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Social ConsciousnessEast Cleveland looking for help with planning RECYCLING!!!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 00:38.
I had the pleasure of joining a group of East Cleveland residents of Ward 2 (the neighborhood nearest to University Circle), hosted by Ward 2 Councilwoman Barbara Thomas, where she gave citizens the opportunity to discuss their issues and seek insight and solutions - one of the things I love about East Cleveland is this small-town form of government... you need to experience it. One topic was trash, and that led to recycling, and I know realneo members love that! So... who wants to plan some more recycling?
BBQ to celebrate the West 28th Street Murals project by local artist Emily Acita!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 18:21.
07/31/2006 - 18:00 07/31/2006 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-4
Please join us for a BBQ to celebrate the West 28th Street Murals project by WHEN: Monday, July 31, 2006 at 6:00 pm Location
West 28th Street underpass
Located between Detroit Avenue and Washington Avenue
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories: )
Does real NEO have any Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/22/2006 - 15:07.
What are your principles? How about the following: 1. Attack poverty and world hunger as if our life depends on it. It does. Taste of Tremont: Morrison Dance Street PerformanceSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/22/2006 - 11:40.
07/23/2006 - 13:30 07/23/2006 - 15:00 Etc/GMT-4
Fourth Annual Taste of Tremont street festival! Bring the family and lawn chairs to enjoy a day of music, art and sampling the cuisines of all your favorite Tremont restaurants. Admission Free July 23, 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM MorrisonDance photos posted on flickr click here for a wonderful history of BUSKING Location
Taste of Tremont
Professor Street between Fairfield and College Tremont
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Continuing saga of Peter Holmes and Jones Day against real NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 12:01.
NEW PHONE NUMBER FOR NORM ROULET AT REALNEO IS 1-216-212-1540 Please be advised that, because of the ongoing psychotic behavior of my former partner Peter Holmes, enabled by the unprofessional behavior of his law firm Jones Day, it has not been possible to maintain the previous REALinks, LLC, cell phone service for Sudhir Raghupathy and myself, which it appears Peter Holmes has had in his personal name. Only Peter Holmes may transfer Sudhir's and my numbers, after he pays $332.11 owed to Cingular on his account. For the time being, my number at 216-534-1732 and Sudhor's number at 1-216-534-8628 are not in service. Peter Holmes also has not paid the staff what he agreed to provide them as of June 9, 2006, almost two months ago, and Peter Holmes has not proceeded in good faith to make arrangements for the transition of financial and legal documents necessary for continuity of operations without him. This disruption of phone service for Sudhir Raghupathy is especially unfortunate for NEO, as Sudhir has been supporting the Voices and Choices initiative for the betterment of Northeast Ohio, funded by the Fund For Our Economic Future, and so Peter's latest act of aggession does harm to the entire region and all the foundations of Northeast Ohio. Commuting costs for 1 year of driving may equal cost for decades of public transportation, per personSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 22:47.
I found the following very insightful commuting cost calculator via urban planner Scott Muscatello's cool "Cleveland vs. The World" blog. It takes into account much more than your $3.00 per gallon gas, as you'll see listed below - I don't drive to commute or own a car so I don't have these costs nor do I cost society for any of this... what about you... l commuting cost calculator? If you live in Westlake and commute daily downtown (around 35 miles roundtrip), and tool around another 10 miles roundtrip per day (annual driving of around 16,500 miles) the cost to you and the world is around $20,000 per year. If you communte 100 miles roundtrip a day, like a friend of mine in Medina, and tool another 20 miles per day, you drive around 33,000 miles per year and the cost to all, including you is average $40,000. I can get RTA all day pases at $3 per day every day for around 36 years, for that. What does your car-based lifestyle cost you and society?
Suggestions for navigating REALNEO contentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 23:58.
As real NEO is a huge place, with years of content or every sort on a broad range of subjects from 100s of sources, I thought I'd share some of my experiences navigating this community. First off, remember you can simply "Search" the site for any keyword... go to SEARCH here. If I'm browsing rather than searching, the first thing I check out is the center column of recent posts to see what's new - always surprising. Then, I watch the blocks... in the right margin top are comments - those are always fascinating, and I like to interact with the other members here. Then we have today's popular content, and below that is especially revealing... "Last Viewed". REALNEO transition and transformation have begunSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 04:08.
