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One World Day in the Cultural GardensSubmitted by Jeff Schuler on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 00:35.
09/20/2009 - 14:30 09/20/2009 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 Be part of another great time at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens in Rockefeller Park, Cleveland on Sunday, September 20, 2009 when Cleveland’s Polish community hosts the 2009 One World Day in the Polish Cultural Garden at East Blvd and St. Clair Avenue. At 2:30 PM, line-up for the colorful parade of nationality groups, in costume, followed by the always inspiring , citizenship ceremony for new immigrants at 3:20 PM. You’ll be amazed at where they come from as well as happy to share in their joy, and that of their families, when they become American citizens. Music and nationality foods have always been a popular part of this event and no doubt you’d agree. Two Polish folk dance troupes and Czech music making will be featured this year. Polish food from Slavic Village’s Seven Roses Delicatessen will be on sale Better yet, here’ s your chance to see not only the impressive Polish Cultural Garden with its fountain and cultural icons, but surrounding Gardens and their unique blend of landscaping, cultural figures and fountains as well. Parking is free and easily accessible on East Blvd and St. Clair Avenue. Entrance to this event is free and open to the public. Spend an afternoon at one of Cleveland’s unique events, in an internationally famous Gardens. For details and further information, contact either Gary Kotlarsic at <gkotlarsic [at] sbcglobal [dot] net> or Glen Sobola at <285orchids [at] copper [dot] net> Location
Polish Cultural Garden
St. Clair Ave and East Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44103United States
See map: Google Maps
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two wheels, uma volta só
...there's talk of a bike ride attached...
Polish Garden today--promises to be beautiful
Will there be REALNEO coverage?
I am going to try and do it...Ohio City Bicycle Co-op is leading a group of cyclists today(?) leaving their shop at 2:30 p.m., but call first around 1ish...knowing Jim :) If I can go--I will most likely take the train to University Circle and ride my bike from there--I don't want to miss the parade part, which starts at 2:30 p.m.
One World Day:
Sunday, September 20
Post Author: Bill Jones
Be part of another great time at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens in Rockefeller Park, Cleveland on Sunday, September 20, 2009 when Cleveland’s Polish community hosts the 2009 One World Day in the Polish Cultural Garden at East Blvd and St. Clair Avenue.
At 2:30 PM, line-up for the colorful parade of nationality groups, in costume, followed by the always inspiring , citizenship ceremony for new immigrants at 3:20 PM. You’ll be amazed at where they come from as well as happy to share in their joy, and that of their families, when they become American citizens.
Music and nationality foods have always been a popular part of this event and no doubt you’d agree. Two Polish folk dance troupes and Czech music making will be featured this year. Polish food from Slavic Village’s Seven Roses Delicatessen will be on sale
Better yet, here’ s your chance to see not only the impressive Polish Cultural Garden with its fountain and cultural icons, but surrounding Gardens and their unique blend of landscaping, cultural figures and fountains as well.
Parking is free and easily accessible on East Blvd and St. Clair Avenue. Entrance to this event is free and open to the public.
Spend an afternoon at one of Cleveland’s unique events, in an internationally famous Gardens.
For details and further information, contact either Gary Kotlarsic at <gkotlarsic [at] sbcglobal [dot] net> or Glen Sobola at 285orchids [at] copper [dot] net