Prelude2Cinema becomes a Branded Entertainment Company
Submitted by prelude2cinema on Sat, 04/29/2006 - 12:32.
Digital Movie Company Prelude2Cinema has become a Branded Entertainment Company To explore what that means, we first have to look at what is branded entertainment. First, it looks like product placement, but it is not. It is the integration of a brand into a creative production. The integration must be done in a way that promotes the product, but also allows the creative production to entertain. This is a new field, but yet it has its roots in the beginning of movies and television. Prelude2Cinema first flirted with branded entertainment when it began the TV Series "Out of Darkness." Now the company is still producing the TV Series, but it is also focused on gaining a firm hold in the business of integrating brands into creative productions. For more info on Prelude2Cinema's new direction, visit and download the attached PDF
A Free Midtown Minute
Prelude2Cinema is holding a free offer to help enhance the businesses in Midtown Cleveland using Branded Entertainment. Check out the page and contact us if you are in Midtown.
For more info, go to
Alex P. Michaels
A Branded Entertainment Company
Lunch at Massimo, stay for a TV Shooting
For those who haven't been to the place. It serves an inexpensive but delicious meal in a great atmosphere. The Located in the Historic Forest City Trust Building in Ohio City at 1400 west 25th Streer, Massimo da Milano has been serving Cleveland for over 15 years. Massimo’s resides inside one of Cleveland’s most famous landmark buildings built in 1903. It is also located above the historic subway and has a beautiful view of the city.
Massimo’s is open for lunch Monday-Friday 11:30 AM-2:00 PM. The lunch buffet is $6.95 for dine-in and $3.00 to take out.
So we invite anyone to come and buy lunch at Massimo's and if you stick around past 2pm, we can show you in the background for the shoot.
Get Your Business into the Light
THE SERIES WILL BE RETURNING TO THE AIR JUNE 2006 WITH NEW EPISODES. The Series is currently being viewed by an audience of 130,000 in Ohio at Kent University and Portage County. The TV Series will also play nationally and will also play on a Cleveland TV Station. We plan to purchase some time late night on WOIO for the show. Also we are making use of the web to showcase the show.
Timetable and Sponsorship
Prelude2Cinema is currently shooting the fifth episode of the series and working on gathering a main coporate sponsor to finish the first season of 13 episodes. The Main Coroporate would be included in the entire series in a positive manner that fits into the "reality" of the show.For info about Sponsorship, visit