It is time for major transformation and transition for REALNEO, and I invite you to help make that happen. REALNEO is a free open source software (FOSS) social computing environment developed by a collaboration of members, and they own their information, and maintain a copyright in all their postings on this site. At this time, there are 100s of members and 1,000s of postings, and 1,0000s of comments, representing significant intellectual property of lasting value on the Internet and to this community, in every context. I launched REALNEO in October, 2004, and many people have been instrumental in developing value here. It has always been the understanding in this community that REALNEO would reside in the public domain and operate as or within a non-profit entity. At this time the ownership of the tradename REALNEO must be transferred to the public, and it is well past time for REALNEO.US to move to a sustainable technical and social platform. I am open to all partners interested to lead future development of REALNEO, and there are many reasons this will be an exciting process. Poet of the Day: Dylan ThomasSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 02:59.
His last words were: "After 39 years, this is all I've done".
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Listening to music can reduce chronic pain and depressionSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 18:17.
This is significant, from the Case University News Center: Listening to music can reduce chronic pain by up to 21 percent and depression by up to 25 percent, according to research published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing by Sandra L. Siedlecki, a nurse researcher at the Cleveland Clinic. Siedlecki collaborated with and used tapes from previous pain studies by Marion Good, professor of nursing at Case Western Reserve University's Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. Siedlecki and Good found that listening to music can also make people feel more in control of their pain and less disabled by their condition.
Star complex from aboveSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 15:11.
The city of East Cleveland, "Home of the World's First Billionaire", John D. Rockefeller, is the first and historically the finest residential neighborhood of Cleveland. Still having remarkable historic landmark building stock, the city was a victim of "white flight", in the 1960's-1990's, that is just now seeing an enlightened, progressive correction, driven by good government, largely intact historic assests, like the Star complex, and optimal proximity to the best Northeast Ohio has to offer. It has always been desirable for close, convenient access to the core economy of Cleveland, the cultural and enlightenment "garden" of University Circle, rail and public transit everywhere, and nearness to and fresh breezes from Lake Erie. As the economy shifts to a new economy, focused on livable urban neighborhoods with great public transil and walkable assets, East Cleveland is at the Heart of it all, and the Star Complex is at the heart of that enlightened new urban movement. Star complex has unique historic character to be preservedSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 05:42.
The most prominent architectural element of the Star Complex is the glazed terra cotta facade of the original bakery building, with some lovely decorative elements including a repeating star motif, that is also integrated in surprising ways throughout the main building of the complex (including star brick detailing on square smoke stack and even stars on the metal steps). The most striking detailing is around the front doors of this building, built on the front property line facing Lakeview Road.
Be REAL: Leftist, environmental groups figure out sustainable businessesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/16/2006 - 13:11.
What could possibly make NEO a Green City by a Blue Lake? Rewriting our propagandist "history" to be true through today, and teaching and learning from that, ruthlessly defending our "environment", celebrating progressive "politics", restructuring "education" to truly focus on social responsibility, inspiring "innovation" through creative people and management practices, promoting "finance" for progressive businesses and practices, embracing "spirituality" found in liberal religions and non-Western thought, and recruiting and building "critical mass" of like minded people who embrace all of that. What, why, how... several years ago I referenced this article on CAUSE and it still reads true and offers insight for NEO forever... and feel free to post suggestions as comments here. Rob Hawkins... REALinks, LLC, CIO and devoid of Responsibility, Loyalty, or ConsiderationSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 20:22.
Now that I must waste much of my time and energy preparing to sue Robert "Okihawk"/:NEOhawk" Hawkins I must conduct discovery determining the many ways to diverted business from his employer, REALinks, LLC, and acted against all stakeholders. One place where his record is told is on REALNEO, and so I am preserving his strings of inputs here. Peter Holmes registers REALNEO in his name, at his home addressSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 16:50.
On February 21, 2006, Peter Holmes fraudulently received a trademark for my intellectual property REALNEO in his name as an individual, at his home address - see entry below and go here to search yourself. The following day, February 22, 2006, Peter Holmes participated with REALinks, LLC, chief technologist Rob Hawkins in formation of a new company called 315 Caxton, LLC, to compete against REALinks, LLC, functionally diverting the intellectual property of REALNEO and the business opportunity of REALinks, LLC, to a new enterprise and new partners, clearly with intent to bankrupt REALinks, LLC, and harm all staff and stakeholders. Rob Hawkins formed 315 Caxton, LLC, with Peter's long-standing friends Rick Decosky, the Chief Finanical Officer, who personally signed the articles of Incorporation for 315 Caxton, LLC, and February 22, 2006, with William Tuttle designated on the 315 Caxton, LLC, website as CEO, Rob Hawkins designated as COO, and with "Blair Whidden... the penultimate networker, able to bring in further outside expertise when it is identified", whatever that means. Peter has admitted he provided funds to William Tuttle, and Peter funded 315 Caxton, LLC, staff to establish this operation in competition with REALinks, LLC. funding from Peter Holmes, to divert all assets and opportunities from REALinks, LLC, to a new company formed on February 22, 2006 and registered with the Secretary of State of Ohio on February 27, 2006, as 315 Caxton, LLC.
