children and pregnant women from exposure to lead-based paint. Almost a million children have elevated blood lead levels as a result of exposure to lead hazards, which can lead to lower intelligence, learning disabilities, and behavior issues. Adults exposed to lead hazards can suffer from high blood pressure and headaches. Children under six years old are most at risk.

“Our lead-safe program will protect children and families from lead-based paint hazards associated with renovation and repair activities in houses built before 1978,” said Steve Owens, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. “This rule requires contractors to follow some simple and effective lead-safe work practices to prevent children’s exposure to dangerous levels of lead. Lead poisoning is completely preventable.”

Social Consciousness

Submitted by lmcshane on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 20:33.

I grew up with pot smoking, strung out babysitters, DDT clouds, the Vietnam War and Ecology Flags...so when Jessica showed me this site, it was a blast from the past.  I can remember coloring in banners for my radical babysitters...we are definitely living in strange times.

Happy Earth Day - Part 2

Submitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 21:28.

Sent to me in an e-mail from a friend...


Land Banking: Helping Blighted Neighborhoods Prosper - Jim Rokakis, Cuyahoga Country Treasurer, at City Club

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 19:37.
04/23/2010 - 12:00
04/23/2010 - 13:30

Land banking is an idea that originated in Ohio, and with the passing of enabling legislation for Ohio, has now become a practice that will help significantly in blighted neighborhoods. There are still many, many foreclosures and walk-aways. Neighborhoods are being decimated, especially inner-city neighborhoods. This policy is being looked at in other parts of the country, and Rokakis has recently made presentations to national groups on the idea.


The City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Ave The City Club Building, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114
United States
Phone: 216-621-0082

What Makes A Natural Disaster Disastrous Enough?

Submitted by Grace Roulet on Sun, 04/18/2010 - 03:21.

In the 2000s, there have been two HUGE international natural disasters that the United States has sent aid for and one that, as far as I know, we have not really helped much. The first of the two the United States has spent millions in aid for is the tsunami in 2004. This disaster was caused by a whopping 9.3 magnitude earthquake that sent a wall of water crashing down on countries in the Indian Ocean. This disaster caused around 184,167 deaths, 125,000 injuries, about 45,725 people to go missing, and around 1.69 million people were displaced.

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Earth Day!

Submitted by Grace Roulet on Sat, 04/17/2010 - 11:15.

Okay so I have a question for you.

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Cuyahoga County Executive Forum w/ Congresswomen Marcia Fudge

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 04/16/2010 - 18:03.
04/17/2010 - 10:00
04/17/2010 - 12:00

Please join Congresswomen Marcia Fudge as she welcomes the candidates who will be running for CUYAHOGA COUNTY EXECUTIVE. In this open forum each candidate will present their platform and field questions from those in attendance. Please come out and let your voice be heard as we move towards a new beginning in Cuyahoga County government.

Saturday April 17, 2010
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

John Adams High School
3817 Martin Luther King Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44105

11th Congressional District Community Caucus



John Adams High School
3817 Martin Luther King Drive
Cleveland, OH 44105
United States

Video of the Day: Christmas Carol Salute To Our Leaders, Before It Is Too Late

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 04/16/2010 - 16:29.

Richard Williams Oscar winning animated version of the Dickens Christmas Classic. Part 4 of 4.

Opening statement in City Club of Cleveland debate by U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 14:27.

I was pleased to see posted on Secretary of State Brunner's campaign for U.S. Senator blog a video provided by the Cleveland Plain Dealer of her opening remarks at the City Club debate, this week. This was the highlight of the entire debate... watch to the end, as she differentiates herself from Fisher - nice to see the PD make this available, including allowing it to be embedded in other sites.

Bloggers for Brunner: Richard T. Andrews Writes "Brunner the Best for Ohio Democrats"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 13:14.

Richard T. Andrews writes an insightful blog called "The Real Deal", which he describes as "Periodic reporting and commentary from Cleveland Heights OH. Primary interests: Cleveland/NEOhio regional public affairs; African American politics, commerce, culture and society; public education; national and international affairs; Cavaliers∫Browns∫Indians." I receive it by email and suggest everyone on realNEO check it out. I strongly agree with his most recent posting "Brunner the Best for Ohio Democrats" and suggest all Ohio voters read through to his posting, which I introduce below:

Weekend Cooling Trend for the Zoo and My New Best Friend

Submitted by fetus1990 on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 21:49.
The Squirrel Slayer.

Earth day's comin'.  It should still be a good day to visit the zoo on Sunday.

Weekend forcast:

Saturday, 49& rain

Sunday, 52&sunny 

Normal high is 57. 

I should model the two days of data to show we're into a global cooling period. 

I was banking on some global warming for a weekend of golf.  Doesn't look good.  Maybe the UN can model warming for next weekend.


Had to post a picture of my new best friend.  RTH


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Question of the Day: Are you "Roundup Ready" or "a modern day hunter gatherer of healthy food"?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 17:58.

In reflecting on the future of the food economy in America, one must understand the role of genetically engineered crops, which have blown-apart food economics and ecology in America and increasingly worldwode since their monopoly-mounted introduction 14 short years ago, driven by Monsanto covering the Earth in Roundup, AKA glyphosate.