Windmill Design Entry - Max Hays Science Fair
Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Sun, 02/04/2007 - 21:41.
 When I saw this windmill made of hopefully reused cafeteria supplies I immediately knew it had to be posted up with the rest of the windmill wonderment on RealNeo.
Thanks RealNEO for giving a local home to windmill pr0n of all sizes and flavors!
Ok on a serious note... there were serious undercurrents of heightened awareness regarding the environment at the Max Hayes annual science fair.
Photos from lots of entries are up on the BSI blog.
Can we design best wind strategy for NEO
Very cool write-up on the science fair at
Now about our wind discussions - can we take this to the action level. Could a few of our wind thinkers work together to devise a strategy for wind in the region - then run it buy some more energy experts for sign-off - then share it with the industry, gov. leaders and foundations and get going with it. If we're going to do it (whatever it is), let's do it. What is the mission?
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