Real NEO new economy began with tribes: the origins of REALNEO.USSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 14:52.
The origins of REALNEO.US live at where I first organized this revolution, while I was based in Northern California and fighting to help the real NEO economy from afar. Read the manifesto that was the CAUSE for REALNEO.US below... the very first copy sent to my friend and co-conspirator with REALNEO.US, Louis Carl Edwards, via on December 21, 2003 at 4:19 AM, West Coast time: ( categories:
Beyond Scarcity: A New Story for American CapitalismSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 14:32.
I've spoken to real estate, planning and economic development professionals in NEO about the false assumptions used for all planning in NEO, which take the position our economy is based on and driven by scarcity. We hear all day, every day, from the Plain Dealer to the Cleveland Planning Commission, that we have scarce resources here and must play every Joker and wild card we may to create value, in quiet crisis. I take the opposite viewpoint, that we have abundant resources here - plenty of excellent land and historical infrastructure, wealth and intellectual property - what I see as scare is effective leadership - and what leadership claims control is feudal and greedy. No doubt, that we are a place of environmental crises hampers growth of our economy, and scarcity of environmental activism slows our movement to a new economy, but in the seven generation context of real social change, we are in a strong position of abundant natural and human resources that may have great value forever, if not destroyed by current ineffective leadership decisions like poisoning our air and water, and neglecting public health and so education. For a conceptual overview of scarcity vs. abundance in economics, read on: Work for a newspaper online is not covered by jurisdictional clauses which cover newspaper workSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 10:17.
For those who find interesting the issues of newspapers versus internet based news, even when provided by the same organization - like the Cleveland Plain Dealer and are both owned by Advance Communications - Jones Day was able to arbitrate that the on-line product workers were not covered by union contracts negotiated for the newspaper product - I believe the Plain Dealer if set up the same way... ( categories: )
Jones Day - Services - Distressed Mergers & Acquisitions - ExperienceSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 09:38.
Client(s): International Steel Group Inc. (n/k/a Mittal Steel)Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 09:21.
NOLA lessons for NEO: The Center for Public Service is guided by the following values:Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 08:33.
Center for Public Service History Public Service at Tulane has a long and rich history. Faculty, staff, and student members have been actively engaged in civic and research activities that link Tulane with communities outside of the university. These partnerships have run the gamut of experiences from as near as the university's immediate neighbors in New Orleans to partners in other countries. In the past these initiatives have included faculty-driven programs such as Academic Service Learning and research, student-initiated community service, and staff-supervised community activities.
Art of the Day: Steve CaganSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 20:57.
Copyright © 2005 by Steve Cagan. All rights reserved. Reservados todos los derechos. I'm a big photography fan and the photographer who best captures Cleveland and has the voice I find most powerful here is Steve Cagan, who recently showed work of local steelworkers at the CSU gallery and had work in the NEO 2005 exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art - his bio there is:
Steve Cagan Poet of the day: d.a.levySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 16:13.
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Hating Jones Day today: because I'm too young to dieSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 17:21.
Until a few days ago, I smoked steadily for the past 18 years... at a pack a day, that represents about 6570 packs... 131,400 or so nails in my coffin, at a lifetime cost of around $25,000. If I have cancer as a result, the cost to myself, family and society will be much higher. Now that I am working through withdrawal from addiction to smoking, it is a good time to hate all those who are responsible for the fact anyone in my lifetime has smoked at all, and that over the next 100 years a billion people will die as a result. Hate them all... spit on their graves... from Jesse Helms ("Washington's Number One Guardian of the Health of the Cigarette Industry") to the Marlboro Man (several, actually, who died of cancer) and so many potentially good farmers made wretched in government subsidy and greed by evil industry, politics and lawyers. The only real winners from that misfortune are the greatest losers in NEO, Jones Day, who make ungodly money to kill smokers with strategies like: "The key defense strategy in smoking and health litigation is (and must be) to try the plaintiff."
EPA Region 5 awards $125,000 grant to Cleveland to prevent childhood lead poisoningSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 14:36.
This is excellent news, as the best place to prevent lead poisoning is with the mother, before the child. This will fund an excellent program to grow as part of the comprehensive GCLAC solution set to make Cleveland a "Great City".
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