Submitted by ward14resident on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 21:18.
ACORN has been deducting $10 from my checking account for a few years now. In November, 2009 I attempted to contact ACORN to stop the deductions but I have not been able to contact the organization by telephone and my emails have gone unanswered. The $10 deduction has continued since November and it was again deducted from my checking account this month, February. So since November, ACORN as deducted $40 from my account against my will. I even contacted the Better Business Bureau in an attempt to get the deduction stopped, to no avail.
If anyone out there has contact with ACORN please tell them to empty their mailbox to the Cleveland office so they can be contacted, and/or tell them to answer their email. I would like my money back and I would like the deductions from my checking account to stop.
Any help with this will be appreciated. Thanks.
ACORN ,,, Ward14 resident
try sending them a certified letter to this address: 145 Baker Street, Marion, OH 43302 and demand your money back.
c/o National Registered Agents, Inc,,,
A lot of questionable companies are using this address to get their mail.
Other companies using National Registered Agents, Inc to accept their mail:
**ORGANIZATIONS FOR REFORM, NOW, AKA “ACORN” Serve: National Registered Agents, Inc. 145 Baker Street, Marion, Ohio 43302 **
The mail for EZ Access is going to: 145 Baker Street, Marion, OH 43302.
AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE COMPANY, c/o National Registered Agents, 145 Baker Street, Marion, OH 43302
Homeloan USA Corporation C/O National Registered Agents Inc. Statuatory Agent
The Palacian Solutions, LLC was set up 1/7/08 via a National Registered Agents, Inc, agent in Marion, Ohio. The LLC was registered by an Ohio resident.
BANK OF AMERICA COO RATION, c/o National Registered Agents. 145 Baker Street. Marion, Ohio 43302
According to Melody Freeman, an accounting manager with the firm, they are hired to accept the mail, especially anything which came from the state, court documents and mail which came certified in the business name, as well as faxes. The firm would then forward the mail or the fax to Su per her instructions.
"We do not know them nor are we in anyway affiliated with them," Freeman said. "It's crazy because people call us all the time and we have nothing to do with these people."
Also, contact your bank and dispute all of the charges and inform your bank of the problem. The bank can block further transactions from this company.
Good luck,,,,
You made a big mistake
You made a big mistake letting a corrupt organization like ACORN have your account numbers.
I'm not sure exactly how you should deal with this, but you didn't mention going to your bank. Go to your bank and get them to stop any future charges, and ask them to help you deal with the unauthorized thefts ACORN has made from your account.
ACORN is, of course, a completely filthy organization staffed by crooks. So, I wish you luck. But yeah, your bank should easily be able to stop future thefts from your account. Frankly, since that crooked group ACORN has your account number, I'd change the account number ASAP. ACORN is a group staffed by people willing to help child traffickers prostitute little kids, so their employees are not people you want to have access to your account info. Change your account numbers and ask your bank for advice on how to deal with the ACORN thefts from your account. Even if you stop them from stealing further money from your accounts, the fact that anyone at ACORN has your account number should concern you.
Thank you for the
Thank you for the information lmiller and theo669.
I know i made a big mistake now, but when the two ACORN workers came to my house to ask me to join the group it seemed like a worthy organization. They said they were working to get people in the community registered to vote and they were working to help people keep their homes and working for an increase in minimum wage.
My daughter-in-law suggested that I contact Brian Cummins as she believes that one of the men who came to my home to solicit the ACORN organization and who signed me up for the automatic deductions was someone that was also working on Cummins campaign. His name is Chris. I am not sure of his last name. I will have to ask my daughter-in-law.
I wonder how many more people are having money deducted from their accounts and are unable to contact ACORN to stop the deductions?
I will probably have to change my account number at my bank. I did contact my bank and I was told there is a fee to discontinue the automatic deduction and that it only lasts for 6 months. I was hoping that the BBB would be able to resolve the issue without my changing my account, but so far that has not happened.
I won't ever do this again. And I advise others not to fall into the same trap. I was fooled into thinking this was a worthwhile cause and that the organization would help the poor have a voice in politics.
Don't let just anyone do automatic deductions
My wife fell into the same trap with a credit card company - had to pay the bank to cancel the deductions and it only lasts 6 months (love how the banks work for us) - not just Acorn... don't give anyone access to your bank account without your approval - if you want to pay electronically each month you have that option.
Disrupt IT
my husband had AOL making unauthorized deductions for a year.
I find the unfounded disparagement of ACORN sophomoric THEO... but then it IS you, isn't it...
I'm not sure who you have contacted at ACORN but we'd be glad to help solve this. I work for ACORN. You can email me at bkettenring [at] acorn [dot] org.
And despite the relentless assault by conservatives on ACORN, the organization is working every day to improve Ohio and our nation for low- and moderate-income Americans. We are by no means perfect, but the attacks on ACORN in the media cover up the fact that thousands of families in Ohio every day benefit from our work to increase the minimum wage, increase voter participation, and help families stave off foreclosure. Feel free to email me. Yours, Brian
educate us about Acorn, in our community
I'm glad you stepped up, registered, and voted here.
