Police Complaint Filed Against RealNeo For Hate Crimes And Using The Word Nigger To Hope To Promote Violence And To Harass

Submitted by JournalistKathy... on Thu, 08/25/2011 - 13:16.
The complaint has been lodged with the University Hts Police Chief and is retaliation for a complaint of mortgage fraud,
33% (1 vote)
RealNeo has said it will use the word nigger in as many front page articles as it can because it wants to incite a riot.
33% (1 vote)
An investigation has been lodged at the county prosecutors office against Lily Miller were she works over this activity
0% (0 votes)
RealNeo has promised to promote as many polls and articles it can with the word nigger in it to intimidate Blacks
0% (0 votes)
We now again call for Miller to be fired since she has caused RealNeo to repeatedly brand us niggers
33% (1 vote)
Total votes: 3
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