Operationalizing a six-sphere model, in the name of Community and Economic Development

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 09:47.

As I've mentioned previously, many of my six years with REALNEO to date have been spent in pursuit of a core research question - that economic development and community development can become equated under a frame of quality of life and place enrichment.  This has been proposed previously and backed by many of my theoretical pieces.  Now, as I shift to operationalization of the theory, it becomes more important to request feedback and input from the variously communities I am part of and have quietly worked to help enrich and foster.  I am proud to have designed the holistic, six-sphere top-of-page taxonomy of our website in the interest of fostering this virtual development of community and economy.

In that spirit, I ask that we revisit the following piece, and others can comment or let me know how we can co-creatively and collaboratively foster its proliferaiton toward an enriching local economy.  Thoughts, comments and feedback welcome.  Let's make Cleveland the greatest city on earth, over time!  And spread such benefit regionwide and beyond.