It would be helpful to all cirtizens of NEO for someone from Acorn to be active and vocal in THIS community - educate us about Acorn, in our community, without the filters of conservatives and the mainstream media - we are your people.
Post you events here, share your viewpoints on issues, and help the low and moderate income people who turn to the internet for answers, as we are 1,000s of them here every day.
Disrupt IT
Thank you Brian Kettenring for your reply.
I sent an email to the email address you posted here.
In answer to your question as to whom I have contacted at ACORN I have contacted the following:
I also sent an email to this email address:
And I emailed the National ACORN office in LA at this email address: laacornbr [at] acorn [dot] org
I even contacted the BBB.
But, the $10 membership fee continues to be deducted from my checking account.
I want to discontinue my membership with ACORN and discontinue the deduction of the $10 membership from my checking account with US Bank. Also, I want to be reimbursed the $40 that has been deducted since I first attempted to contact ACORN in November, 2009.
Thank you.
Well, it is March 1,
Well, it is March 1, 2010. We will see if ACORN will collect the $10 from my checking account this month or not.
I found an article recently about the ACORN in New York. It seems as though it is reorganizing under a different name there. Here is the link to the article if anyone is interested:
Well, ACORN collected money from my bank account again in March. I sent a letter to Brian Kettenring again via email. I also posted a comment on It looks like I will have to dispute this deduction from my account with my bank. There is still no answer at the Cleveland office for ACORN and there is no way to leave a message by phone because the mail box has been full since October.
I read earlier this week that ACORN is filing for bankruptcy. Too bad, I had hoped that they would recover and rebound. Maybe you should just close the account as it is hard to dispute this e-payment stuff. You are paying out more than new checks will cost, and since, at this point, they are shuttered, it doesn't really benefit them. It is a hassle to do, though.
I sent you an e-mail with a list of plants to consider for this spring. They are perennials so once they are in and established, they will come back every year without much effort. All are good for the bees and butterflies. We will need to transplant in a month, depending on the weather. So get out your pencil and paper, and plot out where you want them. Spring has arrived.
Dwebb, Thank you. I am not
Dwebb, Thank you.
I am not sure I will have much of a garden this year as my granddaughter is living with me and she has a young dog that does not respect a garden. But, I do have a place for flowers in the front yard and the dog does not go there. The front is shady during the morning and gets the evening sun.
I haven't read your email yet. I will read it now.
Thanks for thinking of me.
You are welcome. Think height now, how tall do you want in the front? We could do staggered with the shortest in the front. It depends too on how close we can plant to your house. How much space do you think we have to work with?
What is there now? How is the soil? I experiminted with compost last year. There is the larger on going one that I emptied out two years ago for use than refilled with material. Then I started a very small one that I selectively put certain "waste" in and tracked the worm population. The worms loved it, and some were large enough to almost be called snakes. That compost is ready to use, and we can make a tea to use when transplanting. It will ease transplant shock.
In the backyard, you could do sunflowers in the corner with some type of small protection against the dog. Of course, he will probably pee on them and kill them, but that is what dogs do.
Dwebb, I didn't find your
Dwebb, I didn't find your email in my mailbox. I must have missed it and deleted it.
I have a small front yard. I have about 2 feet in depth in the front that I use to plant flowers, and about 4 feet wide. I had wildflowers out there last year; my kids hated them and when Rebuilding Together Cleveland painted my house last year they used that as an opportunity to remove all of them. Right now, looking at my house from the street, I have a boxwood bush on the left side of the walkway leading to the front door and an old rose bush that has been cut way back on the right side. I had some irises growing there and a couple of daffodils and tulips but they don't look like they are coming up this year. I'm not too picky. Whatever you might have to spare I would appreciate.
In the back yard I planted a raspberry bush a few years ago. My young grandson and I planted it together. He planted one in his yard too. It has taken up a good bit of space, but the raspberries sure tasted great last summer. I hope they grow again this year. I also have two apple trees that need pruning. In the back along the fence I have two large evergreens and some arbor vitae and some other evergreen bushes and two tall grasses. This was done in an attempt to block out the noise and the pollution from the freeway traffic. It is not a well landscaped yard, more like whatever nature decides to do I accept, for the most part.
We usually plant vegetables in the back but probably won't do that this year because of the dog, unless I try container gardening for a few tomato plants.
Of the annuals I have tried in the front yard Impatiens did well. Plants that need full time sun don't do too well there as it only gets full sun in the afternoon since it faces North.
I think it will be fun to put some perennials in the front. You will have to teach me how to care for them so they don't get overgrown. I'm used to annuals that just die off at the end of the season (except for the irises and the evergreens).
I don't think the height matters too much. Your suggestion of layering heights sounds good, but remember there is not too much space to work with.
I will find the e-mail and resend it so that you can look at the list. I have daffodils to give away but we will have to do those in the fall.
I have finally reached someone at ACORN that was able to stop the deductions from my checking account and cancel my membership. I found out that ACORN is no longer in business in Ohio and that they have changed their name to ACORN International. It took me 6 months to stop the deductions.
This is the person that was finally able to stop the deductions.
Liz Wolff lwolff [at] ccioms [dot] org